- 15 Marks
AT – Nov 2016 – L3 – SC – Q7 – Tax Planning and Management
Explain tax planning and anti-avoidance legislation, summarize tax evasion and double taxation provisions, and highlight non-tax investment factors.
You were invited as the Chairman of a Tax Summit at Ikeja, Lagos State. The topics for discussion were as follows:
i. Tax Planning, an Effective Method of Tax Avoidance
ii. Tax Evasion in a Growing Economy
iii. Double Taxation – The Provisions and the Impact
iv. Jurisdiction for Investment – Non-Tax Factors
As the Chairman, you had the opportunity to summarize the papers presented by the four paper presenters in just ten minutes.
You are required to:
a. Explain briefly, Tax Planning and Anti-Avoidance Legislations put in place by the Government (3 Marks).
b. Summarize situations that may involve Tax Evasion (4 Marks).
c. Explain Double Taxation Agreement – Provisions and the Main Objectives (4 Marks).
d. Summarize Non-tax factors that attract investors in choosing a business jurisdiction (4 Marks).
Find Related Questions by Tags, levels, etc.
- Tags: Double Taxation, Investment Jurisdiction, Tax avoidance, Tax Evasion, Tax Planning
- Level: Level 3
- Topic: Tax Planning and Management
- Series: NOV 2016