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SCS – Nov 2024 – L3 – Q4b – International Tax Considerations

Key tax issues for BOGML’s planned international expansion to minimize total group tax payable.

The company is planning to expand its operations to Tanzania and South Africa in 2026. As a result, transactions between the head office in Ghana and the prospective foreign subsidiaries will likely take place, leading to potential international tax implications.


Briefly identify and explain TWO key issues to consider for the company to minimise total tax payable on the group profits.

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CR – Nov 2016 – L3 – SA – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Prepare a Consolidated Statement of Financial Position for Bata Plc and subsidiaries; explain IAS 21 principles for translating foreign subsidiaries.

a. Bata Plc, which operates in the manufacturing sector, has been surviving the challenges operating in the Nigerian economic environment. The draft Statements of Financial Position of Bata Plc and its subsidiaries as at October 31, 2016, are as follows:

Bata N’million Jewe N’million Gaba N’million
Non-current assets Property, plant, and equipment 4,320 360 420
Investments in subsidiaries 1,110 600
Financial assets 500
Total Non-current assets 5,930 960 420
Current assets 1,050 570 540
Total assets 6,980 1,530 960
Equity Share capital – N1 ordinary shares 2,400 600 300
Retained earnings 3,410 540 390
Other components of equity 450
Total equity 6,260 1,140 690
Current liabilities 720 390 270
Total liabilities and equity 6,980 1,530 960

Additional Information:

  1. Acquisition of Subsidiaries:
    • Bata Plc acquired 60% of the share capital of Jewe Plc on November 1, 2012, and 10% of Gaba Plc on November 1, 2013. The costs of the combinations were N852 million and N258 million, respectively.
    • Jewe Plc acquired 70% of the share capital of Gaba Plc on November 1, 2013.
  2. Retained Earnings Balances:
Date Jewe Plc (N’million) Gaba Plc (N’million)
November 1, 2012 270
November 1, 2013 360 240
  1. Fair Value Adjustments:
    • At acquisition dates, the fair value of the net assets was N930 million for Jewe Plc and N660 million for Gaba Plc. The difference in the fair value and book value relates to non-depreciable land.
    • The fair value of non-controlling interest (NCI) was N390 million for Jewe Plc and N330 million for Gaba Plc. Bata Plc adopts the full goodwill method under IFRS 3 to account for NCI.
  2. Impairment Testing:
    • Jewe Plc suffered an impairment loss of N60 million.
    • Gaba Plc did not suffer any impairment loss.
  3. Intra-group Inventory Sales:
    • During the year ended October 31, 2016, Bata Plc sold inventory to Jewe Plc and Gaba Plc.
    • The invoiced prices of the inventories were N480 million and N360 million, respectively.
    • Bata Plc invoices goods to achieve a markup of 25% on cost to all third parties, including group companies.
    • At the year-end, half of the inventory sold to Jewe Plc remained unsold, but the entire inventory sold to Gaba Plc had been sold to third parties.
  4. Financial Asset:
    • Bata Plc purchased a deep discount bond for N500 million on November 1, 2015.
    • The bonds will be redeemed in 3 years for N740.75 million and are carried at amortized cost in line with IAS 39.
    • The Accountant has not passed the correct entries to reflect amortized cost valuation at year-end, and the financial asset is shown at N500 million.

Compound sum of N1: (1 + r)^n

Year 12% 14%
1 1.1200 1.1400
2 1.2544 1.2996
3 1.4049 1.4815
4 1.5735 1.6890


  1. Prepare a Consolidated Statement of Financial Position for Bata Plc and its subsidiaries as at October 31, 2016.       (25 Marks)
  2. Explain to the directors of Bata Plc how the assets, liabilities, income, and expenses of a foreign subsidiary, including the resulting goodwill, are translated for consolidation purposes under IAS 21. (5 Marks)

(Total: 30 Marks)

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CR – May 2019 – L3 – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for a group with a foreign subsidiary and inter-company transactions as at September 30, 2017.

Oyin Plc. a Nigerian company acquired 960 million equity share capital of Kemy Plc., a foreign subsidiary based in Brazil, on 1 October, 2015 for 1.08 billion Brazilian real (BRL). The functional and presentation currency of Kemy Plc. is the BRL. Since acquisition, Kemy Plc., has operated autonomously of Oyin group.

