- 10 Marks
SCS – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q6 – Identifying and Assessing Risk
Identify and assess four key business risks that COM faces and their impact on the company’s objectives.
The board has recognized that the company faces several business risks which, individually or together, could affect COM and its objectives and/or prospects. The board needs a briefing paper from the CEO on the current significant business risks that the company may be exposed to.
You are an Advisor to the CEO and he has asked you to prepare a briefing paper to be added to the board pack identifying and assessing the impact of FOUR (4) key business risks that COM must address in order to achieve its strategic objectives. Clearly identify the specific conditions giving rise to each key risk.
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- Tags: Business risk, Credit risk, Liquidity risk, Market Risk, Technological Risk
- Level: Level 3
- Topic: Identifying and assessing risk
- Series: NOV 2021
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