- 15 Marks
AAA – Nov 2013 – L3 – SB – Q3 – Audit of Specialized Industries
Identify seven key audit concerns in the extractive industry, focusing on labor issues, community impact, and compliance with regulations.
XYL Limited has been granted a license to operate in the extractive industry in the middle belt of the country, where there is an abundant mineral resource called Topaz. This mineral is in great demand in the manufacturing industries of Western Europe.
Due to the need for heavy equipment requiring intensive capital outlay, indigenous companies could not invest in the sector. Moreover, the technical expertise required in mining this product is not locally available.
The company was not only granted the license but also granted a pioneer status. The local community where operations take place supply the necessary labor, both skilled and unskilled. After a year, the workers’ union found out that they were paid far less than what the company is paying in similar operations in nearby countries. As a result of labor union activities, many workers were retrenched, and the company started making use of locals who had just completed secondary school education. Union activities were proscribed.
Being an extractive industry, the local people were affected as they could no longer carry out their economic activities as before.
Your firm has just been appointed as auditors of XYL Limited after three years of operation.
You are required to:
Explain SEVEN areas of concern that would be of interest to you as auditor and provide reasons for their importance. (15 Marks)
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