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FR – Nov 2024 – L2 – Q4b – Financial Performance Assessment of Acquisition Targets

Assessment of financial performance and position of Suah LTD and Nagbe LTD to assist Dukuly LTD in an acquisition decision.

Dukuly LTD, a public entity, has been expanding through acquisitions. It is assessing two potential acquisition targets, Suah LTD and Nagbe LTD, both operating in the same industry.

The financial statements of Suah LTD and Nagbe LTD for the year ended 30 September 2024 have been provided, along with a set of financial ratios calculated for Suah LTD.

Using the calculated ratios for Nagbe LTD from Question 4a, assess the relative financial performance and financial position of Suah LTD and Nagbe LTD, to assist the directors of Dukuly LTD in making an acquisition decision.

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FA – Nov 2024 – L1 – Q1 – Partnership Financial Statements

Prepare the profit or loss and appropriation account and financial position statement for a partnership at retirement and admission of partners.

Atsu, Baba, and Chawe are in partnership, providing management services, sharing profits in the ratio 5:3:2 after charging annual salaries of GH¢18,000 each. Current accounts are not maintained. On 30 June 2024, Atsu retired.

Dua was admitted on 1 July 2024 to the partnership and is entitled to 30% of the profits of the current partnership, with the balance being shared equally between Baba and Chawe.

The previous partnership trial balance as of 30 June 2024 was as follows:

Description GH¢ GH¢
Capital accounts – Atsu 12,519
Capital accounts – Baba 65,844
Capital accounts – Chawe 33,618
Trade receivables 138,615
Inventories at 1 July 2023 6,000
Operating expenses 419,166
Investment 300
Bank overdraft 33,510
Trade payables 52,218
Revenue 565,296
Total 663,543 663,543

Additional Information:

  1. Inventory remains at GH¢6,000.
  2. Full provision is required for an irrecoverable debt of GH¢3,450.
  3. Adjustments agreed by partners:
    • The investment is to be included at GH¢4,500.
    • Goodwill, which remains in the books, is valued at GH¢72,000.
  4. On 1 July 2024, GH¢30,000 due to Atsu was transferred to Dua. The balance due to Atsu is to be repaid over three years, commencing on 1 July 2024.
  5. Dua introduced cash of GH¢22,500 to the partnership.

i) Prepare the statement of profit or loss and appropriation account of the previous partnership for the year ended 30 June 2024 and a statement of financial position at that date. (9 marks)
ii) Prepare the statement of financial position for the current partnership as of 1 July 2024. (6 marks)

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AAA – Nov 2012 – L3 – AII – Q1 – Overview of Advanced Audit and Assurance.

Defines assets in the context of financial position.

In the financial position of a company, ……………….. are resources arising from past events and for which future economic benefits are derivable.

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CR – Nov 2016 – L3 – Q1a – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Prepare consolidated financial statements for Bata Plc and subsidiaries including goodwill, NCI, and intra-group adjustments.

Bata Plc, which operates in the manufacturing sector, has been surviving the challenges operating in the Nigerian economic environment. The draft Statements of Financial Position of Bata Plc and its subsidiaries as at October 31, 2016 are as follows:

The following information is relevant to the preparation of the group financial statements:

  1. Acquisition Dates: Bata Plc acquired 60% of the share capital of Jewe Plc on November 1, 2012, and 10% of Gaba Plc on November 1, 2013, at costs of N852 million and N258 million, respectively. Jewe Plc acquired 70% of Gaba’s share capital on November 1, 2013.
  2. Retained Earnings at Acquisition:

  • Fair Values at Acquisition: The fair values of Jewe and Gaba’s net assets were N930 million and N660 million, respectively, including non-depreciable land. The fair value of non-controlling interest (NCI) was N390 million for Jewe and N330 million for Gaba. Bata Plc adopts the full goodwill method under IFRS 3.
  • Impairment: Impairment testing shows Jewe suffered a loss of N60 million, but Gaba had no impairment.
  • Intra-group Sales: Bata sold inventory to Jewe and Gaba for N480 million and N360 million, respectively, invoicing with a 25% markup on cost. At year-end, half of Jewe’s inventory remains unsold, while Gaba sold its entire stock to third parties.
  • Deep Discount Bond: Bata purchased a bond for N500 million with a redemption value of N740.75 million in three years. The bond’s effective interest rate is estimated at 14%. The Accountant has not yet recorded amortized cost for this financial asset.

Required: Prepare a Consolidated Statement of Financial Position for Bata Plc and its subsidiaries as at October 31, 2016.

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FM – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q7 – Financing Decisions and Capital Markets

Analyze the effects of a 1-for-5 rights issue for James Obasi plc, calculate theoretical ex-rights price, and assess investor options and impacts.

James Obasi plc, a medium-sized drone manufacturing firm, is considering a 1-for-5 rights issue at a 15% discount to the current market price of N4.00 per share. Expected issue costs are N2 million, payable from the funds raised. The proceeds from the rights issue will be used to redeem some of the company’s existing bonds at par.

