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BMIS-Nov-2024-L1-Q3a- Arguments Against Maximizing Shareholder Wealth Through Rational Strategic Planning

This question discusses arguments against the notion that a company should focus solely on maximizing shareholder wealth through rational strategic planning.

A company should make rational strategic plans with the aim of maximising the wealth of its equity shareholders.”

Explain the arguments against the above statement.

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FM – May 2021 – L3 – Q3 – Ethical Issues in Financial Management

Discuss non-financial and ethical issues affecting financial objectives and outline financial objectives in not-for-profit organizations.


a. Discuss and provide examples of the types of non-financial, ethical, and environmental issues that might influence the objectives of companies. Consider the impact of these non-financial, ethical, and environmental issues on the achievement of primary financial objectives such as the maximisation of shareholder wealth. (12 Marks)

b. Discuss generally, the nature of the financial objectives that may be set in a not-for-profit organisation such as a charity or a hospital. (8 Marks)

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FM – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q7 – Financing Decisions and Capital Markets

Analyze the effects of a 1-for-5 rights issue for James Obasi plc, calculate theoretical ex-rights price, and assess investor options and impacts.

James Obasi plc, a medium-sized drone manufacturing firm, is considering a 1-for-5 rights issue at a 15% discount to the current market price of N4.00 per share. Expected issue costs are N2 million, payable from the funds raised. The proceeds from the rights issue will be used to redeem some of the company’s existing bonds at par.

Financial Information:

Statement of Financial Position (N’000):


a. Ignoring issue costs and any use of the funds raised by the rights issue, calculate: i. The theoretical ex-rights price per share. ii. The value of rights per existing share. (4 Marks)

b. Identify the alternative actions available to an owner of 1,500 shares in James Obasi plc concerning the rights issue and determine the effect of each action on the investor’s wealth. (6 Marks)

c. Calculate the current earnings per share and the revised earnings per share if the rights issue funds are used to redeem some of the existing bonds.
(5 Marks)

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FM – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q5 – Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Management

Analyze criteria for setting objectives in public and private sectors, addressing stakeholder needs and potential consequences of unmet objectives.

a. Ibile is a local government entity financed approximately equally by central government funding and local taxation. The central government funding allocation is primarily determined on a per capita basis, adjusted for the level of deprivation or special needs within Ibile’s region. A small portion of Ibile’s revenue comes from the private sector, such as renting out City Hall for private events.

Ibile’s Main Objectives:

  • Enhance the region’s economic prosperity and attractiveness as a place to live and work.
  • Provide service excellence in health and education for the local community.

b. Layo is a large, publicly listed entity with extensive commercial and geographical interests. It has historically established its headquarters in Ibile’s region, which is unusual for a company of its size, as such entities typically base their HQ in a capital or major city.

Layo’s Main Objectives:

  • Financial: Achieve an average annual increase of 10% in shareholder wealth.
  • Non-Financial: Maintain favorable treatment of various stakeholders, including local communities where it operates.

Layo’s total net assets are valued at ₦1.5 billion with a gearing ratio of 45% (debt to debt plus equity), consistent with industry norms. The company is currently exploring options to raise significant capital to fund an acquisition.


Discuss the criteria that each entity (Ibile and Layo) must consider when setting objectives, taking into account the needs of their main stakeholder groups. Reference the consequences each might face if it fails to achieve its stated objectives.

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FM – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q4 – Corporate Governance and Financial Strategy

Assess LL's corporate objectives, the finance director's view, and treasury strategies within a low-interest economic environment.

Leye Limited (LL) is a privately-owned toy manufacturer in Nigeria, operating internationally as both a supplier and a customer. While privately owned, LL’s revenue and asset base are comparable to some publicly listed companies. It has numerous shareholders but has no plans for public listing. Major shareholders have expressed an interest in buying out smaller investors.

LL has a strong history of profitability, which satisfies both directors and shareholders. They avoid strategies that increase risk significantly, such as acquisitions or overseas manufacturing setups, accepting a comparatively lower growth rate than competitors.

