Question Tag: Income Tax Rates

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AT – Nov 2014 – L3 – SB – Q2b – Corporate Tax Compliance and Reporting

Explain why tax charges differ from applicable rates and why tax payments differ between cash flows and profit statements.

Mr. Ojoowuro, the director of a grocery store, has noticed that the tax charge for his company is N15 million on profits before tax of N105 million, resulting in an effective tax rate of 14.3%. Another company, Irin Plc, has an income tax charge of N30 million on a profit before tax of N90 million, resulting in an effective rate of 33.3%, yet both companies state that the rate of income tax applicable to them is 25%. Mr. Ojoowuro has also noticed that in the statements of cash flows, both companies have paid the same amount of tax of N24 million.

Advise Mr. Ojoowuro on the possible reasons why the income tax charge in the financial statements as a percentage of the profit before tax may not be the same as the applicable income tax rate and why the tax paid in the statement of cash flows may not be the same as the tax charge in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.

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AT – Nov 2014 – L3 – SB – Q2b – Corporate Tax Compliance and Reporting

Explain why tax charges differ from applicable rates and why tax payments differ between cash flows and profit statements.

Mr. Ojoowuro, the director of a grocery store, has noticed that the tax charge for his company is N15 million on profits before tax of N105 million, resulting in an effective tax rate of 14.3%. Another company, Irin Plc, has an income tax charge of N30 million on a profit before tax of N90 million, resulting in an effective rate of 33.3%, yet both companies state that the rate of income tax applicable to them is 25%. Mr. Ojoowuro has also noticed that in the statements of cash flows, both companies have paid the same amount of tax of N24 million.

Advise Mr. Ojoowuro on the possible reasons why the income tax charge in the financial statements as a percentage of the profit before tax may not be the same as the applicable income tax rate and why the tax paid in the statement of cash flows may not be the same as the tax charge in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.

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