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AT – May 2024 – L3 – SA – Q1 – Tax Administration and Dispute Resolution

Provide professional tax advice for the management of Soft Farm and Agro-Allied Ltd, focusing on deductible interest, adjusted profit, and tax liabilities.

Soft Farm and Agro-Allied Limited, a subsidiary of Emperor Agro Incorporated, Italy, was incorporated in Nigeria in January 2018. Soft Farm and Agro-Allied Limited produces palm kernel for domestic use and export to the European market. The Managing Director of the company has just received a letter from the head office (parent company) about an impending visit due to poor business performance (below the group’s return on investment benchmark of 25%) since the business commenced, despite financial and technical support from the parent company.

In January 2022, the parent company granted a loan of N100 million to Soft Farm and Agro-Allied Limited for business expansion.

The Board has scheduled a special meeting for next month to consider the financial report of Soft Farm and Agro-Allied Limited for the year ended December 31, 2022, and to review past financial reports and tax assessments. As the newly engaged Tax Consultant to the company, you have been invited to participate in the meeting to provide a professional opinion on tax-related issues.

The Financial Accountant has been directed by the Managing Director to provide you with financial statements for all periods under review, books of accounts, returns filed with tax authorities, and other supporting documents.

From your preliminary review of the financial report for the year ended December 31, 2022, you noted an item that requires further discussion with management. This issue relates to interest paid on a loan obtained from the parent company.

Extract from Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2022

Item N’000
Gross turnover:
– Domestic sales 147,500
– Export sales 200,100
– Other operating income 3,300
Total Gross Turnover 350,900
– Staff salary 122,600
– Ground rent paid to State government 3,200
– Motor running expenses 1,750
– Audit and accountancy fees 1,000
– Repairs and maintenance 5,800
– Depreciation of assets 38,240
– Rent paid 1,850
– Power and lighting 5,400
– Legal cost 5,000
– Rates (water) 2,100
– Allowance for doubtful debts 10,500
– Donations 4,000
– Interest and other finance costs paid 15,600
– Income tax provision 23,400
– General expenses 5,900
Total Deductions 246,340
Net Profit 104,560

Additional Information:

  1. Export Sales:
    20% of export sales were made to the parent company at the prevailing international market price.
  2. Other Operating Income:
    Description N’000
    Dividend received (net) 2,700
    Profit from disposal of non-current asset 600
    Total 3,300
  3. Repairs and Maintenance:
    Description N’000
    Repairs of plantation equipment 1,200
    Repairs to premises (non-industrial building) 900
    Expansion to warehouse (industrial building) 3,700
    Total 5,800
  4. Rent Paid:
    This amount is for accommodation for the newly employed General Manager, whose basic salary is N4,800,000.
  5. Legal Cost:
    Description N’000
    Cost of income tax appeal 850
    Cost of debt collection 1,300
    Cost of acquiring new lease 1,700
    Renewal of old lease 1,150
    Total 5,000
  6. Allowance for Doubtful Debts:
    Description N’000
    Specific provisions 5,230
    General provisions 7,870
    Bad debts recovered (2,600)
    Total 10,500
  7. Donations:
    Recipient N’000
    Palm Oil Research Institute 1,400
    National Library 600
    Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria 1,000
    Women Society of the host community 1,000
    Total 4,000
  8. Interest and Other Finance Costs Paid:
    In January 2022, the company obtained a loan facility of N100 million from the parent company for business expansion at a competitive interest rate of 12% per annum. The loan duration is 10 years, with interest payable for the first three years, and principal and interest repayments due from the fourth year onward. The balance in the financial statements includes other finance costs and bank charges paid to domestic banks on various accounts.
  9. General Expenses:
    Description N’000
    Wedding gift to staff 350
    Fine imposed on company driver for traffic offense 150
    Haulage expenses 3,200
    Transport and travelling 2,200
    Total 5,900
  10. Schedule of Prior Years’ Turnover and Assessable Profits:
    Year Ended December 31 Turnover (N’000) Assessable Profit (N’000)
    2018 154,400 78,750
    2019 198,600 95,120
    2020 310,300 142,800
    2021 314,900 166,900
  11. Schedule of Qualifying Capital Expenditure Incurred:
    Date of Acquisition Asset Type Amount (N’000)
    August 31, 2017 Plantation equipment 4,600
    August 31, 2017 Industrial building 12,000
    August 31, 2017 Non-industrial building 9,000
    January 1, 2018 Motor vehicles (3) 8,400
    January 1, 2018 Furniture and fittings (10) 1,500
    February 14, 2021 Motor vehicles (2) 5,600
    June 12, 2022 Furniture and fittings (10) 2,000
    July 8, 2022 Research and development 7,000