Financial Information:

Statement of Financial Position (N’000):


a. Ignoring issue costs and any use of the funds raised by the rights issue, calculate: i. The theoretical ex-rights price per share. ii. The value of rights per existing share. (4 Marks)

b. Identify the alternative actions available to an owner of 1,500 shares in James Obasi plc concerning the rights issue and determine the effect of each action on the investor’s wealth. (6 Marks)

c. Calculate the current earnings per share and the revised earnings per share if the rights issue funds are used to redeem some of the existing bonds.
(5 Marks)

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CR – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Prepare consolidated financial position of Makoko Group for the year ended Dec 31, 2021, and discuss accounting implications of significant influence.

Makoko Intercontinental Holdings Limited is a global merchant of cash crops. A policy of strategic acquisitions over the years has placed the company in a position to source for export products competitively. The lockdown arising from the recent pandemic posed a significant challenge for the export of their products throughout the year 2020. At a board meeting to review the performance of the company for that year and discuss the impact of the pandemic, the Managing Director noted the significant drop in the general performance indices. In order to get a greater market presence and higher demand locally, the board decided to acquire the following investments on January 1, 2021:

  • 60% of the equity share of Ojodu Limited;
  • 50% of 10% loan notes of Ojodu Ltd at par;
  • 40% stake in the ordinary shares of Egbeda Confectioneries Limited.

In the opinion of the board, both Ojodu Limited and Egbeda Confectioneries Limited are the biggest local customers of Makoko Intercontinental Holdings Limited and a control through shareholding would give the investing company greater stake in the operational decisions of the investee companies. Importantly, it would also boost revenue by allowing unrestricted access to local markets. It is believed that this will forestall any adverse impact of further lockdowns that may hinder export sales in the future.

The draft financial statements of the companies for the year are as follows:

Statements of financial position as at December 31, 2021

Additional Information:

  1. Makoko Limited paid N90 million for the acquisition of Ojodu Limited when the retained earnings of Ojodu Limited were N13 million.
  2. The fair value of Ojodu’s freehold property was N6.5 million higher than the carrying amount as at the date of acquisition. This valuation has not been reflected in the books of Ojodu Limited.
  3. Makoko Limited paid N41 million for the shareholding in Egbeda Limited when the retained earnings of Egbeda Limited were N12 million.
  4. An impairment test as at December 31, 2021 showed that goodwill was impaired by N3.5 million and the investment in Egbeda Limited was impaired by N0.8 million.
  5. During the year, Makoko Limited sold products to Egbeda Limited at a price of N8 million. These goods had cost Makoko Limited N5 million. Half of the goods were still in the inventory of Egbeda Limited as at December 31, 2021.
  6. The companies issued share capital has not changed since the date of acquisition.
  7. No dividends were paid during the year.
  8. Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries are to be measured at the appropriate proportion of the subsidiary’s identifiable net assets.

Required: a. Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for the Makoko Group for the year ended December 31, 2021. (20 Marks)

b. The Directors of Makoko Intercontinental Holdings Limited are concerned about getting significant influence, if not absolute control, of all entities they intend to buy into. The five-year strategic plan of the company (2020 – 2024) focuses on having control of the cash crops segment of the agribusiness sector of the economy. This is in order to make them ready to roll out the next developmental phase of the business, which is to migrate from exporting raw products to finished products for industrial and household use.

Towards this goal, the board requires the Group Accountant to make a presentation on the accounting implications of gaining significant influence in another entity.

Required: Discuss the issues involved in the requirements of the Board as specified above. (5 Marks)

c. A friend to the Chief Accountant of Makoko Intercontinental Holdings Limited, who is a consultant to Ojodu Limited and Egbeda Confectionaries Limited, is requesting for information on the new acquisitions from his friend, the Chief Accountant.

Required: Identify the ethical issues involved in the above scenarios and their implications. (5 Marks)

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CR – Nov 2020 – L3 – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Prepare consolidated profit or loss, financial position, cash flow benefits explanation, and share disposal accounting for a group structure.

Statements of financial position as at December 31, 2019

Statement of profit or loss for the year ended December 31, 2019

Statement of changes in equity (extract) for the year ended December 31,

Additional Information:

  1. Haba owns 80% of Suka‘s shares, purchased in 2016 for N20.5 million cash, when Suka’s retained earnings balance was N7 million.
  2. In 2014, Haba purchased 60% of Zara‘s shares by issuing shares with a nominal value of ₦6.5 million at a premium of N6.5 million. At acquisition, Zara‘s retained earnings were N3 million, and the fair value of net assets was N24 million. Any undervaluation was attributed to land still held as of December 31, 2019.
  3. Inventory at December 31, 2019, includes goods Zara and Suka purchased from Haba valued at ₦5.2 million and N3.9 million, respectively. Haba aims for a 30% profit margin on cost. Total sales from Haba to Zara and Suka were N8 million and N6 million, respectively.
  4. Haba and Suka each proposed dividends before year-end of N2 million and N2.5 million, respectively. These have not been accounted for yet.
  5. Haba conducted annual impairment tests on goodwill per IFRS 3 and IAS 36. The estimated recoverable amount of goodwill was N5 million in 2016 and N4.5 million in 2019.


a. Prepare the consolidated statement of profit or loss for the year ended December 31, 2019.
(10 Marks)

b. Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2019.
(10 Marks)

c. Explain the benefits to external users of including a statement of group cash flows in the annual report.
(10 Marks)

d. At December 31, 2019, Hard plc owned 90% of Spark Limited’s shares. The net assets of Spark in Hard Group’s consolidated financial statements amounted to N800 million, with no asset revaluation.