The statements of financial position of Oyin Plc. and Kemy Plc. as at 30 September, 2017 are as follows:

Additional Information:

  1. It is the policy of Oyin Plc. group to recognize non-controlling interest at acquisition at the proportionate share of the net assets. The retained earnings of Kemy Plc., at the date of acquisition were 390 million BRL.
  2. Kemy Plc. sells goods to Oyin Plc. at cost plus a mark-up of 33 1/3%. At 30 September, 2017, Oyin Plc. held N15 million of the goods. The goods were purchased at an exchange rate of N1 to 5 BRL. On 28 September, 2017, Oyin Plc. sent Kemy Plc., a payment for N15 million to clear the intra-group payables. Kemy received and recorded the cash on 2 October, 2017.
  3. On 1 October, 2016, Kemy Plc. purchased a leasehold building for 375 million BRL, taking out a loan note payable after five years to finance the purchase. The estimated useful life of the building on 1 October, 2016 was 25 years with no estimated residual value. The building is to be depreciated on a straight-line basis. The building was professionally revalued at 450 million BRL on 30 September, 2017 and the directors have included the revalued amount in the statement of financial position.Both companies adopt a policy of revaluation for their properties. There was no difference between the carrying amount and fair value of the property of Oyin Plc. at 30 September, 2017.
  4. Exchange Rates:
Date BRL to N1
1 October, 2015 6.0
30 September, 2015 5.5
30 September, 2017 5.0
Average for the year to 30 September, 2016 5.2

Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position of Oyin group at 30 September, 2017.

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CR – Nov 2016 – L3 – Q1b – Foreign Currency Transactions and Translation (IAS 21)

Explanation of IAS 21 translation requirements for assets, liabilities, income, and expenses of a foreign subsidiary in consolidation.

The directors of Bata Plc are considering the acquisition of a foreign subsidiary to facilitate foreign exchange access. However, they are uncertain about the requirements of IAS 21, ‘The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates,’ for translating a foreign subsidiary’s financial statements.

Required: Briefly explain to the directors of Bata Plc how the assets, liabilities, income, and expenses of a foreign subsidiary, including the resulting goodwill, are translated for consolidation purposes and the treatment of exchange differences arising from the translation.

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CR – May 2024 – L3 – SB – Q3 – Income Taxes (IAS 12)

Deferred tax impact analysis for asset purchase, fair value adjustments, and subsidiary profit

Below is the statement of financial position (extract) of Bamboo PLC, a company with several subsidiaries across various regions, including one foreign subsidiary, Pako Limited, based in the USA:

Draft Statement of Financial Position
As at October 31, 2023

Assets N’m
Deferred tax 77
Other non-current assets 2,329
Inventories and other current assets 1,150
Cash and cash equivalents 422
Total assets 3,978
Liabilities and Equity
Other non-current liabilities 1,671
Deferred tax liabilities 186
Payables and accruals 1,131
Total liabilities 2,988
Share capital 250
Share premium 120
Retained earnings 620
Total equity 990
Total liabilities and equity 3,978

During the preparation of the final draft of the financial statements, the following issues regarding deferred tax implications were raised:

  1. Property, Plant, and Equipment
    • On November 1, 2022, Bamboo PLC acquired an asset for N120 million, which qualified for a government capital grant of N20 million. The asset has a five-year useful life with straight-line depreciation. Capital allowances are restricted by the grant amount, and tax laws allow a 25% annual capital allowance rate.
  2. Fair Value Adjustments
    • Bamboo PLC acquired Iroko Limited for N100 million, with net assets fair valued at N80 million against a tax base of N70 million. The difference relates to property, plant, and equipment that Iroko Limited intends to hold long-term.
  3. Profit from Foreign Subsidiary
    • Bamboo PLC’s foreign subsidiary, Pako Limited, has $5,000 in undistributed post-acquisition profit, which would incur a N4 million tax if remitted to Nigeria. Bamboo PLC plans to retain these earnings for Pako Limited’s reinvestment.


a. Briefly explain and calculate, where applicable, the deferred tax implications for each transaction. (15 Marks)

b. Show the deferred tax effects on the draft statement of financial position for Bamboo PLC. (5 Marks)

Note: Use a 30% tax rate for calculations.

