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FM – Nov 2014 – L3 – SB – Q4 – Financing Decisions and Capital Markets

Compare bond issuance methods, steps for IPO success, and Efficient Market Hypothesis application.

A pharmaceutical company wholly owned by the family of Chief Adedutan Jolomi has been in business for many years. The directors have decided to seek quotation on the Alternative Securities Market (ASEM).

A new drug on Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) was developed by the company. The production of the new drug will require more funding since short-term finance will not be sufficient. They believed it was time to introduce the drug into the market.

The directors of the company believed that launching the product would significantly increase the company’s share of the market because the country was anxiously looking forward to an effective EVD drug. Production and launch of this product is costly, and the company’s shareholders may not be able to raise such funds. This informed the directors’ decision to seek additional finance to be sourced partly in corporate bond and partly by the issue of shares.

They plan to issue the corporate bond in the first quarter of 2015 and the shares through an Initial Public Offer (IPO) towards the end of the year 2015. To decide on the appropriate method for the offer, the directors are interested in being educated on the issue.


(a) Compare and contrast the methods of issuing bonds through private placement and by public offer. State their advantages and advise on which method would be more appropriate in the above situation. (12 Marks)
(b) Advise the directors on the steps that need to be taken to improve the chances and success of its proposed Initial Public Offer (IPO). (4 Marks)
(c) Explain the three forms of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), indicating which of them is most likely to apply in practice. (4 Marks)

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CR – May 2019 – L3 – Q3 – Business valuations

The question involves redrafting financial statements of PFC based on additional information provided and calculating a range of possible issue prices for an IPO using Net Assets Method and Earnings Yield/Price Earnings Ratio Method.

The Board of Pogas Furniture Ltd (PFC), after a few years of incorporation, has decided to get the company listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. The Board has contacted you to assist in determining the true value of the business as at 31 December 2018 and to provide a range of possible issue prices based on the Net Assets Method and the Earnings Yield Method. Oliso Ltd, a listed company and a competitor of PFC, current results show a price-earnings ratio of 5 and earnings yield of 20%. The summarised unaudited financial statements of PFC are as follows:

Statement of Profit or Loss for the year ended 31 December 2018

Sales Revenue (note i) 150,000
Cost of Sales (72,000)
Gross Profit 78,000
Operational Expenses (34,800)
Finance Costs (Interest on debenture stocks) (1,200)
Net Profit 42,000
Taxation (@ 25%) (10,500)
Profit for the period 31,500

Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2018

Non-current assets
Property at Valuation (Land GH¢3 million; buildings GH¢27 million) 30,000
Plant and Equipment 24,000
Intangible Asset – Patent Right 3,000
Financial Asset (fair valued through profit or loss at 1/1/2018) 7,500
Total Non-current Assets 64,500
Current Assets 30,000
Total Assets 94,500
Equity and Liabilities
Stated Capital (4 million shares issued at GH¢3.00 per share) 12,000
Retained Earnings 57,960
Total Equity 69,960
Non-current liabilities
20% Debenture Stocks (2018-2020) 6,000
Deferred Tax provision (1 January 2018) 4,500
Total Non-current Liabilities 10,500
Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 3,540
Current Tax liability 10,500
Total Current Liabilities 14,040
Total Equity and Liabilities 94,500

Additional Information:

i) The sales revenue includes GH¢24 million of revenue for credit sales made on a ‘sale or return’ basis. At 31 December 2018, customers who had not paid for the goods had the right to return GH¢7.8 million of them. PFC applied a markup on cost of 30% on all these sales. In the past, PFC’s customers have sometimes returned goods under this type of agreement.

ii) The depreciable non-current assets have not been depreciated for the year ended 31 December 2018.

  • PFC has a policy of revaluing its land and buildings at the end of each accounting year. The values in the above statement of financial position are as at 1 January 2018 when the buildings had a remaining life of 18 years. A qualified surveyor has valued the land and buildings at 31 December 2018 at GH¢33 million.
  • Plant and equipment are depreciated at 12.5% per annum on the reducing balance basis. As at 31 December 2018, the value in use and the fair value less cost to sell were assessed at GH¢21.3 million and GH¢20.25 million respectively.
  • The patent right was acquired in January 2018 at a cost of GH¢3 million. It is expected to be used for five years after which the right of usage would have to be renewed in January 2023.

iii) The financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are held in a fund whose value changes directly in proportion to a specified market index. At 1 January 2018, the relevant index was 240.0, and at 31 December 2018, the index was 259.2.

iv) In late December 2018, the directors of PFC discovered a material fraud perpetrated by the company’s credit controller. Investigations revealed that a total of GH¢9 million of the trade receivables (included in current assets) as shown in the statement of financial position at 31 December 2018 had in fact been paid and the money had been stolen by the credit controller. An analysis revealed that GH¢3 million had been stolen in the year to 31 December 2017, with the rest being stolen in the current year. PFC is not insured for this loss and it cannot be recovered from the credit controller since his whereabouts are unknown.

v) As at 31 December 2018, the company’s taxable temporary differences had increased to GH¢24 million. The deferred tax relating to the increase in the temporary differences should be taken to profit or loss. The applicable corporate tax rate is 25%. The above figures do not include the estimated provision for current income tax on the profit for the year ended 31 December 2018. After allowing for any adjustments required in items (i) to (iv), the directors have estimated the provision of current tax liability for 2018 at 25% of adjusted profit. (This is in addition to the deferred tax effects of item (v)).


a) Redraft the financial statements above (taking into consideration the additional information (i) – (v) above). (11 marks)

b) Based on the revised financial statements, provide a range of possible issue prices per share using the Net Assets Method and the Earnings Yield/Price Earnings Ratio Method. (4 marks)

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FM – Nov 2014 – L3 – SB – Q4 – Financing Decisions and Capital Markets

Compare bond issuance methods, steps for IPO success, and Efficient Market Hypothesis application.