On January 1, 2020, Hard sold 80% of its Spark equity for N960 million cash, and the fair value of Hard’s remaining Spark shares is N100 million.

Required: Explain how the Spark share disposal should be accounted for in Hard Group’s consolidated financial statements.
(10 Marks)

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CR – May 2024 – L3 – SB – Q2 -Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Memo advising on acquisition decision based on financial analysis of Betta and Gamma Ltd.

Alpha PLC is an entity which has grown in recent years by acquiring established businesses. Alpha PLC is contemplating acquiring Betta Limited and Gamma Limited, both operating in the same industry as Alpha PLC. The management of Alpha PLC has indicated a total acquisition price of N12 million for each company. The following financial statements provide insight into the performance and financial position of both Betta Limited and Gamma Limited as at September 30, 2020:

  1. Statement of Profit or Loss (for the year ended September 30, 2020):
    Betta Ltd (N’000) Gamma Ltd (N’000)
    Revenue 25,000 40,000
    Cost of sales (19,000) (32,800)
    Gross profit 6,000 7,200
    Distribution costs (800) (1,400)
    Administrative expenses (450) (900)
    Finance costs (250) (900)
    Profit before tax 4,500 4,000
    Income tax expense (900) (1,000)
    Profit for the year 3,600 3,000
  2. Statement of Financial Position (as at September 30, 2020):
    Betta Ltd (N’000) Gamma Ltd (N’000)
    Non-current assets
    Property, plant and equipment
    – Property 3,000
    – Owned plant and equipment 4,800 2,000
    – Leased plant and equipment 5,300
    Total non-current assets 4,800 10,300
    Current assets
    Cash at bank and in hand 1,600 200
    Trade receivables 1,600 5,100
    Inventories 1,600 3,400
    Total current assets 4,800 8,700
    Total assets 9,600 19,000
    Equity and liabilities
    Ordinary shares (N1.00 each) 1,000 2,000
    Revaluation surplus on property 900
    Retained earnings 1,600 2,700
    Total equity 2,600 5,600
    Non-current liabilities
    Finance lease obligation 4,200
    5% loan notes (Dec 2026) 5,000
    10% loan notes (Dec 2026) 5,000
    Total non-current liabilities 5,000 9,200
    Current liabilities
    Trade payables 1,250 2,100
    Finance lease obligation 1,000
    Tax payable 750 1,100
    Total current liabilities 2,000 4,200
    Total equity and liabilities 9,600 19,000
  3. Additional Ratios Calculated:
    • Gross profit margin: Betta 24.0%, Gamma 18.0%
    • Profit margin (before interest and tax): Betta 19.0%, Gamma 12.3%
    • Return on capital employed (ROCE): Betta 62.5%, Gamma 31.0%
    • Current ratio: Betta 2.4:1, Gamma 2.1:1
    • Acid test ratio: Betta 1.6:1, Gamma 1.26:1
    • Net assets turnover: Betta 3.3 times, Gamma 2.5 times
    • Gearing: Betta 65.8%, Gamma 64.6%


a. Write a memo to the Director of Alpha PLC advising him on how to make the investment decision considering the performance and financial position of Betta Limited and Gamma Limited for the year ended September 30, 2020. (14 Marks)

b. What other qualitative factors should the management of Alpha PLC take into consideration assuming Gamma Limited is a foreign subsidiary? (6 Marks)

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CR – May 2018 – L3 – SA – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

repare consolidated financial statements for Komolafe Group including profit or loss and statement of financial position for year-end 2016.

Komolafe Group carries on business as a distributor of warehouse equipment and importer of fruit into the country. Komolafe was incorporated in 2008 to distribute warehouse equipment. It diversified its activities during the year 2010 to include the import and distribution of fruit, and expanded its operations by the acquisition of shares in Kelvins in 2012 and Kelly in 2014.

Accounts for all companies are made up to December 31.

The draft statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for Komolafe, Kelvins, and Kelly for the year ended December 31, 2016 are as follows:

Komolafe Kelvins Kelly
Revenue 91,200 49,400 45,600
Cost of sales (36,100) (10,926) (10,640)
Gross profit 55,100 38,474 34,960
Distribution costs (6,650) (4,274) (3,800)
Administrative expenses (6,950) (1,900) (3,800)
Finance costs (650)
Profit before tax 40,850 32,300 27,360
Income tax expense (16,600) (10,780) (8,482)
Profit for the year 24,250 21,520 18,878
Other comprehensive income for the year:
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent period
Revaluation of property 400 200
Total Comprehensive Income 24,650 21,720 18,878

The draft statement of financial position as at December 31, 2016, is as follows:

Komolafe Kelvins Kelly
Non-current assets
Property, plant, and equipment (carrying amount) 70,966 48,546 26,126
Shares in Kelvins 13,300
Shares in Kelly 7,600
Total Non-current assets 84,266 56,146 26,126
Current assets 3,136 18,050 17,766
Total assets 87,402 74,196 43,892
Ordinary shares 16,000 6,000 4,000
Retained earnings 45,276 48,150 39,796
Current liabilities 26,126 20,046 96
Total equity and liabilities 87,402 74,196 43,892

