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AAA – Nov 2014 – L3 – SC – Q6 – Environmental and Sustainability Audits

Evaluates the risks and considerations of tendering for the audit of Lagos Leisure Ltd, including fee estimation and tender document components.

You are the senior audit manager for a medium-sized firm of accountants. Your firm has just lost two clients which have gone into receivership and has now been invited to tender for the audit of Lagos Leisure Ltd. The audit fees have been initially estimated at ₦200,000.

Lagos Leisure Ltd is a medium-sized manufacturing organisation which has existed for 35 years and has generally made consistent profits. However, in the last two years, profits have fallen by approximately 10% in each year, although the market sector in which Lagos Leisure Ltd operates is expanding. The company has also stated that they would like some consultancy support regarding business strategy in order to try and reverse the current profit downturn and have set aside ₦1m for this.

You have ascertained the following from a brief discussion with the Managing Director:

  1. There has been no investment in non-current assets in the last 10 years. The company was intending to start a program of investment two years ago but this was cancelled due to reduced profits, and maintenance and repair costs have increased significantly over the last year.
  2. Staff remuneration has been frozen, and there has been some discussion with unions as staff morale is very low and several staff have already left. So far, industrial action has been avoided.
  3. The Financial Director was dismissed three months ago and hasn’t been replaced; he is currently suing Lagos Leisure Ltd for unfair dismissal.
  4. The Managing Director is due to retire next year; a replacement has not yet been considered.
  5. There is an outstanding litigation as an employee is suing Lagos Leisure Ltd due to an accident in the workplace, and the authorities have written a detailed report about the case.

Your firm’s total fee income last year was ₦7m, including ₦500,000 from the lost clients.


(a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tendering for the audit of Lagos Leisure Ltd, highlighting any key risks to your firm. (7 Marks)

(b) Although the initial estimate of the audit fee was ₦200,000, further work needs to be done before a figure could be included in the tender document. List the factors which should be taken into account when calculating this fee. (4 Marks)

(c) Outline the matters which should be included in the tender document if the firm decides to tender. (4 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2013 – L3 – SB – Q6 – Auditor’s Legal Liability

Discuss criminal charges against accountants, reasons auditors prefer out-of-court settlements, and the disadvantages of such settlements.

Auditors’ liabilities may arise under common law and statute. Statutory liability may be civil or criminal. Professional accountants are increasingly guiding against incidences of litigation that may impact negatively on their work.

You are required to:

(a) Outline SIX ways through which accountants may be charged for criminal offenses. (6 Marks)

(b) Explain SIX reasons why auditors are willing to settle legal matters with their clients out of court. (6 Marks)

(c) State THREE disadvantages of an out-of-court settlement. (3 Marks)

(Total: 15 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2013 – L3 – A – Q15 – Audit Reporting

This question assesses the primary purpose of sending a letter of enquiry to a legal firm regarding client litigation.

The main reasons why auditors send a letter of enquiry to the legal firm handling litigation or claims on behalf of their client is to provide:
A. Auditors with weak position in client litigation and claims
B. Auditors with written submission and statement of claims to the court
C. Information concerning the progress of outstanding cases to date
D. Auditors with corroborative audit evidence
E. Auditors with impact of legal opinion on financial statements

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CR – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q4 – Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets (IAS 37)

Guidance on presenting litigation, lease contract, and brand valuation in Fidipote PLC’s financial statements.

You are the Financial Controller of Fidipote PLC, a bottling company with diverse products. The accountant responsible for preparing the 2020 annual financial statements is considering the accounting treatment of the following and has approached you for guidance:

a. On December 31, 2020, Fidipote PLC has a litigation proceeding involving a customer claiming damages in the sum of ₦50 million because she had allegedly been injured when drinking one of the company’s products. She had claimed that the company bottled a sharp object inside the content of the product which she swallowed and had to be operated upon in order to remove the object. Fidipote PLC is disputing the claim, maintaining that any injury was due solely to negligence on the part of the customer. As at December 31, 2020, the case was yet to be decided.
(8 Marks)