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ATAX – Nov 2018 – L3 – Q3b – International Taxation

Permanent Establishment (PE) under the Nigeria-UK Double Taxation Agreement

b) Double taxation agreements exist among Nigeria and some foreign countries.

Explain the term “Permanent Establishment” as contained in the double taxation agreement between Nigeria and the United Kingdom.
(5 Marks)

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ATAX – Nov 2018 – L3 – Q3a – International Taxation

Tax implications for Sadiq Corporation's contracts executed by its Nigerian subsidiary, including PE under Nigeria-UK tax agreement.

(a) Sadiq Corporation was incorporated in Sweden as a limited liability company and has a subsidiary, Omologede Ventures Nigeria Limited located in Akure, Nigeria. Peniel Nigeria Plc awarded a contract to Sadiq Corporation to renovate a rice milling factory in Gboko, Benue State, and another in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State. The contract value for the Gboko factory is $11,064,150, and $7,337,616 for the Abakaliki factory. Sadiq Corporation later sub-contracted the two jobs to its subsidiary in Nigeria. The renovation is expected to be completed within six months.

The following information was submitted to the Federal Inland Revenue Service by Omologede Ventures Nigeria Limited for the year ended December 31, 2017:

Description Amount (N)
Direct materials 962,100,000
Scaffolding 183,538,320
Administrative expenses on hired professionals 33,352,800
Rentals on equipment 18,708,248
Maintenance of equipment 7,431,688
Personnel card (domestic) 28,803,029
Personnel cost (foreign) 14,738,250
Fees to engineers 11,298,689
Other operational costs 6,512,070

Additional Information:

  1. Capital allowance agreed by Omologede Ventures Nigeria Limited with the Federal Inland Revenue Service for the year was N104,418,744.
  2. 60% of the total contract sum was made available to Omologede Ventures Nigeria Limited.
  3. Depreciation is N69,902,092.
  4. 70% of the total contract sum was paid at the beginning of the job, while the balance was paid in September of the same year.
  5. The exchange rate at the time of signing the contract was N180 to $1. The rate changed in August of the same year to N195 to $1.

Withholding tax provisions were fully complied with by the two companies, and the tax remitted to the relevant tax authority as and when due.

As the local consultancy firm in Nigeria, provide advice to the management of the two companies on the tax implications of the contracts for the relevant year of assessment, clearly showing their tax liabilities (if any).
(15 Marks)

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CR – Nov 2020 – L3 – Q1i – Consolidated Profit or Loss and OCI

Prepare a consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for a parent, foreign subsidiary, and associate, accounting for goodwill impairment, disposal, and foreign currency translation.

Bolga Ltd is a limited liability company in Ghana, which has investments in a number of other companies. The draft statements of profit or loss for Bolga Ltd and its other investments for the year ended April 30, 2020, are given below:

Bolga Ltd Navrongo Ltd Serrekunda Ltd
Revenue GH¢286,000 GH¢136,000 GMD840,000
Cost of sales (GH¢122,000) (GH¢84,000) (GMD504,000)
Gross profit GH¢164,000 GH¢52,000 GMD336,000
Distribution costs (GH¢20,000) (GH¢12,000) (GMD56,000)
Administrative expenses (GH¢46,000) (GH¢20,000) (GMD116,000)
Operating profit GH¢98,000 GH¢20,000 GMD164,000
Investment income GH¢2,000 GH¢4,000
Finance costs (GH¢4,000) (GH¢8,000) (GMD12,000)
Profit before tax GH¢96,000 GH¢16,000 GMD152,000
Income tax expenses (GH¢22,000) (GH¢4,000) (GMD36,000)
Profit for the period GH¢74,000 GH¢12,000 GMD116,000

Additional relevant information:
i) Bolga Ltd purchased 80% of Navrongo Ltd’s three million GH¢5 ordinary shares for GH¢12 million two years ago. At the acquisition date, the carrying value of Navrongo’s net assets was GH¢10 million, and this was deemed to be the same as their fair value. The non-controlling interest was measured using the proportion of net assets method. Goodwill on acquisition of Navrongo is not impaired. On 31 October 2019, Bolga Ltd sold one million, four hundred and forty thousand of its shares in Navrongo Ltd for GH¢13 million. The fair value of the interest retained was GH¢19 million. The retained earnings of Navrongo Ltd was GH¢5 million as at April 30, 2019. The only entry posted in Bolga Ltd’s individual financial statements was the GH¢13 million cash received. This was debited to the bank account and the credit posted to the suspense account.

