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AAA – Nov 2024 – L3 – Q1b – Group Audit Risks and Consolidation Issues

Audit risks and procedures for a multinational group audit engagement.

You are a Senior Auditor at Dromo Audit Firm, assigned to audit a new client, Afroherb Pharma LTD, a multinational pharmaceutical company. During the initial stages of engagement planning, you discovered that Afroherb Pharma LTD operates in multiple jurisdictions, including Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and The Gambia. The parent company is in Ghana, and the companies in the other jurisdictions are all subsidiaries. All these jurisdictions have significant regulatory requirements and operational difficulties. The company has recently expanded its product line to include vaccine production following the introduction of The Vaccine Centre in Ghana. The production of vaccines is also subject to stringent regulatory reviews.

i) State FOUR audit procedures you could perform in relation to the consolidation of the financial statements of Afroherb Group. 
ii) Identify TWO specific risks associated with auditing Afroherb Pharma LTD, particularly in relation to its expansion into vaccine products. How should these risks be managed?
iii) State TWO problems associated with the planning of group audits

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AAA – May 2023 – L3 – Q3 – Risk Management in Audits

Evaluate risks in PK Industries' scenario, discuss related party risk assessment per ISA 550, and provide audit guidelines based on ISA 600.

Messrs PK Industries Limited was incorporated and operates its business in Nigeria. The company has existed over the years. During most of this period, it imported some major components from China. Imports usually take some time to arrive after necessary forms have been completed and submitted to the bank.

Two of the directors have two other companies that supply fuel and other local resources needed by the company. The company’s directors are aware of this but prefer to do their business rather than patronize other suppliers.

In the last few years, the turnover of the company fluctuated between ₦500 million and ₦1 billion. The two other companies owned by the two directors are currently trading on loans granted by the company.

Following what was considered to be an increasingly harsh economic environment and high cost of power supply, the company registered a subsidiary company with a production outfit in Ghana while still maintaining its head office operations in Nigeria. Part of the raw materials needed in Ghana are procured in Nigeria and transported to Ghana through hired trailers. This process is being used until a suitable supplier is found in Ghana.

The company decided to hold the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the company’s premises in Ghana, with all the directors/shareholders traveling to Ghana on a direct flight from Abuja to Accra at the company’s expense. It was decided that this was an opportunity to evaluate the Ghanaian environment for further business decisions.

The audit of the Nigerian company and its Ghanaian company were done by different firms.


(a) Evaluate the risks involved in the scenario above. (5 Marks)

(b) Discuss the risk assessment procedures that the auditor of Messrs PK Industries Limited needs to adopt as required by ISA 550. (11 Marks)

(c) Prepare the key guidelines to the audit in accordance with ISA 600. (4 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2013 – L3 – A – Q16 – Group Audits

This question assesses the appropriate audit procedure for verifying a subsidiary’s accounts before consolidation.

When a client has control over a subsidiary, what is the most appropriate audit procedure to obtain evidence to verify subsidiary accounts before consolidation?
A. Arrange for independent valuation of the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary
B. Be involved in the appointment of the subsidiary auditors
C. Rely on additional work carried out by the internal auditors
D. Send a template of your expectation to subsidiary auditors
E. Provide audit program for the subsidiary auditors


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AAA – Nov 2011 – L3 – SAII – Q9 – Group Audits

Explanation of audit procedures communication from secondary to primary auditor.0.............................................................

A letter written by the secondary auditor to the primary auditor explaining all the procedures used in carrying out the audit of the subsidiary company is known as……………………………

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AAA – Dec 2023 – L3 – Q3 – Audit Evidence | Evaluation and Review

Assess the risk of material misstatement and audit implications related to goodwill impairment, accounting policies, auditor’s opinion, and going concern.

As the Audit Manager for Grep & Co., you are currently overseeing the audit of Kellwin Ltd., a company operating in the food processing industry. The audit for the financial year ended 31 October 2023 is nearing completion. However, several issues have been brought to your attention by the audit team, requiring your review and further action.