The following information is available relating to Komolafe, Kelvins, and Kelly:

  1. On January 1, 2012, Komolafe acquired 5,400,000 N1 ordinary shares in Kelvins for N13,300,000, at which date there was a credit balance on the retained earnings of Kelvins of N2,850,000. No shares have been issued by Kelvin since Komolafe acquired its interest.
  2. At the date of acquisition, the fair value of the identifiable net assets of Kelvins was N10 million. The excess of the fair value of net assets is due to an increase in the value of non-depreciable land.
  3. On January 1, 2014, Kelvins acquired 3,200,000 N1 ordinary shares in Kelly for N7,600,000, at which date there was a credit balance on the retained earnings of Kelly of N1,900,000. No shares have been issued by Kelly since Kelvins acquired its interest. The fair value of the identifiable net assets of Kelly at the date of acquisition approximates their book values.
  4. During 2016, Kelly made intra-group sales to Kelvins of N960,000, making a profit of 25% on cost. N150,000 of these goods were in inventories at December 31, 2016.
  5. During 2016, Kelvins made intra-group sales to Komolafe of N520,000, making a profit of 25% on sales. N120,000 of these goods were in inventories at December 31, 2016.
  6. An impairment test conducted at the year-end did not reveal any impairment losses.
  7. It is the group’s policy to value the non-controlling interest at fair value at the date of acquisition. The fair value of the non-controlling interests in Kelvins on January 1, 2012, was N1,000,000. The fair value of the 28% non-controlling interest (direct and indirect) in Kelly on January 1, 2014, was N1,800,000.

Prepare for Komolafe Group:

a. A consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended December 31, 2016. (13 Marks)

b. A consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2016. (12 Marks)

c. In business combination, the consideration given by the acquirer to gain control of the acquiree can be in different forms, including deferred and contingent considerations. While deferred and contingent considerations represent amounts of consideration to be transferred in the future, the two differ in nature and form.

Briefly distinguish between deferred and contingent consideration. (5 Marks)

Total: 30 Marks

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AAA – Nov 2023 – L3 – SA – Q1 – Audit of Complex Entities

Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for Sports PLC Group as of September 30, 2020, with adjustments for subsidiaries, non-controlling interests, goodwill, and investments.

BP Fashion Limited is trading and expanding in the fashion industry. Over the years, the company has been audited by LMP Professional Services. The company is considering going to the stock market to raise funds through an increase in its issued share capital for the purpose of expansion into new markets.

The summarised two-year financial statements and the nine (9) months accounts of the company are given below:

BP Fashion Limited

Summarised Income Statement For the Years Ended December 31,

2019 2020 2021 (9 months)
Revenue ₦2,952m ₦3,510m ₦4,139m
Cost of sales (₦1,402m) (₦1,671m) (₦1,987m)
Gross profit ₦1,550m ₦1,839m ₦2,152m
Other income ₦15m ₦21m ₦25m
Operating costs:
– Employee costs (₦390m) (₦460m) (₦538m)
– Occupancy costs (₦262m) (₦312m) (₦373m)
– Other operating costs (₦278m) (₦326m) (₦389m)
Earnings before interests, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) ₦635m ₦762m ₦877m


Summarised Statement of Financial Position

2019 2020 2021 (9 months)
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment ₦375m ₦470m ₦470m
Deferred tax ₦30m ₦35m ₦40m
Total non-current assets (A) ₦405m ₦505m ₦510m
Current assets
Inventories ₦425m ₦525m ₦655m
Trade and other receivables ₦125m ₦150m ₦175m
Cash and equivalents ₦425m ₦545m ₦780m
Total current assets (B) ₦975m ₦1,220m ₦1,610m
Total assets (A + B) ₦1,380m ₦1,725m ₦2,120m

Equity and Liabilities

2019 2020 2021 (9 months)
Share capital and reserves ₦885m ₦1,135m ₦1,430m
Long-term loans ₦125m ₦125m ₦125m
Employees’ benefits ₦20m ₦35m ₦50m
Deferred tax ₦55m ₦65m ₦70m
Non-current liabilities ₦200m ₦225m ₦245m
Trade and other payables ₦270m ₦335m ₦410m
Tax payable ₦25m ₦30m ₦35m
Current liabilities ₦295m ₦365m ₦445m
Total equity and liabilities ₦1,380m ₦1,725m ₦2,120m

It has become necessary, and as part of the NGX Exchange Limited‟s requirements,
to appoint another firm of accountants to review the financial statements for some
specified periods. Your firm Stratcom Partners has been approached to carry out the
necessary review.


a. Highlight the features of professional engagements as contained in ISRE 2410:
International Standard on Review Engagement and ISRS 4410 (revised):
International standard on Related Services. (8 Marks)
b. Detail out the procedures to be carried out in the review of interim financial
information. (6 Marks)

c. In view of the changes in inventories in the financial statements given above,
between the last two periods, provide the substantive procedures that would
be carried out to establish a reliable evidence of the change. (6 Marks)

d. Prepare the outline of the reporting requirements of a compilation engagement.
(10 Marks)

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FR – Nov 2024 – L2 – Q4b – Financial Performance Assessment of Acquisition Targets

Assessment of financial performance and position of Suah LTD and Nagbe LTD to assist Dukuly LTD in an acquisition decision.