The company’s capital structure is composed of 70% equity and 30% debt (based on book values), with debt comprising secured and unsecured bonds carrying interest rates between 7% and 8.5%, maturing in 5 to 10 years. In a low-inflation and potentially declining interest rate environment, the company treasurer is exploring refinancing options.

LL’s primary financial objective is annual dividend growth, with a non-financial objective of treating all stakeholders with fairness and equality. The Board is currently reassessing these objectives. While the new Finance Director advocates for shareholder wealth maximization as the sole objective, other directors favor a balanced approach, including goals such as profit after tax, return on investment, and operational performance improvements.


a. Evaluate the appropriateness of LL’s current objectives and the Finance Director’s suggestion. Discuss the issues the Board should consider in setting new corporate objectives, concluding with a recommendation. (10 Marks)

b. Discuss factors the treasury department should consider when formulating financing or refinancing strategies in the given economic context. Explain how these factors might influence the determination of corporate objectives. (10 Marks)

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FM – Nov 2018 – L3 – Q4 – Strategic Performance Measurement

Evaluate Yemi John Plc’s financial performance and analyze financing options for expansion in line with shareholder wealth and earnings growth.

Yemi John Plc. (YJ) is planning to raise N30 million in new finance for a major expansion of its existing business and is considering a rights issue, a placing, or an issue of bonds. The corporate objectives of YJ, as stated in its annual report, are to maximize the wealth of its shareholders and to achieve continuous growth in earnings per share. Recent financial information on YJ is as follows:

Year 2017 2016 2015 2014
Turnover (Nm) 28.0 24.0 19.1 16.8
Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) (Nm) 9.8 8.5 7.5 6.8
Profit after tax (PAT) (Nm) 5.5 4.7 4.1 3.6
Dividends (Nm) 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.6
Ordinary shares (Nm) 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Reserves (Nm) 13.7 10.4 7.6 5.1
8% Bonds, redeemable 2024 (Nm) 20 20 20 20
Share price (N) 8.64 5.74 3.35 2.67

The par value of the shares of YJ is N1.00 per share. The general level of inflation has averaged 4% per year in the period under consideration. The bonds of YJ are currently trading at their par value of N100. The values for the business sector of YJ are as follows:

  • Average return on capital employed: 25%
  • Average return on shareholders’ fund: 20%
  • Average interest coverage: 20 times
  • Average debt/equity ratio (market value basis): 50%
  • Return predicted by the capital asset pricing model: 14%

EBIT/closing total capital employed


a. Evaluate the financial performance of YJ, analyzing and discussing the extent to which the company has achieved its stated objectives of:
i. maximizing the wealth of its shareholders; and
ii. achieving continuous growth in earnings per share. (13 Marks)

Note: Up to 8 marks are available for financial analysis.

b. Analyze and discuss the relative merits of a rights issue, a placing, and an issue of bonds as ways of raising finance for the expansion. (7 Marks)

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BMF – May 2018 – L1 – SB – Q5a – Basics of Business Finance and Financial Markets

Discusses weaknesses of commonly-used corporate financial objectives.

Corporate financial objectives may be expressed as maximizing shareholders’ wealth, as well as profit or growth in earnings. State and explain briefly the weaknesses of THREE commonly-used corporate financial objectives.

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AFM – Nov 2016 – L3 – Q1b – Business reorganisation | Valuation of acquisitions and mergers

Calculate and analyze the effects of a proposed spin-off on shareholder wealth and discuss reasons and disadvantages of a spin-off.

Last Chance Limited operates various manufacturing and retail operations throughout Ghana and has 400 million GH¢0.25 ordinary shares in issue. For the year that has just ended, the directors reported total after-tax profits of GH¢300 million and the P/E ratio of the company is 11.4 times.