As the Tax Consultant to the company, draft a report to the Managing Director of Soft Farm and Agro-Allied Limited, in line with the provisions of the Companies Income Tax Act Cap C21 LFN 2004 (as amended). The report should provide professional advice on the following:

  1. Treatment of Excess Amount of Deductible Interest Paid (6 Marks)
  2. Adjusted Profit of the Company for the Year Ended December 31, 2022 (7 Marks)
  3. Tax Liabilities for All Relevant Assessment Years (17 Marks)

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FR – Nov 2017 – L2 – Q1a – Consolidation of Group Statements

This question tests candidates on preparing a consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for a group, accounting for goodwill, non-controlling interest, intra-group transactions, and fair value adjustments.

On April 1, 2017, Higherhigher Limited acquired 60% of the equity share capital of Lowerlower Limited in a share exchange of two shares in Higherhigher for three shares in Lowerlower. The issue of shares has not yet been recorded by Higherhigher Limited. At the date of acquisition, shares in Higherhigher had a market value of N6 each.

Below is the summarised draft financial statements of both companies:

Statement of Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income for the year ended September 30, 2017 Higherhigher Limited (N’000) Lowerlower Limited (N’000)
Revenue 2,720,000 1,344,000
Cost of sales (2,016,000) (1,024,000)
Gross profit 704,000 320,000
Distribution costs (64,000) (64,000)
Administrative expenses (192,000) (102,400)
Finance costs (9,600) (12,800)
Profit before tax 438,400 140,800
Income tax expense (150,400) (44,800)
Profit for the year 288,000 96,000

Additional information:

  1. The fair value of Lowerlower Limited’s assets was equal to their carrying amounts, except for a plant with a fair value of N64m in excess of the carrying amount, which had a remaining life of five years. Straight-line depreciation was used. Lowerlower has not adjusted the carrying amount of its plant.
  2. Sales from Lowerlower to Higherhigher after the acquisition were N256m, with a 40% mark-up. Higherhigher sold N166.4m of these goods by September 30, 2017.
  3. Lowerlower’s receivables include N19.2m due from Higherhigher, which didn’t agree with Higherhigher’s payables due to cash in transit of N6.4m.
  4. Non-controlling interest is measured at fair value. The fair value of the goodwill attributable to the non-controlling interest is N48m.
  5. Consolidated goodwill was not impaired.

You are required to prepare:

  • The consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended September 30, 2017.

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FA – May 2014 – L1 – SA – Q6 – Financial Statements Preparation

Discusses the impact of an overvalued closing inventory on profit.

The closing inventories of a firm were overvalued by ₦300,000 due to an error in the inventory valuation sheets. How would the correction of this affect the reported profit?
A. Increase reported profit by ₦300,000
B. Reduce reported profit by ₦300,000
C. No effect on the reported profit
D. Increase reported profit by ₦600,000
E. Reduce reported profit by ₦600,000

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FA – May 2017 – L1 – SA – Q15 – Accounting for Property, Plant, and Equipment (IAS 16)

Adjusts profit for incorrect treatment of a capital expenditure as an expense.