ii) On 1 May 2019, Bolga Ltd acquired 60% of Serrekunda Ltd’s one million GMD1 ordinary shares for GMD284 million. Serrekunda is a Gambian-based company with Gambian Dalasi (GMD) as its currency. The non-controlling interest at acquisition was valued at GMD116 million using the fair value method. At 1 May 2019, the carrying amount of Serrekunda Ltd’s net assets was GMD240 million but the fair value was GMD280 million. The excess in the fair value was due to a brand with a remaining useful economic life of 5 years at the date of acquisition.

On 30 April 2020, it was determined that goodwill arising on the purchase of Serrekunda Ltd was impaired by GMD16 million. Goodwill impairments are charged as administrative expenses.

iii) On 28 February 2020, Navrongo Ltd paid a dividend of GH¢2 million to its ordinary shareholders.

iv) On 1 June 2019, Bolga Ltd started construction of a new building project and financed this out of its general borrowings. The construction was completed on 30 April 2020 at a total cost of GH¢20 million, excluding interest on borrowings. Bolga Ltd has had the following loans outstanding for the whole financial year:

  • 10% bank loan: GH¢28,000
  • 8% loan notes: GH¢12,000

All the interest for the year has been expensed to the statement of profit or loss. None of the loan notes are held by any other companies within Bolga Ltd.

v) On 1 November 2019, Bolga Ltd granted 20,000 share options to each of its 100 managers. These options will vest on 31 October 2021 if the managers are still employed. However, five managers had left the company by 30 April 2020, and it is expected that another five will leave by 31 October 2021. The fair value of the share options was GH¢3.10 on 1 November 2019, and GH¢10 on 30 April 2020. There have not been any accounting entries posted in relation to this scheme.

vi) The following exchange rates are relevant:

  • GMD: GH¢1
    • May 1 2019: 10.0
    • April 30 2020: 8.0
    • Average for the year ended 30 April 2020: 9.2

Prepare the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended 30 April 2020.

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CR – May 2018 – L3 – Q1a – Consolidated Financial Statements

Prepare consolidated financial statements for Sawaba Group, including a foreign subsidiary, for the year ended 31 December 2017.

Sawaba Ltd (Sawaba) is a listed entity incorporated in Ghana with the object of producing and selling Designed clothing. The functional and presentation currency of Sawaba is the Ghana cedi (GH¢). In its quest to extend its market outside Ghana, the directors of the company decided to acquire a subsidiary in Nigeria. The corporate name of the investee entity is Enugu Plc (Enugu).

In pursuit to its agenda, Sawaba acquired 4,044,000 of the shares in Enugu for GH¢1,680,000 on 31 December 2014 when Enugu’s retained earnings stood at ₦5,752,000. Enugu operates as an autonomous subsidiary. Its functional currency is the Nigerian Naira (₦). The fair value of the identifiable net assets of Enugu were equivalent to their book values at the acquisition date.

The draft financial statements of Sawaba and its subsidiary, Enugu for 2017 financial year are set out below.

Statements of Profit or Loss and Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 December 2017

i) Exchange rates moved as follows:
31 December 2014 ₦4.40 = GH¢1.00
31 December 2015 ₦4.16 = GH¢1.00
31 December 2016 ₦4.00 = GH¢1.00
15 May 2017 ₦3.90 = GH¢1.00
31 December 2017 ₦3.60 = GH¢1.00
Average for 2017 ₦3.75 = GH¢1.00

ii) Enugu paid an interim dividend of ₦7,488,000 on 15 May 2017. Sawaba also paid an interim dividend of GH¢1,400,000 on 30 September 2017. No other dividends were paid or declared in 2017.

iii) Assessment of consolidation goodwill for impairment indicated nil impairment in the consolidated financial statements by 31 December 2017. No goodwill impairment had been recognised in the previous years.

iv) Group policy is to measure non-controlling interests at fair value at the acquisition date. The fair value of the non-controlling interests in Enugu was measured at GH¢540,000 on 31 December 2014.

Prepare the consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, an extract from the statement of changes in equity for income surplus for the year ended 31 December 2017 and the consolidated statement of financial position at 31 December 2017 for Sawaba Group.