Dukuly LTD, a public entity, has been expanding through acquisitions. It is assessing two potential acquisition targets, Suah LTD and Nagbe LTD, both operating in the same industry.

The financial statements of Suah LTD and Nagbe LTD for the year ended 30 September 2024 have been provided, along with a set of financial ratios calculated for Suah LTD.

Using the calculated ratios for Nagbe LTD from Question 4a, assess the relative financial performance and financial position of Suah LTD and Nagbe LTD, to assist the directors of Dukuly LTD in making an acquisition decision.

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FA – Nov 2024 – L1 – Q1 – Partnership Financial Statements

Prepare the profit or loss and appropriation account and financial position statement for a partnership at retirement and admission of partners.

Atsu, Baba, and Chawe are in partnership, providing management services, sharing profits in the ratio 5:3:2 after charging annual salaries of GH¢18,000 each. Current accounts are not maintained. On 30 June 2024, Atsu retired.

Dua was admitted on 1 July 2024 to the partnership and is entitled to 30% of the profits of the current partnership, with the balance being shared equally between Baba and Chawe.

The previous partnership trial balance as of 30 June 2024 was as follows:

Description GH¢ GH¢
Capital accounts – Atsu 12,519
Capital accounts – Baba 65,844
Capital accounts – Chawe 33,618
Trade receivables 138,615
Inventories at 1 July 2023 6,000
Operating expenses 419,166
Investment 300
Bank overdraft 33,510
Trade payables 52,218
Revenue 565,296
Total 663,543 663,543

Additional Information:

  1. Inventory remains at GH¢6,000.
  2. Full provision is required for an irrecoverable debt of GH¢3,450.
  3. Adjustments agreed by partners:
    • The investment is to be included at GH¢4,500.
    • Goodwill, which remains in the books, is valued at GH¢72,000.
  4. On 1 July 2024, GH¢30,000 due to Atsu was transferred to Dua. The balance due to Atsu is to be repaid over three years, commencing on 1 July 2024.
  5. Dua introduced cash of GH¢22,500 to the partnership.

i) Prepare the statement of profit or loss and appropriation account of the previous partnership for the year ended 30 June 2024 and a statement of financial position at that date. (9 marks)
ii) Prepare the statement of financial position for the current partnership as of 1 July 2024. (6 marks)

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AAA – Nov 2012 – L3 – AII – Q1 – Overview of Advanced Audit and Assurance.

Defines assets in the context of financial position.

In the financial position of a company, ……………….. are resources arising from past events and for which future economic benefits are derivable.

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CR – Nov 2016 – L3 – Q1a – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Prepare consolidated financial statements for Bata Plc and subsidiaries including goodwill, NCI, and intra-group adjustments.

Bata Plc, which operates in the manufacturing sector, has been surviving the challenges operating in the Nigerian economic environment. The draft Statements of Financial Position of Bata Plc and its subsidiaries as at October 31, 2016 are as follows:

The following information is relevant to the preparation of the group financial statements:

  1. Acquisition Dates: Bata Plc acquired 60% of the share capital of Jewe Plc on November 1, 2012, and 10% of Gaba Plc on November 1, 2013, at costs of N852 million and N258 million, respectively. Jewe Plc acquired 70% of Gaba’s share capital on November 1, 2013.
  2. Retained Earnings at Acquisition:

  • Fair Values at Acquisition: The fair values of Jewe and Gaba’s net assets were N930 million and N660 million, respectively, including non-depreciable land. The fair value of non-controlling interest (NCI) was N390 million for Jewe and N330 million for Gaba. Bata Plc adopts the full goodwill method under IFRS 3.
  • Impairment: Impairment testing shows Jewe suffered a loss of N60 million, but Gaba had no impairment.
  • Intra-group Sales: Bata sold inventory to Jewe and Gaba for N480 million and N360 million, respectively, invoicing with a 25% markup on cost. At year-end, half of Jewe’s inventory remains unsold, while Gaba sold its entire stock to third parties.
  • Deep Discount Bond: Bata purchased a bond for N500 million with a redemption value of N740.75 million in three years. The bond’s effective interest rate is estimated at 14%. The Accountant has not yet recorded amortized cost for this financial asset.

Required: Prepare a Consolidated Statement of Financial Position for Bata Plc and its subsidiaries as at October 31, 2016.

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FM – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q7 – Financing Decisions and Capital Markets

Analyze the effects of a 1-for-5 rights issue for James Obasi plc, calculate theoretical ex-rights price, and assess investor options and impacts.

James Obasi plc, a medium-sized drone manufacturing firm, is considering a 1-for-5 rights issue at a 15% discount to the current market price of N4.00 per share. Expected issue costs are N2 million, payable from the funds raised. The proceeds from the rights issue will be used to redeem some of the company’s existing bonds at par.