An accounts officer recorded ₦90,000, being the purchase price of a new machine, as repairs and maintenance costs. A draft profit of ₦450,000 for the period was calculated before the discovery of the error. The depreciation rate for machinery is 25% on cost with a full year’s charge in the year of purchase. What is the correct profit?
A. N360,000
B. N382,500
C. N427,500
D. N472,500
E. N517,500

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FA – July 2023 – L1 – Q1 – Non-current assets and depreciation | The IASB’s Conceptual Framework

Describe the elements of financial statements per the IASB framework and compute depreciation using different methods, adjusting net profit accordingly.

a) Describe the FIVE (5) main elements of financial statements in accordance with the IASB’s Conceptual Framework. (10 marks)

b) Bimbila Ltd commenced business on 1 June 2020 and reported the following net profits during its first two years in business:

1 June 2020 to 31 May 2021 135,000
1 June 2021 to 31 May 2022 140,000

During this period the following non-current assets were purchased on the dates shown:

Bimbila Ltd has a policy to depreciate machinery at 25% per annum on cost (straight line method) and equipment at 20% per annum on cost (straight line method), rates being charged for each month of ownership. Bimbila Ltd is now considering using the reducing balance method, with the following rates applying to the balance at the end of each year:

  • Machinery: 20%
  • Equipment: 15%

A full year’s depreciation is charged irrespective of the date of purchase.


i) Calculate the total depreciation for the years ended 31 May 2021 and 31 May 2022 using the original method (straight line) and rates for:

  • Machinery (2 marks)
  • Equipment (1 mark)

ii) Calculate the total depreciation for the years ended 31 May 2021 and 31 May 2022 using the alternative method (reducing balance) and rates for:

  • Machinery (2 marks)
  • Equipment (1 mark)

iii) Prepare a statement to show the net profit which would have been reported for each of the years ended 31 May 2021 and 31 May 2022 if the reducing balance method had been used. (4 marks)

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AT – May 2024 – L3 – SA – Q1 – Tax Administration and Dispute Resolution

Provide professional tax advice for the management of Soft Farm and Agro-Allied Ltd, focusing on deductible interest, adjusted profit, and tax liabilities.

Soft Farm and Agro-Allied Limited, a subsidiary of Emperor Agro Incorporated, Italy, was incorporated in Nigeria in January 2018. Soft Farm and Agro-Allied Limited produces palm kernel for domestic use and export to the European market. The Managing Director of the company has just received a letter from the head office (parent company) about an impending visit due to poor business performance (below the group’s return on investment benchmark of 25%) since the business commenced, despite financial and technical support from the parent company.

In January 2022, the parent company granted a loan of N100 million to Soft Farm and Agro-Allied Limited for business expansion.

The Board has scheduled a special meeting for next month to consider the financial report of Soft Farm and Agro-Allied Limited for the year ended December 31, 2022, and to review past financial reports and tax assessments. As the newly engaged Tax Consultant to the company, you have been invited to participate in the meeting to provide a professional opinion on tax-related issues.

The Financial Accountant has been directed by the Managing Director to provide you with financial statements for all periods under review, books of accounts, returns filed with tax authorities, and other supporting documents.

From your preliminary review of the financial report for the year ended December 31, 2022, you noted an item that requires further discussion with management. This issue relates to interest paid on a loan obtained from the parent company.