a) Goodwill Impairment
Kellwin Ltd. acquired a subsidiary, Fresh Foods Plc, on 1 November 2021. The purchase consideration for the acquisition was GH¢18 million. The goodwill arising on the acquisition was recognized at GH¢3 million in Kellwin Ltd.’s consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2022. The directors have conducted an impairment review of goodwill and have concluded that no impairment is necessary, with the carrying amount of goodwill remaining at GH¢3 million as at 31 October 2023. The directors have explained that the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit (CGU) to which the goodwill has been allocated exceeds the carrying amount. (8 marks)

b) Accounting Policies
During the audit, it was identified that Kellwin Ltd. changed its accounting policy for recognizing revenue from contracts with customers. Previously, revenue was recognized when goods were delivered to customers. However, from 1 January 2023, the company started recognizing revenue when the goods were dispatched from the warehouse. This change was applied retrospectively, and the comparative figures in the financial statements were restated. The impact of this change is an increase in revenue by GH¢1.5 million for the year ended 31 October 2023. The directors have justified the change by stating that it provides more relevant information to users of the financial statements. (6 marks)

c) Auditor’s Opinion and Going Concern
Kellwin Ltd. has experienced significant financial difficulties during the year due to adverse economic conditions. As a result, the company has incurred a net loss of GH¢2 million and has breached its loan covenants. The directors have initiated discussions with the company’s bank to secure a waiver of the covenant breaches and to obtain additional funding. The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, and the directors are confident that they will secure the necessary funding. However, the negotiations with the bank are still ongoing, and there is significant uncertainty regarding the company’s ability to continue as a going concern. (6 marks)

i) Assess the risk of material misstatement in relation to each of the issues described above.
ii) For each issue, state the audit procedures that should be performed to address the risks identified.

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AAA – March 2023 – L3 – Q2a – Audit evidence, The audit approach

Comment on matters to consider and audit evidence for group audits, focusing on Fuga Plc, Bavi Plc, and Kontomo Plc.

You are an Audit Manager in Aboto & Associates, responsible for the audit of the Obina Group (the Group). You are reviewing the audit working papers for the consolidated financial statements relating to the year ended 31 March 2021. The Group specializes in the wholesale supply of steel plate and sheet metals. The draft consolidated financial statements recognize revenue of GH¢7,670 million (2020 – GH¢7,235 million), profit before taxation of GH¢55 million (2020 – GH¢80 million) and total assets of GH¢1,560 million (2020 – GH¢1,275 million). Aboto & Associates audits all of the individual company financial statements as well as the Group consolidated financial statements. The Audit Senior has brought the following matters, regarding a number of the Group’s companies, to your attention:

  1. Fuga Plc
    The Group purchased 40% of the share capital and voting rights in Fuga Plc on 1 May 2020. Fuga Plc is listed on the Ghana Alternative Market. The Group has also acquired options to purchase the remaining 60% of the issued shares at a 10% discount on the market value of the shares at the time of exercise. The options are exercisable in 18 months from 1 May 2021. Fuga Plc’s draft financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2021 reveals revenue of GH¢90 million and a loss before tax of GH¢12 million. The Group’s Finance Director has recognized Fuga Plc as an associate in this year’s group accounts and has included a loss before tax of GH¢4.4 million in the consolidated statement of profit or loss.
    (7 marks)
  2. Bavi Plc
    Bavi Plc is a foreign subsidiary whose functional and presentational currency is the same as Obina Plc and the remainder of the Group. The subsidiary specializes in the production of stainless steel and holds a significant portfolio of forward commodity options to hedge against fluctuations in raw material prices. The local jurisdiction does not mandate the use of IFRS and the Audit Senior has noted that Bavi Plc follows local GAAP, whereby derivatives are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but are not recognized as assets or liabilities in the statement of financial position. The disclosure notes include details of the maturity and exercise terms of the options and a directors’ valuation stating that they have a total fair value of GH¢6.1 million as at 31 March 2021. The disclosure notes state that all of the derivative contracts were entered into in the last three months of the reporting period and that they required no initial net investment.                                         (6 marks)
  3. Kontomo Plc
    Kontomo Plc is a long-standing subsidiary in which the Group parent has a direct holding of 80% of the equity and voting rights. Audit work on revenue and receivables at Kontomo Plc has revealed sales of aluminum to its parent company in March 2021 amounting to GH¢77 million which have been recorded in the subsidiary’s financial statements. However, the audit procedures have identified that the receipt of aluminum was not recorded by the parent company until 2 April 2021. The group has made no adjustment for this transaction in the draft consolidated financial statements. Kontomo Plc makes a 10% profit margin on the sale of aluminum.                                                            (7 marks)

Comment on the matters to be considered and the audit evidence you should expect to find during your review of the Group audit working papers in respect of each of the issues raised above.