Financial Information:

Statement of Financial Position (N’000):


a. Ignoring issue costs and any use of the funds raised by the rights issue, calculate: i. The theoretical ex-rights price per share. ii. The value of rights per existing share. (4 Marks)

b. Identify the alternative actions available to an owner of 1,500 shares in James Obasi plc concerning the rights issue and determine the effect of each action on the investor’s wealth. (6 Marks)

c. Calculate the current earnings per share and the revised earnings per share if the rights issue funds are used to redeem some of the existing bonds.
(5 Marks)

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CR – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Prepare consolidated financial position of Makoko Group for the year ended Dec 31, 2021, and discuss accounting implications of significant influence.

Makoko Intercontinental Holdings Limited is a global merchant of cash crops. A policy of strategic acquisitions over the years has placed the company in a position to source for export products competitively. The lockdown arising from the recent pandemic posed a significant challenge for the export of their products throughout the year 2020. At a board meeting to review the performance of the company for that year and discuss the impact of the pandemic, the Managing Director noted the significant drop in the general performance indices. In order to get a greater market presence and higher demand locally, the board decided to acquire the following investments on January 1, 2021:

  • 60% of the equity share of Ojodu Limited;
  • 50% of 10% loan notes of Ojodu Ltd at par;
  • 40% stake in the ordinary shares of Egbeda Confectioneries Limited.

In the opinion of the board, both Ojodu Limited and Egbeda Confectioneries Limited are the biggest local customers of Makoko Intercontinental Holdings Limited and a control through shareholding would give the investing company greater stake in the operational decisions of the investee companies. Importantly, it would also boost revenue by allowing unrestricted access to local markets. It is believed that this will forestall any adverse impact of further lockdowns that may hinder export sales in the future.

The draft financial statements of the companies for the year are as follows:

Statements of financial position as at December 31, 2021

Additional Information:

  1. Makoko Limited paid N90 million for the acquisition of Ojodu Limited when the retained earnings of Ojodu Limited were N13 million.
  2. The fair value of Ojodu’s freehold property was N6.5 million higher than the carrying amount as at the date of acquisition. This valuation has not been reflected in the books of Ojodu Limited.
  3. Makoko Limited paid N41 million for the shareholding in Egbeda Limited when the retained earnings of Egbeda Limited were N12 million.
  4. An impairment test as at December 31, 2021 showed that goodwill was impaired by N3.5 million and the investment in Egbeda Limited was impaired by N0.8 million.
  5. During the year, Makoko Limited sold products to Egbeda Limited at a price of N8 million. These goods had cost Makoko Limited N5 million. Half of the goods were still in the inventory of Egbeda Limited as at December 31, 2021.
  6. The companies issued share capital has not changed since the date of acquisition.
  7. No dividends were paid during the year.
  8. Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries are to be measured at the appropriate proportion of the subsidiary’s identifiable net assets.

Required: a. Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for the Makoko Group for the year ended December 31, 2021. (20 Marks)

b. The Directors of Makoko Intercontinental Holdings Limited are concerned about getting significant influence, if not absolute control, of all entities they intend to buy into. The five-year strategic plan of the company (2020 – 2024) focuses on having control of the cash crops segment of the agribusiness sector of the economy. This is in order to make them ready to roll out the next developmental phase of the business, which is to migrate from exporting raw products to finished products for industrial and household use.

Towards this goal, the board requires the Group Accountant to make a presentation on the accounting implications of gaining significant influence in another entity.

Required: Discuss the issues involved in the requirements of the Board as specified above. (5 Marks)

c. A friend to the Chief Accountant of Makoko Intercontinental Holdings Limited, who is a consultant to Ojodu Limited and Egbeda Confectionaries Limited, is requesting for information on the new acquisitions from his friend, the Chief Accountant.

Required: Identify the ethical issues involved in the above scenarios and their implications. (5 Marks)

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CR – Nov 2020 – L3 – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Prepare consolidated profit or loss, financial position, cash flow benefits explanation, and share disposal accounting for a group structure.

Statements of financial position as at December 31, 2019

Statement of profit or loss for the year ended December 31, 2019

Statement of changes in equity (extract) for the year ended December 31,

Additional Information:

  1. Haba owns 80% of Suka‘s shares, purchased in 2016 for N20.5 million cash, when Suka’s retained earnings balance was N7 million.
  2. In 2014, Haba purchased 60% of Zara‘s shares by issuing shares with a nominal value of ₦6.5 million at a premium of N6.5 million. At acquisition, Zara‘s retained earnings were N3 million, and the fair value of net assets was N24 million. Any undervaluation was attributed to land still held as of December 31, 2019.
  3. Inventory at December 31, 2019, includes goods Zara and Suka purchased from Haba valued at ₦5.2 million and N3.9 million, respectively. Haba aims for a 30% profit margin on cost. Total sales from Haba to Zara and Suka were N8 million and N6 million, respectively.
  4. Haba and Suka each proposed dividends before year-end of N2 million and N2.5 million, respectively. These have not been accounted for yet.
  5. Haba conducted annual impairment tests on goodwill per IFRS 3 and IAS 36. The estimated recoverable amount of goodwill was N5 million in 2016 and N4.5 million in 2019.


a. Prepare the consolidated statement of profit or loss for the year ended December 31, 2019.
(10 Marks)

b. Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2019.
(10 Marks)

c. Explain the benefits to external users of including a statement of group cash flows in the annual report.
(10 Marks)

d. At December 31, 2019, Hard plc owned 90% of Spark Limited’s shares. The net assets of Spark in Hard Group’s consolidated financial statements amounted to N800 million, with no asset revaluation.