A pharmaceutical company wholly owned by the family of Chief Adedutan Jolomi has been in business for many years. The directors have decided to seek quotation on the Alternative Securities Market (ASEM).

A new drug on Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) was developed by the company. The production of the new drug will require more funding since short-term finance will not be sufficient. They believed it was time to introduce the drug into the market.

The directors of the company believed that launching the product would significantly increase the company’s share of the market because the country was anxiously looking forward to an effective EVD drug. Production and launch of this product is costly, and the company’s shareholders may not be able to raise such funds. This informed the directors’ decision to seek additional finance to be sourced partly in corporate bond and partly by the issue of shares.

They plan to issue the corporate bond in the first quarter of 2015 and the shares through an Initial Public Offer (IPO) towards the end of the year 2015. To decide on the appropriate method for the offer, the directors are interested in being educated on the issue.


(a) Compare and contrast the methods of issuing bonds through private placement and by public offer. State their advantages and advise on which method would be more appropriate in the above situation. (12 Marks)
(b) Advise the directors on the steps that need to be taken to improve the chances and success of its proposed Initial Public Offer (IPO). (4 Marks)
(c) Explain the three forms of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), indicating which of them is most likely to apply in practice. (4 Marks)

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CR – May 2019 – L3 – Q3 – Business valuations

The question involves redrafting financial statements of PFC based on additional information provided and calculating a range of possible issue prices for an IPO using Net Assets Method and Earnings Yield/Price Earnings Ratio Method.

The Board of Pogas Furniture Ltd (PFC), after a few years of incorporation, has decided to get the company listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. The Board has contacted you to assist in determining the true value of the business as at 31 December 2018 and to provide a range of possible issue prices based on the Net Assets Method and the Earnings Yield Method. Oliso Ltd, a listed company and a competitor of PFC, current results show a price-earnings ratio of 5 and earnings yield of 20%. The summarised unaudited financial statements of PFC are as follows:

Statement of Profit or Loss for the year ended 31 December 2018

Sales Revenue (note i) 150,000
Cost of Sales (72,000)
Gross Profit 78,000
Operational Expenses (34,800)
Finance Costs (Interest on debenture stocks) (1,200)
Net Profit 42,000
Taxation (@ 25%) (10,500)
Profit for the period 31,500

Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2018

Non-current assets
Property at Valuation (Land GH¢3 million; buildings GH¢27 million) 30,000
Plant and Equipment 24,000
Intangible Asset – Patent Right 3,000
Financial Asset (fair valued through profit or loss at 1/1/2018) 7,500
Total Non-current Assets 64,500
Current Assets 30,000
Total Assets 94,500
Equity and Liabilities
Stated Capital (4 million shares issued at GH¢3.00 per share) 12,000
Retained Earnings 57,960
Total Equity 69,960
Non-current liabilities
20% Debenture Stocks (2018-2020) 6,000
Deferred Tax provision (1 January 2018) 4,500
Total Non-current Liabilities 10,500
Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 3,540
Current Tax liability 10,500
Total Current Liabilities 14,040
Total Equity and Liabilities 94,500

Additional Information:

i) The sales revenue includes GH¢24 million of revenue for credit sales made on a ‘sale or return’ basis. At 31 December 2018, customers who had not paid for the goods had the right to return GH¢7.8 million of them. PFC applied a markup on cost of 30% on all these sales. In the past, PFC’s customers have sometimes returned goods under this type of agreement.

ii) The depreciable non-current assets have not been depreciated for the year ended 31 December 2018.

  • PFC has a policy of revaluing its land and buildings at the end of each accounting year. The values in the above statement of financial position are as at 1 January 2018 when the buildings had a remaining life of 18 years. A qualified surveyor has valued the land and buildings at 31 December 2018 at GH¢33 million.
  • Plant and equipment are depreciated at 12.5% per annum on the reducing balance basis. As at 31 December 2018, the value in use and the fair value less cost to sell were assessed at GH¢21.3 million and GH¢20.25 million respectively.
  • The patent right was acquired in January 2018 at a cost of GH¢3 million. It is expected to be used for five years after which the right of usage would have to be renewed in January 2023.

iii) The financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are held in a fund whose value changes directly in proportion to a specified market index. At 1 January 2018, the relevant index was 240.0, and at 31 December 2018, the index was 259.2.

iv) In late December 2018, the directors of PFC discovered a material fraud perpetrated by the company’s credit controller. Investigations revealed that a total of GH¢9 million of the trade receivables (included in current assets) as shown in the statement of financial position at 31 December 2018 had in fact been paid and the money had been stolen by the credit controller. An analysis revealed that GH¢3 million had been stolen in the year to 31 December 2017, with the rest being stolen in the current year. PFC is not insured for this loss and it cannot be recovered from the credit controller since his whereabouts are unknown.

v) As at 31 December 2018, the company’s taxable temporary differences had increased to GH¢24 million. The deferred tax relating to the increase in the temporary differences should be taken to profit or loss. The applicable corporate tax rate is 25%. The above figures do not include the estimated provision for current income tax on the profit for the year ended 31 December 2018. After allowing for any adjustments required in items (i) to (iv), the directors have estimated the provision of current tax liability for 2018 at 25% of adjusted profit. (This is in addition to the deferred tax effects of item (v)).


a) Redraft the financial statements above (taking into consideration the additional information (i) – (v) above). (11 marks)

b) Based on the revised financial statements, provide a range of possible issue prices per share using the Net Assets Method and the Earnings Yield/Price Earnings Ratio Method. (4 marks)

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