Extract from Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2022

Item N’000
Gross turnover:
– Domestic sales 147,500
– Export sales 200,100
– Other operating income 3,300
Total Gross Turnover 350,900
– Staff salary 122,600
– Ground rent paid to State government 3,200
– Motor running expenses 1,750
– Audit and accountancy fees 1,000
– Repairs and maintenance 5,800
– Depreciation of assets 38,240
– Rent paid 1,850
– Power and lighting 5,400
– Legal cost 5,000
– Rates (water) 2,100
– Allowance for doubtful debts 10,500
– Donations 4,000
– Interest and other finance costs paid 15,600
– Income tax provision 23,400
– General expenses 5,900
Total Deductions 246,340
Net Profit 104,560

Additional Information:

  1. Export Sales:
    20% of export sales were made to the parent company at the prevailing international market price.
  2. Other Operating Income:
    Description N’000
    Dividend received (net) 2,700
    Profit from disposal of non-current asset 600
    Total 3,300
  3. Repairs and Maintenance:
    Description N’000
    Repairs of plantation equipment 1,200
    Repairs to premises (non-industrial building) 900
    Expansion to warehouse (industrial building) 3,700
    Total 5,800
  4. Rent Paid:
    This amount is for accommodation for the newly employed General Manager, whose basic salary is N4,800,000.
  5. Legal Cost:
    Description N’000
    Cost of income tax appeal 850
    Cost of debt collection 1,300
    Cost of acquiring new lease 1,700
    Renewal of old lease 1,150
    Total 5,000
  6. Allowance for Doubtful Debts:
    Description N’000
    Specific provisions 5,230
    General provisions 7,870
    Bad debts recovered (2,600)
    Total 10,500
  7. Donations:
    Recipient N’000
    Palm Oil Research Institute 1,400
    National Library 600
    Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria 1,000
    Women Society of the host community 1,000
    Total 4,000
  8. Interest and Other Finance Costs Paid:
    In January 2022, the company obtained a loan facility of N100 million from the parent company for business expansion at a competitive interest rate of 12% per annum. The loan duration is 10 years, with interest payable for the first three years, and principal and interest repayments due from the fourth year onward. The balance in the financial statements includes other finance costs and bank charges paid to domestic banks on various accounts.
  9. General Expenses:
    Description N’000
    Wedding gift to staff 350
    Fine imposed on company driver for traffic offense 150
    Haulage expenses 3,200
    Transport and travelling 2,200
    Total 5,900
  10. Schedule of Prior Years’ Turnover and Assessable Profits:
    Year Ended December 31 Turnover (N’000) Assessable Profit (N’000)
    2018 154,400 78,750
    2019 198,600 95,120
    2020 310,300 142,800
    2021 314,900 166,900
  11. Schedule of Qualifying Capital Expenditure Incurred:
    Date of Acquisition Asset Type Amount (N’000)
    August 31, 2017 Plantation equipment 4,600
    August 31, 2017 Industrial building 12,000
    August 31, 2017 Non-industrial building 9,000
    January 1, 2018 Motor vehicles (3) 8,400
    January 1, 2018 Furniture and fittings (10) 1,500
    February 14, 2021 Motor vehicles (2) 5,600
    June 12, 2022 Furniture and fittings (10) 2,000
    July 8, 2022 Research and development 7,000


As the Tax Consultant to the company, draft a report to the Managing Director of Soft Farm and Agro-Allied Limited, in line with the provisions of the Companies Income Tax Act Cap C21 LFN 2004 (as amended). The report should provide professional advice on the following:

  1. Treatment of Excess Amount of Deductible Interest Paid (6 Marks)
  2. Adjusted Profit of the Company for the Year Ended December 31, 2022 (7 Marks)
  3. Tax Liabilities for All Relevant Assessment Years (17 Marks)

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FR – Nov 2017 – L2 – Q1a – Consolidation of Group Statements

This question tests candidates on preparing a consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for a group, accounting for goodwill, non-controlling interest, intra-group transactions, and fair value adjustments.

On April 1, 2017, Higherhigher Limited acquired 60% of the equity share capital of Lowerlower Limited in a share exchange of two shares in Higherhigher for three shares in Lowerlower. The issue of shares has not yet been recorded by Higherhigher Limited. At the date of acquisition, shares in Higherhigher had a market value of N6 each.