b. Fidipote PLC signed a ten-year lease agreement on a property requiring an annual payment of ₦5 million in advance on January 1, 2016. The property was used over the years as a Cinema Hall. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown during 2020, the consequent long closure of the hall made patronage of cinema shows financially unsustainable. Fidipote PLC discovered that it has no further use of the building. It is not possible to sub-lease the building to another tenant, and remodeling cannot be done due to certain provisions of the lease agreement. As at December 31, 2020, the present value cost of outstanding lease installments amounted to ₦22.5 million.
(6 Marks)

c. The Managing Director made a proposal that the Fidipote brand name is unique and of significant market persuasion and should, therefore, be included as an asset in the financial statements. Due diligence, including market research by a certified consultant, has been done on this proposal. A valuation of ₦250 million was determined to be included in the financial statements as at December 31, 2020.
(6 Marks)

Explain how the above information, a to c, should be presented in the financial statements of Fidipote PLC for the year ended December 31, 2020.

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AAA – Nov 2020 – L3 – Q2 – Audit Completion and Final Review

Requirements of ISA 450 for uncorrected misstatements, including discussions on litigation, restructuring, and depreciation adjustments.

You are the engagement partner on the audit of Uchenna & Associates. The audit senior sent you the schedule of uncorrected misstatements, shown below, including notes to explain each matter in the schedule. Profit or loss Statement of financial position is as follows:

The audited financial statements recognized revenue of N250 million and total assets of N1.24 billion. The materiality threshold was determined as N12.5 million.

You are holding a meeting with management tomorrow, at which the uncorrected misstatements will be discussed.


  1. Litigation Provision: Uchenna & Associates was involved in a dispute over goods quality, resulting in a court judgment against them for N20 million. Uchenna & Associates has appealed the judgment, and its solicitors are confident of a favorable outcome. Management has not recognized the provision, believing they are likely to win. The audit conclusion is that a provision should be included in the financial statements.
  2. Restructuring Provision: Management recognized a provision for closing one of its factories. Although the board approved the closure in April 2019, no employee announcements were made. The audit conclusion is that the provision should not be recognized.
  3. Depreciation Correction: The audit team’s recomputation identified an understatement of N5,000,000 in depreciation expense.

a. Explain the requirements of ISA 450: Evaluation of Misstatements Identified during the Audit, with regard to uncorrected audit misstatements. (15 Marks)
b. Discuss the matters to be addressed with management for each uncorrected misstatement. (5 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2017 – L3 – Q5 – Audit Evidence

Evaluate XYZ Bank’s provision for litigation, discuss audit procedures per ISA 501, and prepare litigation disclosure for financial statements.

You are the audit manager for XYZ Bank Limited for the year ended December 31, 2016. The Bank’s Board noted a litigation issue involving a lawsuit from BBB Limited, where the Bank was found liable for a cheque conversion worth ₦2.1 billion. The high court imposed a penalty on the Bank for this amount, which BBB Limited is now claiming.

The Bank has objected to the judgment, appealing to the Court of Appeal, with legal counsel advising that a favorable outcome is expected. The Bank’s litigation-related financial information is as follows:

  • Provision for litigation (recognized in financial statements): ₦96 million
  • Litigation cases as defendant: 50
  • Litigation cases as plaintiff: 10
  • Claims in favor of the Bank: ₦2.7 billion
  • Claims against the Bank (including the ₦2.1 billion case): ₦3.2 billion

a. Discuss FOUR specific considerations under ISA 501 for obtaining audit evidence on litigation provisions.

(5 Marks)
b. Evaluate the adequacy of the litigation provision recognized in the financial statements as at December 31, 2016.

(5 Marks)
c. Prepare a summary disclosure of the litigation status for inclusion in the financial statement notes as at December 31, 2016.

(5 Marks)

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CSEG – May 2017 – L2 – Q3b – Business ethics

Explain four safeguards to address actual and threatened litigation in the accounting profession.

Professional accountants face many threats in the performance of their duties that may negatively affect accountants’ objectivity and independence. One of such threats is intimidation threat which may arise from close business relationships, family and personal relationships, and assurance staff members moving to employment with clients as well as actual and threatened litigation.