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SCS – Nov 2024 – L3 – Q4b – International Tax Considerations

Key tax issues for BOGML’s planned international expansion to minimize total group tax payable.

The company is planning to expand its operations to Tanzania and South Africa in 2026. As a result, transactions between the head office in Ghana and the prospective foreign subsidiaries will likely take place, leading to potential international tax implications.


Briefly identify and explain TWO key issues to consider for the company to minimise total tax payable on the group profits.

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CR – Nov 2016 – L3 – SA – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Prepare a Consolidated Statement of Financial Position for Bata Plc and subsidiaries; explain IAS 21 principles for translating foreign subsidiaries.

a. Bata Plc, which operates in the manufacturing sector, has been surviving the challenges operating in the Nigerian economic environment. The draft Statements of Financial Position of Bata Plc and its subsidiaries as at October 31, 2016, are as follows:

Bata N’million Jewe N’million Gaba N’million
Non-current assets Property, plant, and equipment 4,320 360 420
Investments in subsidiaries 1,110 600
Financial assets 500
Total Non-current assets 5,930 960 420
Current assets 1,050 570 540
Total assets 6,980 1,530 960
Equity Share capital – N1 ordinary shares 2,400 600 300
Retained earnings 3,410 540 390
Other components of equity 450
Total equity 6,260 1,140 690
Current liabilities 720 390 270
Total liabilities and equity 6,980 1,530 960

Additional Information:

  1. Acquisition of Subsidiaries:
    • Bata Plc acquired 60% of the share capital of Jewe Plc on November 1, 2012, and 10% of Gaba Plc on November 1, 2013. The costs of the combinations were N852 million and N258 million, respectively.
    • Jewe Plc acquired 70% of the share capital of Gaba Plc on November 1, 2013.
  2. Retained Earnings Balances:
Date Jewe Plc (N’million) Gaba Plc (N’million)
November 1, 2012 270
November 1, 2013 360 240
  1. Fair Value Adjustments:
    • At acquisition dates, the fair value of the net assets was N930 million for Jewe Plc and N660 million for Gaba Plc. The difference in the fair value and book value relates to non-depreciable land.
    • The fair value of non-controlling interest (NCI) was N390 million for Jewe Plc and N330 million for Gaba Plc. Bata Plc adopts the full goodwill method under IFRS 3 to account for NCI.
  2. Impairment Testing:
    • Jewe Plc suffered an impairment loss of N60 million.
    • Gaba Plc did not suffer any impairment loss.
  3. Intra-group Inventory Sales:
    • During the year ended October 31, 2016, Bata Plc sold inventory to Jewe Plc and Gaba Plc.
    • The invoiced prices of the inventories were N480 million and N360 million, respectively.
    • Bata Plc invoices goods to achieve a markup of 25% on cost to all third parties, including group companies.
    • At the year-end, half of the inventory sold to Jewe Plc remained unsold, but the entire inventory sold to Gaba Plc had been sold to third parties.
  4. Financial Asset:
    • Bata Plc purchased a deep discount bond for N500 million on November 1, 2015.
    • The bonds will be redeemed in 3 years for N740.75 million and are carried at amortized cost in line with IAS 39.
    • The Accountant has not passed the correct entries to reflect amortized cost valuation at year-end, and the financial asset is shown at N500 million.

Compound sum of N1: (1 + r)^n

Year 12% 14%
1 1.1200 1.1400
2 1.2544 1.2996
3 1.4049 1.4815
4 1.5735 1.6890


  1. Prepare a Consolidated Statement of Financial Position for Bata Plc and its subsidiaries as at October 31, 2016.       (25 Marks)
  2. Explain to the directors of Bata Plc how the assets, liabilities, income, and expenses of a foreign subsidiary, including the resulting goodwill, are translated for consolidation purposes under IAS 21. (5 Marks)

(Total: 30 Marks)

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CR – May 2019 – L3 – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for a group with a foreign subsidiary and inter-company transactions as at September 30, 2017.

Oyin Plc. a Nigerian company acquired 960 million equity share capital of Kemy Plc., a foreign subsidiary based in Brazil, on 1 October, 2015 for 1.08 billion Brazilian real (BRL). The functional and presentation currency of Kemy Plc. is the BRL. Since acquisition, Kemy Plc., has operated autonomously of Oyin group.