Below is the summarised draft financial statements of both companies:

Statement of Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income for the year ended September 30, 2017 Higherhigher Limited (N’000) Lowerlower Limited (N’000)
Revenue 2,720,000 1,344,000
Cost of sales (2,016,000) (1,024,000)
Gross profit 704,000 320,000
Distribution costs (64,000) (64,000)
Administrative expenses (192,000) (102,400)
Finance costs (9,600) (12,800)
Profit before tax 438,400 140,800
Income tax expense (150,400) (44,800)
Profit for the year 288,000 96,000

Additional information:

  1. The fair value of Lowerlower Limited’s assets was equal to their carrying amounts, except for a plant with a fair value of N64m in excess of the carrying amount, which had a remaining life of five years. Straight-line depreciation was used. Lowerlower has not adjusted the carrying amount of its plant.
  2. Sales from Lowerlower to Higherhigher after the acquisition were N256m, with a 40% mark-up. Higherhigher sold N166.4m of these goods by September 30, 2017.
  3. Lowerlower’s receivables include N19.2m due from Higherhigher, which didn’t agree with Higherhigher’s payables due to cash in transit of N6.4m.
  4. Non-controlling interest is measured at fair value. The fair value of the goodwill attributable to the non-controlling interest is N48m.
  5. Consolidated goodwill was not impaired.

You are required to prepare:

  • The consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended September 30, 2017.

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FA – May 2014 – L1 – SA – Q6 – Financial Statements Preparation

Discusses the impact of an overvalued closing inventory on profit.

The closing inventories of a firm were overvalued by ₦300,000 due to an error in the inventory valuation sheets. How would the correction of this affect the reported profit?
A. Increase reported profit by ₦300,000
B. Reduce reported profit by ₦300,000
C. No effect on the reported profit
D. Increase reported profit by ₦600,000
E. Reduce reported profit by ₦600,000

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FA – May 2017 – L1 – SA – Q15 – Accounting for Property, Plant, and Equipment (IAS 16)

Adjusts profit for incorrect treatment of a capital expenditure as an expense.

An accounts officer recorded ₦90,000, being the purchase price of a new machine, as repairs and maintenance costs. A draft profit of ₦450,000 for the period was calculated before the discovery of the error. The depreciation rate for machinery is 25% on cost with a full year’s charge in the year of purchase. What is the correct profit?
A. N360,000
B. N382,500
C. N427,500
D. N472,500
E. N517,500

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FA – July 2023 – L1 – Q1 – Non-current assets and depreciation | The IASB’s Conceptual Framework

Describe the elements of financial statements per the IASB framework and compute depreciation using different methods, adjusting net profit accordingly.

a) Describe the FIVE (5) main elements of financial statements in accordance with the IASB’s Conceptual Framework. (10 marks)

b) Bimbila Ltd commenced business on 1 June 2020 and reported the following net profits during its first two years in business:

1 June 2020 to 31 May 2021 135,000
1 June 2021 to 31 May 2022 140,000

During this period the following non-current assets were purchased on the dates shown:

Bimbila Ltd has a policy to depreciate machinery at 25% per annum on cost (straight line method) and equipment at 20% per annum on cost (straight line method), rates being charged for each month of ownership. Bimbila Ltd is now considering using the reducing balance method, with the following rates applying to the balance at the end of each year:

  • Machinery: 20%
  • Equipment: 15%

A full year’s depreciation is charged irrespective of the date of purchase.


i) Calculate the total depreciation for the years ended 31 May 2021 and 31 May 2022 using the original method (straight line) and rates for:

  • Machinery (2 marks)
  • Equipment (1 mark)

ii) Calculate the total depreciation for the years ended 31 May 2021 and 31 May 2022 using the alternative method (reducing balance) and rates for:

  • Machinery (2 marks)
  • Equipment (1 mark)

iii) Prepare a statement to show the net profit which would have been reported for each of the years ended 31 May 2021 and 31 May 2022 if the reducing balance method had been used. (4 marks)

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