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FM – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q3 – Financing Decisions and Capital Markets

Analyze financing alternatives for ZY Plc's new investment and assess rights issue and bond issue implications.

ZY Plc is an all-equity financed, publicly listed company in the food processing industry. The ZY family holds 40% of its ordinary shares, with the remainder owned by large financial institutions. ZY Plc currently has 10 million ₦1 ordinary shares in issue.

Recently, the company secured a long-term contract to supply food products to a large restaurant chain, necessitating an investment in new machinery costing ₦24 million. This machinery will be operational starting January 1, 2022, with payment due the same day, and sales commencing shortly afterward.

The company’s policy is to distribute all profits as dividends. If ZY Plc continues as an all-equity financed company, it will pay an annual dividend of ₦9 million indefinitely, starting December 31, 2022.

To finance the ₦24 million investment, ZY Plc is considering two options:

  1. A 2-for-5 rights issue, where the annual dividend would remain at ₦9 million. The cum-rights price per share is expected to be ₦6.60.
  2. Issuing 7.5% irredeemable bonds at par with interest payable annually in arrears. For this option, interest would be paid out of the ₦9 million otherwise allocated to dividends.

Under either financing method, the cost of equity is anticipated to remain at its current rate of 10% annually, with no tax implications.


a. Calculate the issue and ex-rights share prices of ZY Plc., assuming a 2-for-5 rights issue is used to finance the new project as of January 1, 2022. Ignore taxation. (4 Marks)

b. Calculate the value per ordinary share in ZY Plc on January 1, 2022, if 7.5% irredeemable bonds are issued to finance the new project. Assume that the cost of equity remains at 10% each year. Ignore taxation. (4 Marks)

c. Write a report to the directors of ZY Plc that includes: i. A comparison and contrast of the rights issue and bond issue methods for raising finance, referencing calculations from parts (a) and (b) and any assumptions. (6 Marks)
ii. A discussion on the appropriateness of the following alternative methods of issuing equity finance in the specific context of ZY Plc: – A placing – An offer for sale – A public offer for subscription (6 Marks)

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FM – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q3 – Financing Decisions and Capital Markets

Analyze financing alternatives for ZY Plc's new investment and assess rights issue and bond issue implications.

ZY Plc is an all-equity financed, publicly listed company in the food processing industry. The ZY family holds 40% of its ordinary shares, with the remainder owned by large financial institutions. ZY Plc currently has 10 million ₦1 ordinary shares in issue.

Recently, the company secured a long-term contract to supply food products to a large restaurant chain, necessitating an investment in new machinery costing ₦24 million. This machinery will be operational starting January 1, 2022, with payment due the same day, and sales commencing shortly afterward.

The company’s policy is to distribute all profits as dividends. If ZY Plc continues as an all-equity financed company, it will pay an annual dividend of ₦9 million indefinitely, starting December 31, 2022.

To finance the ₦24 million investment, ZY Plc is considering two options:

  1. A 2-for-5 rights issue, where the annual dividend would remain at ₦9 million. The cum-rights price per share is expected to be ₦6.60.
  2. Issuing 7.5% irredeemable bonds at par with interest payable annually in arrears. For this option, interest would be paid out of the ₦9 million otherwise allocated to dividends.

Under either financing method, the cost of equity is anticipated to remain at its current rate of 10% annually, with no tax implications.


a. Calculate the issue and ex-rights share prices of ZY Plc., assuming a 2-for-5 rights issue is used to finance the new project as of January 1, 2022. Ignore taxation. (4 Marks)

b. Calculate the value per ordinary share in ZY Plc on January 1, 2022, if 7.5% irredeemable bonds are issued to finance the new project. Assume that the cost of equity remains at 10% each year. Ignore taxation. (4 Marks)

c. Write a report to the directors of ZY Plc that includes: i. A comparison and contrast of the rights issue and bond issue methods for raising finance, referencing calculations from parts (a) and (b) and any assumptions. (6 Marks)
ii. A discussion on the appropriateness of the following alternative methods of issuing equity finance in the specific context of ZY Plc: – A placing – An offer for sale – A public offer for subscription (6 Marks)

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