- 20 Marks
AAA – May 2016 – L3 – Q4 – Audit Reporting
Review the suitability of proposed audit opinions for four audit clients and suggest necessary modifications.
You are the manager responsible for four audit clients of Globe & Co, a firm of Chartered Accountants. The year-end in each case is June 30, 2015.
You are currently reviewing the audit working paper files and the audit seniors’ recommendations for the auditors’ reports. Details are as follows:
a. Red Co. Limited is a subsidiary of Yellow Holdings Plc. Serious going concern problems have been noted during this year’s audit. Red will be unable to trade for the foreseeable future unless it continues to receive financial support from the parent company. Red has received a letter of support (‘comfort letter’) from Yellow Holdings Plc.
The audit senior has suggested that due to the seriousness of the situation, the audit opinion must at least be qualified ‘except for’. (5 Marks)
b. Edo Co Plc has changed its accounting policy for goodwill during the year from amortisation over its estimated useful life to annual impairment testing. No disclosure of this change has been given in the financial statements. The carrying amount of goodwill in the statement of financial position as at June 30, 2015, is the same as at June 30, 2014, as management’s impairment test shows that it is not impaired.
The audit senior has concluded that a modification to the opinion is not required but suggests that attention can be drawn to the change by way of an emphasis of matter paragraph. (6 Marks)
c. The directors’ report of Prompt Co Limited states that investment property rental forms a major part of revenue. However, a note to the financial statements shows that property rental represents only 1.6% of total revenue for the year. The audit senior is satisfied that the revenue figures are correct.
The audit senior has noted that an unmodified opinion should be given as the audit opinion does not extend to the directors’ report. (4 Marks)
d. Audit work on the after-date bank transactions of Twinkle Co Limited has identified a transfer of cash from Star Co. Limited. The audit senior assigned to the audit of Twinkle has documented that Twinkle’s finance director explained that Star commenced trading on July 20, 2015, after being set up as a wholly-owned foreign subsidiary of Twinkle.
The audit senior has noted that although no other evidence has been obtained, an unmodified opinion is appropriate because the matter does not impact on the current year’s financial statements. (5 Marks)
For each situation, comment on the suitability or otherwise of the audit senior’s proposals for the auditors’ reports. Where you disagree, indicate what audit report modification (if any) should be given instead.
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