The statements of financial position of Oyin Plc. and Kemy Plc. as at 30 September, 2017 are as follows:

Additional Information:

  1. It is the policy of Oyin Plc. group to recognize non-controlling interest at acquisition at the proportionate share of the net assets. The retained earnings of Kemy Plc., at the date of acquisition were 390 million BRL.
  2. Kemy Plc. sells goods to Oyin Plc. at cost plus a mark-up of 33 1/3%. At 30 September, 2017, Oyin Plc. held N15 million of the goods. The goods were purchased at an exchange rate of N1 to 5 BRL. On 28 September, 2017, Oyin Plc. sent Kemy Plc., a payment for N15 million to clear the intra-group payables. Kemy received and recorded the cash on 2 October, 2017.
  3. On 1 October, 2016, Kemy Plc. purchased a leasehold building for 375 million BRL, taking out a loan note payable after five years to finance the purchase. The estimated useful life of the building on 1 October, 2016 was 25 years with no estimated residual value. The building is to be depreciated on a straight-line basis. The building was professionally revalued at 450 million BRL on 30 September, 2017 and the directors have included the revalued amount in the statement of financial position.Both companies adopt a policy of revaluation for their properties. There was no difference between the carrying amount and fair value of the property of Oyin Plc. at 30 September, 2017.
  4. Exchange Rates:
Date BRL to N1
1 October, 2015 6.0
30 September, 2015 5.5
30 September, 2017 5.0
Average for the year to 30 September, 2016 5.2

Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position of Oyin group at 30 September, 2017.

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CR – Nov 2016 – L3 – Q1b – Foreign Currency Transactions and Translation (IAS 21)

Explanation of IAS 21 translation requirements for assets, liabilities, income, and expenses of a foreign subsidiary in consolidation.

The directors of Bata Plc are considering the acquisition of a foreign subsidiary to facilitate foreign exchange access. However, they are uncertain about the requirements of IAS 21, ‘The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates,’ for translating a foreign subsidiary’s financial statements.

Required: Briefly explain to the directors of Bata Plc how the assets, liabilities, income, and expenses of a foreign subsidiary, including the resulting goodwill, are translated for consolidation purposes and the treatment of exchange differences arising from the translation.

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CR – May 2024 – L3 – SB – Q3 – Income Taxes (IAS 12)

Deferred tax impact analysis for asset purchase, fair value adjustments, and subsidiary profit

Below is the statement of financial position (extract) of Bamboo PLC, a company with several subsidiaries across various regions, including one foreign subsidiary, Pako Limited, based in the USA:

Draft Statement of Financial Position
As at October 31, 2023

Assets N’m
Deferred tax 77
Other non-current assets 2,329
Inventories and other current assets 1,150
Cash and cash equivalents 422
Total assets 3,978
Liabilities and Equity
Other non-current liabilities 1,671
Deferred tax liabilities 186
Payables and accruals 1,131
Total liabilities 2,988
Share capital 250
Share premium 120
Retained earnings 620
Total equity 990
Total liabilities and equity 3,978

During the preparation of the final draft of the financial statements, the following issues regarding deferred tax implications were raised:

  1. Property, Plant, and Equipment
    • On November 1, 2022, Bamboo PLC acquired an asset for N120 million, which qualified for a government capital grant of N20 million. The asset has a five-year useful life with straight-line depreciation. Capital allowances are restricted by the grant amount, and tax laws allow a 25% annual capital allowance rate.
  2. Fair Value Adjustments
    • Bamboo PLC acquired Iroko Limited for N100 million, with net assets fair valued at N80 million against a tax base of N70 million. The difference relates to property, plant, and equipment that Iroko Limited intends to hold long-term.
  3. Profit from Foreign Subsidiary
    • Bamboo PLC’s foreign subsidiary, Pako Limited, has $5,000 in undistributed post-acquisition profit, which would incur a N4 million tax if remitted to Nigeria. Bamboo PLC plans to retain these earnings for Pako Limited’s reinvestment.


a. Briefly explain and calculate, where applicable, the deferred tax implications for each transaction. (15 Marks)

b. Show the deferred tax effects on the draft statement of financial position for Bamboo PLC. (5 Marks)

Note: Use a 30% tax rate for calculations.