The company has developed sophisticated computer software over the years and now considers ‘spinning-off’ its subsidiary, Ananse Systems Limited. Ananse Systems Limited has contributed GH¢40 million of the total after-tax profits of Last Chance Limited. After the spin-off, Last Chance Limited’s P/E ratio is expected to reduce to 11.0 times, while Ananse Systems Limited is expected to attract a P/E ratio of either 17 or 18 times.

i) Suggest THREE reasons why Last Chance Limited may wish to ‘spin-off’ part of its operations. (3 marks)
ii) Discuss THREE possible disadvantages of a ‘spin-off’ for the shareholders of Last Chance Limited. (3 marks)
iii) Calculate the likely effect of the proposed ‘spin-off’ on the wealth of a shareholder holding 10,000 ordinary shares in Last Chance, assuming that Ananse Systems Limited trades at a P/E ratio of 17 times and 18 times. (8 marks)
(Ignore taxation)

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AFM – Nov 2018 – L3 – Q3a – Acquisitions and mergers versus other growth strategies

Discuss when takeovers make financial and economic sense and reasons why takeovers may fail to increase shareholder wealth.

Despite substantial evidence, drawn from different countries and different time periods, that suggests the wealth of shareholders in a bidding company is unlikely to be increased as a result of taking over another company, takeovers remain an important part of the business landscape.

i) Explain briefly when a takeover will make economic and financial sense.
(3 marks)

ii) Discuss briefly FIVE (5) reasons why a takeover may fail to deliver an expected increase in wealth for the bidding company’s shareholders.
(5 marks)

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AFM – May 2018 – L3 – Q3a – Acquisitions and mergers versus other growth strategies

Discussing strategic issues that arise from pursuing growth through mergers, acquisitions, and organic growth.

Expansion by organic growth or by acquisition should only be undertaken if it leads to an increase in the wealth of the shareholders.

i) Discuss TWO strategic issues that arise from pursuing growth through mergers and acquisitions. (4 marks)
ii) Discuss TWO strategic issues that arise from pursuing growth through organic growth. (4 marks)

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FM – MAY 2018 – L2 – Q2 – Cost of capital

This question involves calculating the cost of equity, WACC before and after a bond issue, the ex-rights price, and evaluating the impact of a rights issue on a shareholder's wealth.

a) The Finance Director of Vista Hotel has heard that the market value of the company will increase if the weighted average cost of capital of the company is decreased. The company, which is listed on a stock exchange, has 100 million shares in issue and the current ex-div ordinary share price is GH¢2.50 per share. Vista Hotel also has in issue bonds with a book value of GH¢60 million and their current ex-interest market price is GH¢104 per GH¢100 bond. The current after-tax cost of debt of Vista Hotel is 7% and the tax rate is 30%. The recent dividends per share of the company are as follows:

The Finance Director proposes to decrease the weighted average cost of capital of Vista Hotel and hence increase its market value by issuing GH¢40 million of bonds at their par value of GH¢100 per bond. These bonds would pay annual interest of 8% before tax and would be redeemed at a 5% premium to par after 10 years.


i) Determine the cost of equity capital of the company.
(4 marks)

ii) Calculate the weighted average cost of capital of Vista Hotel in the following circumstances:

  • Before the new issue of bonds takes place;
    (3 marks)
  • After the new issue of bonds takes place.
    (3 marks)

b) The Moorgate Company has issued 100,000 GH¢1 par equity shares which are at present selling for GH¢3.00 per share. It has also issued 50,000 warrants, each entitling the holder to buy one equity share. The warrants are protected against dilution. The company has plans to issue rights to purchase one new equity share at a price of GH¢2 per share for every four shares.


i) Calculate the theoretical ex-rights price of Moorgate’s equity shares.
(4 marks)

ii) Calculate the theoretical value of a Moorgate right, before the shares sell ex-rights.
(3 marks)

c) The chairman of the company receives a phone call from an angry shareholder who owns 1,000 shares. The shareholder argues that he will suffer a loss in his personal wealth due to this rights issue because the new shares are being offered at a price lower than the current market value.

The chairman assures him that his wealth will not be reduced because of the rights issue, as long as the shareholder takes appropriate action.


Prepare a statement showing the effects of the right issue on this particular shareholder’s wealth, assuming:

i) He sells all the rights.
(3 marks)

ii) He exercises one half of the rights and sells the other.
(3 marks)

iii) He does nothing.
(2 marks)

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