- 3 Marks
FR – Nov 2022 – L2 – Q6a – Potential Ordinary Shares in EPS Calculation
Explain potential ordinary shares with three examples as per IAS 33.
IAS 33 – Earnings Per Share (EPS) requires entities to calculate basic and diluted earnings per share. However, diluted EPS and basic EPS will usually differ when there are potential ordinary shares in existence.
i. Explain the term “potential ordinary share” and provide THREE examples as stated in IAS 33. (3 Marks)
ii. Describe the procedure for ranking when there are several types of potential ordinary share in issue when calculating diluted EPS.
(3 Marks)
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- Tags: Basic EPS, Convertible Bonds, Diluted EPS, Potential Ordinary Shares, Share Options
- Level: Level 2
- Topic: Earnings Per Share (IAS 33)
- Series: NOV 2022
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