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ATAX – Nov 2018 – L3 – Q3b – International Taxation

Permanent Establishment (PE) under the Nigeria-UK Double Taxation Agreement

b) Double taxation agreements exist among Nigeria and some foreign countries.

Explain the term “Permanent Establishment” as contained in the double taxation agreement between Nigeria and the United Kingdom.
(5 Marks)

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ATAX – Nov 2018 – L3 – Q3a – International Taxation

Tax implications for Sadiq Corporation's contracts executed by its Nigerian subsidiary, including PE under Nigeria-UK tax agreement.

(a) Sadiq Corporation was incorporated in Sweden as a limited liability company and has a subsidiary, Omologede Ventures Nigeria Limited located in Akure, Nigeria. Peniel Nigeria Plc awarded a contract to Sadiq Corporation to renovate a rice milling factory in Gboko, Benue State, and another in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State. The contract value for the Gboko factory is $11,064,150, and $7,337,616 for the Abakaliki factory. Sadiq Corporation later sub-contracted the two jobs to its subsidiary in Nigeria. The renovation is expected to be completed within six months.

The following information was submitted to the Federal Inland Revenue Service by Omologede Ventures Nigeria Limited for the year ended December 31, 2017:

Description Amount (N)
Direct materials 962,100,000
Scaffolding 183,538,320
Administrative expenses on hired professionals 33,352,800
Rentals on equipment 18,708,248
Maintenance of equipment 7,431,688
Personnel card (domestic) 28,803,029
Personnel cost (foreign) 14,738,250
Fees to engineers 11,298,689
Other operational costs 6,512,070

Additional Information:

  1. Capital allowance agreed by Omologede Ventures Nigeria Limited with the Federal Inland Revenue Service for the year was N104,418,744.
  2. 60% of the total contract sum was made available to Omologede Ventures Nigeria Limited.
  3. Depreciation is N69,902,092.
  4. 70% of the total contract sum was paid at the beginning of the job, while the balance was paid in September of the same year.
  5. The exchange rate at the time of signing the contract was N180 to $1. The rate changed in August of the same year to N195 to $1.

Withholding tax provisions were fully complied with by the two companies, and the tax remitted to the relevant tax authority as and when due.

As the local consultancy firm in Nigeria, provide advice to the management of the two companies on the tax implications of the contracts for the relevant year of assessment, clearly showing their tax liabilities (if any).
(15 Marks)

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CR – Nov 2020 – L3 – Q1i – Consolidated Profit or Loss and OCI

Prepare a consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for a parent, foreign subsidiary, and associate, accounting for goodwill impairment, disposal, and foreign currency translation.

Bolga Ltd is a limited liability company in Ghana, which has investments in a number of other companies. The draft statements of profit or loss for Bolga Ltd and its other investments for the year ended April 30, 2020, are given below:

Bolga Ltd Navrongo Ltd Serrekunda Ltd
Revenue GH¢286,000 GH¢136,000 GMD840,000
Cost of sales (GH¢122,000) (GH¢84,000) (GMD504,000)
Gross profit GH¢164,000 GH¢52,000 GMD336,000
Distribution costs (GH¢20,000) (GH¢12,000) (GMD56,000)
Administrative expenses (GH¢46,000) (GH¢20,000) (GMD116,000)
Operating profit GH¢98,000 GH¢20,000 GMD164,000
Investment income GH¢2,000 GH¢4,000
Finance costs (GH¢4,000) (GH¢8,000) (GMD12,000)
Profit before tax GH¢96,000 GH¢16,000 GMD152,000
Income tax expenses (GH¢22,000) (GH¢4,000) (GMD36,000)
Profit for the period GH¢74,000 GH¢12,000 GMD116,000

Additional relevant information:
i) Bolga Ltd purchased 80% of Navrongo Ltd’s three million GH¢5 ordinary shares for GH¢12 million two years ago. At the acquisition date, the carrying value of Navrongo’s net assets was GH¢10 million, and this was deemed to be the same as their fair value. The non-controlling interest was measured using the proportion of net assets method. Goodwill on acquisition of Navrongo is not impaired. On 31 October 2019, Bolga Ltd sold one million, four hundred and forty thousand of its shares in Navrongo Ltd for GH¢13 million. The fair value of the interest retained was GH¢19 million. The retained earnings of Navrongo Ltd was GH¢5 million as at April 30, 2019. The only entry posted in Bolga Ltd’s individual financial statements was the GH¢13 million cash received. This was debited to the bank account and the credit posted to the suspense account.