On January 1, 2020, Hard sold 80% of its Spark equity for N960 million cash, and the fair value of Hard’s remaining Spark shares is N100 million.

Required: Explain how the Spark share disposal should be accounted for in Hard Group’s consolidated financial statements.
(10 Marks)

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CR – May 2024 – L3 – SB – Q2 -Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Memo advising on acquisition decision based on financial analysis of Betta and Gamma Ltd.

Alpha PLC is an entity which has grown in recent years by acquiring established businesses. Alpha PLC is contemplating acquiring Betta Limited and Gamma Limited, both operating in the same industry as Alpha PLC. The management of Alpha PLC has indicated a total acquisition price of N12 million for each company. The following financial statements provide insight into the performance and financial position of both Betta Limited and Gamma Limited as at September 30, 2020:

  1. Statement of Profit or Loss (for the year ended September 30, 2020):
    Betta Ltd (N’000) Gamma Ltd (N’000)
    Revenue 25,000 40,000
    Cost of sales (19,000) (32,800)
    Gross profit 6,000 7,200
    Distribution costs (800) (1,400)
    Administrative expenses (450) (900)
    Finance costs (250) (900)
    Profit before tax 4,500 4,000
    Income tax expense (900) (1,000)
    Profit for the year 3,600 3,000
  2. Statement of Financial Position (as at September 30, 2020):
    Betta Ltd (N’000) Gamma Ltd (N’000)
    Non-current assets
    Property, plant and equipment
    – Property 3,000
    – Owned plant and equipment 4,800 2,000
    – Leased plant and equipment 5,300
    Total non-current assets 4,800 10,300
    Current assets
    Cash at bank and in hand 1,600 200
    Trade receivables 1,600 5,100
    Inventories 1,600 3,400
    Total current assets 4,800 8,700
    Total assets 9,600 19,000
    Equity and liabilities
    Ordinary shares (N1.00 each) 1,000 2,000
    Revaluation surplus on property 900
    Retained earnings 1,600 2,700
    Total equity 2,600 5,600
    Non-current liabilities
    Finance lease obligation 4,200
    5% loan notes (Dec 2026) 5,000
    10% loan notes (Dec 2026) 5,000
    Total non-current liabilities 5,000 9,200
    Current liabilities
    Trade payables 1,250 2,100
    Finance lease obligation 1,000
    Tax payable 750 1,100
    Total current liabilities 2,000 4,200
    Total equity and liabilities 9,600 19,000
  3. Additional Ratios Calculated:
    • Gross profit margin: Betta 24.0%, Gamma 18.0%
    • Profit margin (before interest and tax): Betta 19.0%, Gamma 12.3%
    • Return on capital employed (ROCE): Betta 62.5%, Gamma 31.0%
    • Current ratio: Betta 2.4:1, Gamma 2.1:1
    • Acid test ratio: Betta 1.6:1, Gamma 1.26:1
    • Net assets turnover: Betta 3.3 times, Gamma 2.5 times
    • Gearing: Betta 65.8%, Gamma 64.6%


a. Write a memo to the Director of Alpha PLC advising him on how to make the investment decision considering the performance and financial position of Betta Limited and Gamma Limited for the year ended September 30, 2020. (14 Marks)

b. What other qualitative factors should the management of Alpha PLC take into consideration assuming Gamma Limited is a foreign subsidiary? (6 Marks)

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CR – May 2018 – L3 – SA – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

repare consolidated financial statements for Komolafe Group including profit or loss and statement of financial position for year-end 2016.

Komolafe Group carries on business as a distributor of warehouse equipment and importer of fruit into the country. Komolafe was incorporated in 2008 to distribute warehouse equipment. It diversified its activities during the year 2010 to include the import and distribution of fruit, and expanded its operations by the acquisition of shares in Kelvins in 2012 and Kelly in 2014.

Accounts for all companies are made up to December 31.

The draft statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for Komolafe, Kelvins, and Kelly for the year ended December 31, 2016 are as follows:

Komolafe Kelvins Kelly
Revenue 91,200 49,400 45,600
Cost of sales (36,100) (10,926) (10,640)
Gross profit 55,100 38,474 34,960
Distribution costs (6,650) (4,274) (3,800)
Administrative expenses (6,950) (1,900) (3,800)
Finance costs (650)
Profit before tax 40,850 32,300 27,360
Income tax expense (16,600) (10,780) (8,482)
Profit for the year 24,250 21,520 18,878
Other comprehensive income for the year:
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent period
Revaluation of property 400 200
Total Comprehensive Income 24,650 21,720 18,878

The draft statement of financial position as at December 31, 2016, is as follows:

Komolafe Kelvins Kelly
Non-current assets
Property, plant, and equipment (carrying amount) 70,966 48,546 26,126
Shares in Kelvins 13,300
Shares in Kelly 7,600
Total Non-current assets 84,266 56,146 26,126
Current assets 3,136 18,050 17,766
Total assets 87,402 74,196 43,892
Ordinary shares 16,000 6,000 4,000
Retained earnings 45,276 48,150 39,796
Current liabilities 26,126 20,046 96
Total equity and liabilities 87,402 74,196 43,892