Explain FOUR safeguards you will consider to deal with actual and threatened litigation as a professional accountant. (6 marks)

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AAA – Nov 2014 – L3 – SC – Q6 – Environmental and Sustainability Audits

Evaluates the risks and considerations of tendering for the audit of Lagos Leisure Ltd, including fee estimation and tender document components.

You are the senior audit manager for a medium-sized firm of accountants. Your firm has just lost two clients which have gone into receivership and has now been invited to tender for the audit of Lagos Leisure Ltd. The audit fees have been initially estimated at ₦200,000.

Lagos Leisure Ltd is a medium-sized manufacturing organisation which has existed for 35 years and has generally made consistent profits. However, in the last two years, profits have fallen by approximately 10% in each year, although the market sector in which Lagos Leisure Ltd operates is expanding. The company has also stated that they would like some consultancy support regarding business strategy in order to try and reverse the current profit downturn and have set aside ₦1m for this.

You have ascertained the following from a brief discussion with the Managing Director:

  1. There has been no investment in non-current assets in the last 10 years. The company was intending to start a program of investment two years ago but this was cancelled due to reduced profits, and maintenance and repair costs have increased significantly over the last year.
  2. Staff remuneration has been frozen, and there has been some discussion with unions as staff morale is very low and several staff have already left. So far, industrial action has been avoided.
  3. The Financial Director was dismissed three months ago and hasn’t been replaced; he is currently suing Lagos Leisure Ltd for unfair dismissal.
  4. The Managing Director is due to retire next year; a replacement has not yet been considered.
  5. There is an outstanding litigation as an employee is suing Lagos Leisure Ltd due to an accident in the workplace, and the authorities have written a detailed report about the case.

Your firm’s total fee income last year was ₦7m, including ₦500,000 from the lost clients.


(a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tendering for the audit of Lagos Leisure Ltd, highlighting any key risks to your firm. (7 Marks)

(b) Although the initial estimate of the audit fee was ₦200,000, further work needs to be done before a figure could be included in the tender document. List the factors which should be taken into account when calculating this fee. (4 Marks)

(c) Outline the matters which should be included in the tender document if the firm decides to tender. (4 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2013 – L3 – SB – Q6 – Auditor’s Legal Liability

Discuss criminal charges against accountants, reasons auditors prefer out-of-court settlements, and the disadvantages of such settlements.

Auditors’ liabilities may arise under common law and statute. Statutory liability may be civil or criminal. Professional accountants are increasingly guiding against incidences of litigation that may impact negatively on their work.

You are required to:

(a) Outline SIX ways through which accountants may be charged for criminal offenses. (6 Marks)

(b) Explain SIX reasons why auditors are willing to settle legal matters with their clients out of court. (6 Marks)

(c) State THREE disadvantages of an out-of-court settlement. (3 Marks)

(Total: 15 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2013 – L3 – A – Q15 – Audit Reporting

This question assesses the primary purpose of sending a letter of enquiry to a legal firm regarding client litigation.

The main reasons why auditors send a letter of enquiry to the legal firm handling litigation or claims on behalf of their client is to provide:
A. Auditors with weak position in client litigation and claims
B. Auditors with written submission and statement of claims to the court
C. Information concerning the progress of outstanding cases to date
D. Auditors with corroborative audit evidence
E. Auditors with impact of legal opinion on financial statements

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CR – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q4 – Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets (IAS 37)

Guidance on presenting litigation, lease contract, and brand valuation in Fidipote PLC’s financial statements.

You are the Financial Controller of Fidipote PLC, a bottling company with diverse products. The accountant responsible for preparing the 2020 annual financial statements is considering the accounting treatment of the following and has approached you for guidance:

a. On December 31, 2020, Fidipote PLC has a litigation proceeding involving a customer claiming damages in the sum of ₦50 million because she had allegedly been injured when drinking one of the company’s products. She had claimed that the company bottled a sharp object inside the content of the product which she swallowed and had to be operated upon in order to remove the object. Fidipote PLC is disputing the claim, maintaining that any injury was due solely to negligence on the part of the customer. As at December 31, 2020, the case was yet to be decided.
(8 Marks)