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AAA – Nov 2024 – L3 – Q1b – Group Audit Risks and Consolidation Issues

Audit risks and procedures for a multinational group audit engagement.

You are a Senior Auditor at Dromo Audit Firm, assigned to audit a new client, Afroherb Pharma LTD, a multinational pharmaceutical company. During the initial stages of engagement planning, you discovered that Afroherb Pharma LTD operates in multiple jurisdictions, including Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and The Gambia. The parent company is in Ghana, and the companies in the other jurisdictions are all subsidiaries. All these jurisdictions have significant regulatory requirements and operational difficulties. The company has recently expanded its product line to include vaccine production following the introduction of The Vaccine Centre in Ghana. The production of vaccines is also subject to stringent regulatory reviews.

i) State FOUR audit procedures you could perform in relation to the consolidation of the financial statements of Afroherb Group. 
ii) Identify TWO specific risks associated with auditing Afroherb Pharma LTD, particularly in relation to its expansion into vaccine products. How should these risks be managed?
iii) State TWO problems associated with the planning of group audits

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AAA – May 2023 – L3 – Q3 – Risk Management in Audits

Evaluate risks in PK Industries' scenario, discuss related party risk assessment per ISA 550, and provide audit guidelines based on ISA 600.

Messrs PK Industries Limited was incorporated and operates its business in Nigeria. The company has existed over the years. During most of this period, it imported some major components from China. Imports usually take some time to arrive after necessary forms have been completed and submitted to the bank.

Two of the directors have two other companies that supply fuel and other local resources needed by the company. The company’s directors are aware of this but prefer to do their business rather than patronize other suppliers.

In the last few years, the turnover of the company fluctuated between ₦500 million and ₦1 billion. The two other companies owned by the two directors are currently trading on loans granted by the company.

Following what was considered to be an increasingly harsh economic environment and high cost of power supply, the company registered a subsidiary company with a production outfit in Ghana while still maintaining its head office operations in Nigeria. Part of the raw materials needed in Ghana are procured in Nigeria and transported to Ghana through hired trailers. This process is being used until a suitable supplier is found in Ghana.

The company decided to hold the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the company’s premises in Ghana, with all the directors/shareholders traveling to Ghana on a direct flight from Abuja to Accra at the company’s expense. It was decided that this was an opportunity to evaluate the Ghanaian environment for further business decisions.

The audit of the Nigerian company and its Ghanaian company were done by different firms.


(a) Evaluate the risks involved in the scenario above. (5 Marks)

(b) Discuss the risk assessment procedures that the auditor of Messrs PK Industries Limited needs to adopt as required by ISA 550. (11 Marks)

(c) Prepare the key guidelines to the audit in accordance with ISA 600. (4 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2013 – L3 – A – Q16 – Group Audits

This question assesses the appropriate audit procedure for verifying a subsidiary’s accounts before consolidation.

When a client has control over a subsidiary, what is the most appropriate audit procedure to obtain evidence to verify subsidiary accounts before consolidation?
A. Arrange for independent valuation of the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary
B. Be involved in the appointment of the subsidiary auditors
C. Rely on additional work carried out by the internal auditors
D. Send a template of your expectation to subsidiary auditors
E. Provide audit program for the subsidiary auditors


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AAA – Nov 2011 – L3 – SAII – Q9 – Group Audits

Explanation of audit procedures communication from secondary to primary auditor.0.............................................................

A letter written by the secondary auditor to the primary auditor explaining all the procedures used in carrying out the audit of the subsidiary company is known as……………………………

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AAA – Dec 2023 – L3 – Q3 – Audit Evidence | Evaluation and Review

Assess the risk of material misstatement and audit implications related to goodwill impairment, accounting policies, auditor’s opinion, and going concern.

As the Audit Manager for Grep & Co., you are currently overseeing the audit of Kellwin Ltd., a company operating in the food processing industry. The audit for the financial year ended 31 October 2023 is nearing completion. However, several issues have been brought to your attention by the audit team, requiring your review and further action.