The following information is available relating to Komolafe, Kelvins, and Kelly:

  1. On January 1, 2012, Komolafe acquired 5,400,000 N1 ordinary shares in Kelvins for N13,300,000, at which date there was a credit balance on the retained earnings of Kelvins of N2,850,000. No shares have been issued by Kelvin since Komolafe acquired its interest.
  2. At the date of acquisition, the fair value of the identifiable net assets of Kelvins was N10 million. The excess of the fair value of net assets is due to an increase in the value of non-depreciable land.
  3. On January 1, 2014, Kelvins acquired 3,200,000 N1 ordinary shares in Kelly for N7,600,000, at which date there was a credit balance on the retained earnings of Kelly of N1,900,000. No shares have been issued by Kelly since Kelvins acquired its interest. The fair value of the identifiable net assets of Kelly at the date of acquisition approximates their book values.
  4. During 2016, Kelly made intra-group sales to Kelvins of N960,000, making a profit of 25% on cost. N150,000 of these goods were in inventories at December 31, 2016.
  5. During 2016, Kelvins made intra-group sales to Komolafe of N520,000, making a profit of 25% on sales. N120,000 of these goods were in inventories at December 31, 2016.
  6. An impairment test conducted at the year-end did not reveal any impairment losses.
  7. It is the group’s policy to value the non-controlling interest at fair value at the date of acquisition. The fair value of the non-controlling interests in Kelvins on January 1, 2012, was N1,000,000. The fair value of the 28% non-controlling interest (direct and indirect) in Kelly on January 1, 2014, was N1,800,000.

Prepare for Komolafe Group:

a. A consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended December 31, 2016. (13 Marks)

b. A consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2016. (12 Marks)

c. In business combination, the consideration given by the acquirer to gain control of the acquiree can be in different forms, including deferred and contingent considerations. While deferred and contingent considerations represent amounts of consideration to be transferred in the future, the two differ in nature and form.

Briefly distinguish between deferred and contingent consideration. (5 Marks)

Total: 30 Marks

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AAA – Nov 2023 – L3 – SA – Q1 – Audit of Complex Entities

Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for Sports PLC Group as of September 30, 2020, with adjustments for subsidiaries, non-controlling interests, goodwill, and investments.

BP Fashion Limited is trading and expanding in the fashion industry. Over the years, the company has been audited by LMP Professional Services. The company is considering going to the stock market to raise funds through an increase in its issued share capital for the purpose of expansion into new markets.

The summarised two-year financial statements and the nine (9) months accounts of the company are given below:

BP Fashion Limited

Summarised Income Statement For the Years Ended December 31,

2019 2020 2021 (9 months)
Revenue ₦2,952m ₦3,510m ₦4,139m
Cost of sales (₦1,402m) (₦1,671m) (₦1,987m)
Gross profit ₦1,550m ₦1,839m ₦2,152m
Other income ₦15m ₦21m ₦25m
Operating costs:
– Employee costs (₦390m) (₦460m) (₦538m)
– Occupancy costs (₦262m) (₦312m) (₦373m)
– Other operating costs (₦278m) (₦326m) (₦389m)
Earnings before interests, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) ₦635m ₦762m ₦877m


Summarised Statement of Financial Position

2019 2020 2021 (9 months)
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment ₦375m ₦470m ₦470m
Deferred tax ₦30m ₦35m ₦40m
Total non-current assets (A) ₦405m ₦505m ₦510m
Current assets
Inventories ₦425m ₦525m ₦655m
Trade and other receivables ₦125m ₦150m ₦175m
Cash and equivalents ₦425m ₦545m ₦780m
Total current assets (B) ₦975m ₦1,220m ₦1,610m
Total assets (A + B) ₦1,380m ₦1,725m ₦2,120m

Equity and Liabilities

2019 2020 2021 (9 months)
Share capital and reserves ₦885m ₦1,135m ₦1,430m
Long-term loans ₦125m ₦125m ₦125m
Employees’ benefits ₦20m ₦35m ₦50m
Deferred tax ₦55m ₦65m ₦70m
Non-current liabilities ₦200m ₦225m ₦245m
Trade and other payables ₦270m ₦335m ₦410m
Tax payable ₦25m ₦30m ₦35m
Current liabilities ₦295m ₦365m ₦445m
Total equity and liabilities ₦1,380m ₦1,725m ₦2,120m

It has become necessary, and as part of the NGX Exchange Limited‟s requirements,
to appoint another firm of accountants to review the financial statements for some
specified periods. Your firm Stratcom Partners has been approached to carry out the
necessary review.


a. Highlight the features of professional engagements as contained in ISRE 2410:
International Standard on Review Engagement and ISRS 4410 (revised):
International standard on Related Services. (8 Marks)
b. Detail out the procedures to be carried out in the review of interim financial
information. (6 Marks)

c. In view of the changes in inventories in the financial statements given above,
between the last two periods, provide the substantive procedures that would
be carried out to establish a reliable evidence of the change. (6 Marks)

d. Prepare the outline of the reporting requirements of a compilation engagement.
(10 Marks)

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