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CR – Nov 2023 – L3 – SA – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Prepare a consolidated statement of financial position for Sports PLC Group, considering goodwill, non-controlling interests, impairments, and disposals.

Sports PLC is a company which operates in the service sector. Sports PLC has a business relationship with Football PLC and Volleyball PLC. The financial positions of these companies as at September 30, 2020, are stated below:

Item Sports PLC Football PLC Volleyball PLC
Non-current assets: N’m N’m N’m
Property, plants, and equipment 1,840 600 620
Investment in subsidiaries:
– Football PLC 1,460
– Volleyball PLC 640
Investment in Handball PLC 96
Intangible assets 396 60 70
Total Non-current assets 3,792 1,300 690
Current assets 1,790 960 500
Total assets 5,582 2,260 1,190

Equity and liabilities

Item Sports PLC Football PLC Volleyball PLC
Ordinary share capital 1,840 800 400
Other components of equity 146 74 50
Retained earnings 1,790 884 278
Total equity 3,776 1,758 728
Non-current liabilities 990 246 186
Current liabilities 816 256 276
Total liabilities 1,806 502 462
Total equity and liabilities 5,582 2,260 1,190

Additional Information

  1. Acquisition of Football PLC:
    • On October 1, 2018, Sports PLC acquired 70% of the equity interest in Football PLC. The purchase consideration was cash of N1,460 million. At the acquisition date, the fair value of the non-controlling interests (NCI) in Football PLC was N590 million. The fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired was N1,670 million. Retained earnings of Football PLC were N638 million, and other components of equity were N54 million. The excess in fair value is due to non-depreciable land.
  2. Acquisition of Volleyball PLC:
    • On October 1, 2019, Football PLC acquired 80% of the equity interest in Volleyball PLC for a cash consideration of N640 million. The fair value of the non-controlling interests for 20%, 30%, and 44% holdings was N144 million, N216 million, and N322 million, respectively. At the date of acquisition, the fair value of the identifiable net assets of Volleyball PLC was N724 million. Retained earnings were N212 million, and other components of equity were N40 million. The excess in fair value is due to non-depreciable land. The group’s policy is to measure the non-controlling interests at fair value at the acquisition date.
  3. Impairment Testing:
    • As of September 30, 2020, both Football PLC and Volleyball PLC were tested for impairment. The recoverable amounts for Football PLC and Volleyball PLC were N2,850 million and N1,208 million, respectively. Directors determined that impairment was due to poor performance of intangible assets.
  4. Investment in Handball PLC:
    • On October 1, 2018, Sports PLC acquired a 14% interest in Handball PLC for N36 million, classified as fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI). On April 1, 2020, Sports PLC acquired an additional 16% interest for N54 million, achieving significant influence. The value of the original 14% investment on April 1, 2020, was N42 million. Handball PLC reported after-tax profits of N40 million for the year ending September 30, 2019, and N60 million for the year ending September 30, 2020. In September 2020, Sports PLC received a dividend of N4 million from Handball PLC, credited to other components of equity.
  5. Project Development Costs:
    • Sports PLC purchased patents costing N20 million on October 1, 2019, to develop new products. An additional investigative cost of N14 million was incurred, and a working prototype was created at a cost of N8 million. Another N6 million was spent to prepare the product for sale, and marketing costs amounted to N4 million. All costs were included in intangible assets.
  6. Disposal Plan:
    • Sports PLC intends to dispose of a major patent line. At the date the criteria for “held for sale” were met, the carrying amounts were:
      • Property, Plant, and Equipment: N36 million
      • Inventories: N98 million
      • Current Liabilities (Trade Payables): N6 million
    • Expected proceeds are N60 million. No adjustments have been made to the financial statements for this decision.

Required: Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for Sports PLC Group as of September 30, 2020. (30 Marks)

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CR – Nov 2023 – L3 – SA – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Prepare a consolidated statement of financial position for Sports PLC Group, considering goodwill, non-controlling interests, impairments, and disposals.

Sports PLC is a company which operates in the service sector. Sports PLC has a business relationship with Football PLC and Volleyball PLC. The financial positions of these companies as at September 30, 2020, are stated below:

Item Sports PLC Football PLC Volleyball PLC
Non-current assets: N’m N’m N’m
Property, plants, and equipment 1,840 600 620
Investment in subsidiaries:
– Football PLC 1,460
– Volleyball PLC 640
Investment in Handball PLC 96
Intangible assets 396 60 70
Total Non-current assets 3,792 1,300 690
Current assets 1,790 960 500
Total assets 5,582 2,260 1,190

Equity and liabilities

Item Sports PLC Football PLC Volleyball PLC
Ordinary share capital 1,840 800 400
Other components of equity 146 74 50
Retained earnings 1,790 884 278
Total equity 3,776 1,758 728
Non-current liabilities 990 246 186
Current liabilities 816 256 276
Total liabilities 1,806 502 462
Total equity and liabilities 5,582 2,260 1,190

Additional Information

  1. Acquisition of Football PLC:
    • On October 1, 2018, Sports PLC acquired 70% of the equity interest in Football PLC. The purchase consideration was cash of N1,460 million. At the acquisition date, the fair value of the non-controlling interests (NCI) in Football PLC was N590 million. The fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired was N1,670 million. Retained earnings of Football PLC were N638 million, and other components of equity were N54 million. The excess in fair value is due to non-depreciable land.
  2. Acquisition of Volleyball PLC:
    • On October 1, 2019, Football PLC acquired 80% of the equity interest in Volleyball PLC for a cash consideration of N640 million. The fair value of the non-controlling interests for 20%, 30%, and 44% holdings was N144 million, N216 million, and N322 million, respectively. At the date of acquisition, the fair value of the identifiable net assets of Volleyball PLC was N724 million. Retained earnings were N212 million, and other components of equity were N40 million. The excess in fair value is due to non-depreciable land. The group’s policy is to measure the non-controlling interests at fair value at the acquisition date.
  3. Impairment Testing:
    • As of September 30, 2020, both Football PLC and Volleyball PLC were tested for impairment. The recoverable amounts for Football PLC and Volleyball PLC were N2,850 million and N1,208 million, respectively. Directors determined that impairment was due to poor performance of intangible assets.
  4. Investment in Handball PLC:
    • On October 1, 2018, Sports PLC acquired a 14% interest in Handball PLC for N36 million, classified as fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI). On April 1, 2020, Sports PLC acquired an additional 16% interest for N54 million, achieving significant influence. The value of the original 14% investment on April 1, 2020, was N42 million. Handball PLC reported after-tax profits of N40 million for the year ending September 30, 2019, and N60 million for the year ending September 30, 2020. In September 2020, Sports PLC received a dividend of N4 million from Handball PLC, credited to other components of equity.
  5. Project Development Costs:
    • Sports PLC purchased patents costing N20 million on October 1, 2019, to develop new products. An additional investigative cost of N14 million was incurred, and a working prototype was created at a cost of N8 million. Another N6 million was spent to prepare the product for sale, and marketing costs amounted to N4 million. All costs were included in intangible assets.
  6. Disposal Plan:
    • Sports PLC intends to dispose of a major patent line. At the date the criteria for “held for sale” were met, the carrying amounts were:
      • Property, Plant, and Equipment: N36 million
      • Inventories: N98 million
      • Current Liabilities (Trade Payables): N6 million
    • Expected proceeds are N60 million. No adjustments have been made to the financial statements for this decision.

Required: Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for Sports PLC Group as of September 30, 2020. (30 Marks)

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