ii) On 1 May 2019, Bolga Ltd acquired 60% of Serrekunda Ltd’s one million GMD1 ordinary shares for GMD284 million. Serrekunda is a Gambian-based company with Gambian Dalasi (GMD) as its currency. The non-controlling interest at acquisition was valued at GMD116 million using the fair value method. At 1 May 2019, the carrying amount of Serrekunda Ltd’s net assets was GMD240 million but the fair value was GMD280 million. The excess in the fair value was due to a brand with a remaining useful economic life of 5 years at the date of acquisition.

On 30 April 2020, it was determined that goodwill arising on the purchase of Serrekunda Ltd was impaired by GMD16 million. Goodwill impairments are charged as administrative expenses.

iii) On 28 February 2020, Navrongo Ltd paid a dividend of GH¢2 million to its ordinary shareholders.

iv) On 1 June 2019, Bolga Ltd started construction of a new building project and financed this out of its general borrowings. The construction was completed on 30 April 2020 at a total cost of GH¢20 million, excluding interest on borrowings. Bolga Ltd has had the following loans outstanding for the whole financial year:

  • 10% bank loan: GH¢28,000
  • 8% loan notes: GH¢12,000

All the interest for the year has been expensed to the statement of profit or loss. None of the loan notes are held by any other companies within Bolga Ltd.

v) On 1 November 2019, Bolga Ltd granted 20,000 share options to each of its 100 managers. These options will vest on 31 October 2021 if the managers are still employed. However, five managers had left the company by 30 April 2020, and it is expected that another five will leave by 31 October 2021. The fair value of the share options was GH¢3.10 on 1 November 2019, and GH¢10 on 30 April 2020. There have not been any accounting entries posted in relation to this scheme.

vi) The following exchange rates are relevant:

  • GMD: GH¢1
    • May 1 2019: 10.0
    • April 30 2020: 8.0
    • Average for the year ended 30 April 2020: 9.2

Prepare the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended 30 April 2020.

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CR – May 2018 – L3 – Q1a – Consolidated Financial Statements

Prepare consolidated financial statements for Sawaba Group, including a foreign subsidiary, for the year ended 31 December 2017.

Sawaba Ltd (Sawaba) is a listed entity incorporated in Ghana with the object of producing and selling Designed clothing. The functional and presentation currency of Sawaba is the Ghana cedi (GH¢). In its quest to extend its market outside Ghana, the directors of the company decided to acquire a subsidiary in Nigeria. The corporate name of the investee entity is Enugu Plc (Enugu).

In pursuit to its agenda, Sawaba acquired 4,044,000 of the shares in Enugu for GH¢1,680,000 on 31 December 2014 when Enugu’s retained earnings stood at ₦5,752,000. Enugu operates as an autonomous subsidiary. Its functional currency is the Nigerian Naira (₦). The fair value of the identifiable net assets of Enugu were equivalent to their book values at the acquisition date.

The draft financial statements of Sawaba and its subsidiary, Enugu for 2017 financial year are set out below.

Statements of Profit or Loss and Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 December 2017

i) Exchange rates moved as follows:
31 December 2014 ₦4.40 = GH¢1.00
31 December 2015 ₦4.16 = GH¢1.00
31 December 2016 ₦4.00 = GH¢1.00
15 May 2017 ₦3.90 = GH¢1.00
31 December 2017 ₦3.60 = GH¢1.00
Average for 2017 ₦3.75 = GH¢1.00

ii) Enugu paid an interim dividend of ₦7,488,000 on 15 May 2017. Sawaba also paid an interim dividend of GH¢1,400,000 on 30 September 2017. No other dividends were paid or declared in 2017.

iii) Assessment of consolidation goodwill for impairment indicated nil impairment in the consolidated financial statements by 31 December 2017. No goodwill impairment had been recognised in the previous years.

iv) Group policy is to measure non-controlling interests at fair value at the acquisition date. The fair value of the non-controlling interests in Enugu was measured at GH¢540,000 on 31 December 2014.

Prepare the consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, an extract from the statement of changes in equity for income surplus for the year ended 31 December 2017 and the consolidated statement of financial position at 31 December 2017 for Sawaba Group.

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