a) Goodwill Impairment
Kellwin Ltd. acquired a subsidiary, Fresh Foods Plc, on 1 November 2021. The purchase consideration for the acquisition was GH¢18 million. The goodwill arising on the acquisition was recognized at GH¢3 million in Kellwin Ltd.’s consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2022. The directors have conducted an impairment review of goodwill and have concluded that no impairment is necessary, with the carrying amount of goodwill remaining at GH¢3 million as at 31 October 2023. The directors have explained that the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit (CGU) to which the goodwill has been allocated exceeds the carrying amount. (8 marks)

b) Accounting Policies
During the audit, it was identified that Kellwin Ltd. changed its accounting policy for recognizing revenue from contracts with customers. Previously, revenue was recognized when goods were delivered to customers. However, from 1 January 2023, the company started recognizing revenue when the goods were dispatched from the warehouse. This change was applied retrospectively, and the comparative figures in the financial statements were restated. The impact of this change is an increase in revenue by GH¢1.5 million for the year ended 31 October 2023. The directors have justified the change by stating that it provides more relevant information to users of the financial statements. (6 marks)

c) Auditor’s Opinion and Going Concern
Kellwin Ltd. has experienced significant financial difficulties during the year due to adverse economic conditions. As a result, the company has incurred a net loss of GH¢2 million and has breached its loan covenants. The directors have initiated discussions with the company’s bank to secure a waiver of the covenant breaches and to obtain additional funding. The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, and the directors are confident that they will secure the necessary funding. However, the negotiations with the bank are still ongoing, and there is significant uncertainty regarding the company’s ability to continue as a going concern. (6 marks)

i) Assess the risk of material misstatement in relation to each of the issues described above.
ii) For each issue, state the audit procedures that should be performed to address the risks identified.

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AAA – March 2023 – L3 – Q2a – Audit evidence, The audit approach

Comment on matters to consider and audit evidence for group audits, focusing on Fuga Plc, Bavi Plc, and Kontomo Plc.

You are an Audit Manager in Aboto & Associates, responsible for the audit of the Obina Group (the Group). You are reviewing the audit working papers for the consolidated financial statements relating to the year ended 31 March 2021. The Group specializes in the wholesale supply of steel plate and sheet metals. The draft consolidated financial statements recognize revenue of GH¢7,670 million (2020 – GH¢7,235 million), profit before taxation of GH¢55 million (2020 – GH¢80 million) and total assets of GH¢1,560 million (2020 – GH¢1,275 million). Aboto & Associates audits all of the individual company financial statements as well as the Group consolidated financial statements. The Audit Senior has brought the following matters, regarding a number of the Group’s companies, to your attention:

  1. Fuga Plc
    The Group purchased 40% of the share capital and voting rights in Fuga Plc on 1 May 2020. Fuga Plc is listed on the Ghana Alternative Market. The Group has also acquired options to purchase the remaining 60% of the issued shares at a 10% discount on the market value of the shares at the time of exercise. The options are exercisable in 18 months from 1 May 2021. Fuga Plc’s draft financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2021 reveals revenue of GH¢90 million and a loss before tax of GH¢12 million. The Group’s Finance Director has recognized Fuga Plc as an associate in this year’s group accounts and has included a loss before tax of GH¢4.4 million in the consolidated statement of profit or loss.
    (7 marks)
  2. Bavi Plc
    Bavi Plc is a foreign subsidiary whose functional and presentational currency is the same as Obina Plc and the remainder of the Group. The subsidiary specializes in the production of stainless steel and holds a significant portfolio of forward commodity options to hedge against fluctuations in raw material prices. The local jurisdiction does not mandate the use of IFRS and the Audit Senior has noted that Bavi Plc follows local GAAP, whereby derivatives are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but are not recognized as assets or liabilities in the statement of financial position. The disclosure notes include details of the maturity and exercise terms of the options and a directors’ valuation stating that they have a total fair value of GH¢6.1 million as at 31 March 2021. The disclosure notes state that all of the derivative contracts were entered into in the last three months of the reporting period and that they required no initial net investment.                                         (6 marks)
  3. Kontomo Plc
    Kontomo Plc is a long-standing subsidiary in which the Group parent has a direct holding of 80% of the equity and voting rights. Audit work on revenue and receivables at Kontomo Plc has revealed sales of aluminum to its parent company in March 2021 amounting to GH¢77 million which have been recorded in the subsidiary’s financial statements. However, the audit procedures have identified that the receipt of aluminum was not recorded by the parent company until 2 April 2021. The group has made no adjustment for this transaction in the draft consolidated financial statements. Kontomo Plc makes a 10% profit margin on the sale of aluminum.                                                            (7 marks)

Comment on the matters to be considered and the audit evidence you should expect to find during your review of the Group audit working papers in respect of each of the issues raised above.

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