b. Fidipote PLC signed a ten-year lease agreement on a property requiring an annual payment of ₦5 million in advance on January 1, 2016. The property was used over the years as a Cinema Hall. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown during 2020, the consequent long closure of the hall made patronage of cinema shows financially unsustainable. Fidipote PLC discovered that it has no further use of the building. It is not possible to sub-lease the building to another tenant, and remodeling cannot be done due to certain provisions of the lease agreement. As at December 31, 2020, the present value cost of outstanding lease installments amounted to ₦22.5 million.
(6 Marks)

c. The Managing Director made a proposal that the Fidipote brand name is unique and of significant market persuasion and should, therefore, be included as an asset in the financial statements. Due diligence, including market research by a certified consultant, has been done on this proposal. A valuation of ₦250 million was determined to be included in the financial statements as at December 31, 2020.
(6 Marks)

Explain how the above information, a to c, should be presented in the financial statements of Fidipote PLC for the year ended December 31, 2020.

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AAA – Nov 2020 – L3 – Q2 – Audit Completion and Final Review

Requirements of ISA 450 for uncorrected misstatements, including discussions on litigation, restructuring, and depreciation adjustments.

You are the engagement partner on the audit of Uchenna & Associates. The audit senior sent you the schedule of uncorrected misstatements, shown below, including notes to explain each matter in the schedule. Profit or loss Statement of financial position is as follows:

The audited financial statements recognized revenue of N250 million and total assets of N1.24 billion. The materiality threshold was determined as N12.5 million.

You are holding a meeting with management tomorrow, at which the uncorrected misstatements will be discussed.


  1. Litigation Provision: Uchenna & Associates was involved in a dispute over goods quality, resulting in a court judgment against them for N20 million. Uchenna & Associates has appealed the judgment, and its solicitors are confident of a favorable outcome. Management has not recognized the provision, believing they are likely to win. The audit conclusion is that a provision should be included in the financial statements.
  2. Restructuring Provision: Management recognized a provision for closing one of its factories. Although the board approved the closure in April 2019, no employee announcements were made. The audit conclusion is that the provision should not be recognized.
  3. Depreciation Correction: The audit team’s recomputation identified an understatement of N5,000,000 in depreciation expense.

a. Explain the requirements of ISA 450: Evaluation of Misstatements Identified during the Audit, with regard to uncorrected audit misstatements. (15 Marks)
b. Discuss the matters to be addressed with management for each uncorrected misstatement. (5 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2017 – L3 – Q5 – Audit Evidence

Evaluate XYZ Bank’s provision for litigation, discuss audit procedures per ISA 501, and prepare litigation disclosure for financial statements.

You are the audit manager for XYZ Bank Limited for the year ended December 31, 2016. The Bank’s Board noted a litigation issue involving a lawsuit from BBB Limited, where the Bank was found liable for a cheque conversion worth ₦2.1 billion. The high court imposed a penalty on the Bank for this amount, which BBB Limited is now claiming.

The Bank has objected to the judgment, appealing to the Court of Appeal, with legal counsel advising that a favorable outcome is expected. The Bank’s litigation-related financial information is as follows:

  • Provision for litigation (recognized in financial statements): ₦96 million
  • Litigation cases as defendant: 50
  • Litigation cases as plaintiff: 10
  • Claims in favor of the Bank: ₦2.7 billion
  • Claims against the Bank (including the ₦2.1 billion case): ₦3.2 billion

a. Discuss FOUR specific considerations under ISA 501 for obtaining audit evidence on litigation provisions.

(5 Marks)
b. Evaluate the adequacy of the litigation provision recognized in the financial statements as at December 31, 2016.

(5 Marks)
c. Prepare a summary disclosure of the litigation status for inclusion in the financial statement notes as at December 31, 2016.

(5 Marks)

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CSEG – May 2017 – L2 – Q3b – Business ethics

Explain four safeguards to address actual and threatened litigation in the accounting profession.

Professional accountants face many threats in the performance of their duties that may negatively affect accountants’ objectivity and independence. One of such threats is intimidation threat which may arise from close business relationships, family and personal relationships, and assurance staff members moving to employment with clients as well as actual and threatened litigation.


Explain FOUR safeguards you will consider to deal with actual and threatened litigation as a professional accountant. (6 marks)

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