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FM – July 2023 – L2 – Q5 – Hedging with options | Working Capital Management

Calculate the overdraft requirement and net working capital, identify the working capital financing policy, and justify using currency futures over options.

a) The Treasury Department of LCM Ltd is preparing financial plans for the ensuing financial year. Annual credit sales revenue is projected to be GH¢500 million while the cost of sales is expected to be GH¢260 million. Its current assets are composed of inventory and trade receivables, while its current liabilities comprise trade payables and bank overdraft. The following targets have been set:

  • Receivables turnover days: 90 days
  • Payables turnover days: 30 days
  • Operating cycle: 150 days
  • Current ratio: 1.1 times

The company’s long-term capital consists only of owners’ equity. The composition and size of long-term capital are expected to remain the same for the ensuing year. The opportunity cost of equity capital is 20%, and the interest rate on the bank overdraft is 18%.

i) Compute the amount of bank overdraft the company will need in the ensuing year. (6 marks)
ii) Compute the net working capital of the company for the ensuing financial year. (2 marks)
iii) Compute the cost of financing working capital (in GH¢). (3 marks)
iv) Identify the working capital financing policy LCM Ltd is employing. (4 marks)

b) Risk can be hedged through a variety of derivative instruments such as futures, options, and swaps. Each derivative instrument presents its advantages and disadvantages.

In reference to the above statement, justify why a company would choose a currency futures contract over a currency option contract in hedging currency exposure. (5 marks)

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FM – July 2023 – L2 – Q5 – Hedging with options | Working Capital Management

Calculate the overdraft requirement and net working capital, identify the working capital financing policy, and justify using currency futures over options.

a) The Treasury Department of LCM Ltd is preparing financial plans for the ensuing financial year. Annual credit sales revenue is projected to be GH¢500 million while the cost of sales is expected to be GH¢260 million. Its current assets are composed of inventory and trade receivables, while its current liabilities comprise trade payables and bank overdraft. The following targets have been set:

  • Receivables turnover days: 90 days
  • Payables turnover days: 30 days
  • Operating cycle: 150 days
  • Current ratio: 1.1 times

The company’s long-term capital consists only of owners’ equity. The composition and size of long-term capital are expected to remain the same for the ensuing year. The opportunity cost of equity capital is 20%, and the interest rate on the bank overdraft is 18%.

i) Compute the amount of bank overdraft the company will need in the ensuing year. (6 marks)
ii) Compute the net working capital of the company for the ensuing financial year. (2 marks)
iii) Compute the cost of financing working capital (in GH¢). (3 marks)
iv) Identify the working capital financing policy LCM Ltd is employing. (4 marks)

b) Risk can be hedged through a variety of derivative instruments such as futures, options, and swaps. Each derivative instrument presents its advantages and disadvantages.

In reference to the above statement, justify why a company would choose a currency futures contract over a currency option contract in hedging currency exposure. (5 marks)

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