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FM – Nov 2024 – L2 – Q1a – Sources of Finance

Compare equity and debt financing for business expansion using rights issue and loan notes.

GoodLife Innovations is planning to expand its operations, which will boost its profit before interest and tax by 20%. The company is evaluating whether to fund the GH¢4,000,000 needed for this expansion through equity or debt financing.

If equity financing is chosen, the company will offer a 1-for-5 rights issue to existing shareholders at a 20% discount to the current ex-dividend share price of GH¢5 per share. The par value of the ordinary shares is GH¢1 per share. Alternatively, if debt financing is selected, GoodLife Innovations will issue 20,000 8% loan notes, each with a par value of GH¢200.

The following information was extracted from the financial statement prior to raising new finance:

GH¢’000 Amount
Profit before interest and tax 3,194
Finance costs (interest) (630)
Taxation (564)
Profit after tax 2,000
Equity & Liability:
Ordinary shares 5,000
Retained earnings 10,976
Long-term liabilities: 7% loan notes 9,000
Total equity & liabilities 24,976

GoodLife Innovations currently has a price/earnings ratio of 12.5 times. Corporate tax is payable at a rate of 22%.

i) Calculate the theoretical ex-rights price per share. 
ii) Calculate the revised earnings per share after the business expansion:

  • assuming equity finance is adopted.
  • assuming debt finance is adopted. 
    iii) Determine the revised share prices under both financing methods after the business expansion. 
    iv) Determine which financing method should be used for the planned business expansion using computations for interest cover and share price changes.

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FM – May 2024 – L3 – SB – Q3 – Financial Planning and Forecasting

Evaluate financing options for Tope's Cellular Stores, including impact on profit, EPS, gearing, and shareholder perspective.

Tope operates a chain of cellular telephone stores in the country. An abbreviated profit or loss account and statement of financial position of the business for the year that has just ended is as follows:

Abbreviated Profit or Loss Account for the Year Ended 31 May 2023

Item Amount (₦’000)
Sales 6,450
Operating profit for the year 800
Interest payable (160)
Net profit before taxation 640
Tax (20%) (128)
Net profit after taxation 512
Dividends proposed (256)
Retained profit for the year 256

Abbreviated Statement of Financial Position as at 31 May 2023

Item Amount (₦’000)
Non-current assets at written down values 3,500
Current assets 1,800
Less: Current liabilities (1,100)
Net Current Assets 700
Total Assets 4,200
Less: Long-term liabilities (2,000)
Net Assets 2,200
Capital and Reserves
₦0.50 ordinary shares 600
Retained profit 1,600
Total Capital and Reserves 2,200

The company is expecting a surge in sales following advances in cellular telephone technology that should translate into additional operating profits of ₦180,000 per year for the foreseeable future. However, the company will need to invest ₦1,200,000 immediately in expanding the asset base of the business if it is to achieve these additional profits.

The business has approached a large supplier that already has an equity investment in the business to see whether it would be prepared to provide further funds for the business. The supplier has indicated it would be willing to provide the necessary funds by either:

(i) An issue of ₦0.50 ordinary shares at a premium of ₦1.50 per share; or
(ii) An issue of ₦1,200,000 10% debt at par.

The Board of Directors of Tope has already announced that it will maintain the same dividend payout ratio in future years as in the past, and that this policy will be unaffected by the form of finance raised.


a. For each of the financing options: i. Prepare a forecast profit or loss account for the forthcoming year. (5 Marks)
ii. Calculate the forecast earnings per share for the forthcoming year. (2 Marks)
iii. Calculate the projected level of gearing (D/(D+E)) at the end of the forthcoming year. (2 Marks)

b. Calculate the level of operating profit at which the earnings per share will be the same under each financing option. (3 Marks)

c. Evaluate each of the financing options from the viewpoint of an existing shareholder. (2 Marks)

d. Discuss the factors that will influence a company to finance through debt or equity, and whether to opt for long-term or short-term debt. (6 Marks)

(Total: 20 Marks)

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FM – Nov 2018 – L3 – Q4 – Strategic Performance Measurement

Evaluate Yemi John Plc’s financial performance and analyze financing options for expansion in line with shareholder wealth and earnings growth.

Yemi John Plc. (YJ) is planning to raise N30 million in new finance for a major expansion of its existing business and is considering a rights issue, a placing, or an issue of bonds. The corporate objectives of YJ, as stated in its annual report, are to maximize the wealth of its shareholders and to achieve continuous growth in earnings per share. Recent financial information on YJ is as follows:

Year 2017 2016 2015 2014
Turnover (Nm) 28.0 24.0 19.1 16.8
Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) (Nm) 9.8 8.5 7.5 6.8
Profit after tax (PAT) (Nm) 5.5 4.7 4.1 3.6
Dividends (Nm) 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.6
Ordinary shares (Nm) 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Reserves (Nm) 13.7 10.4 7.6 5.1
8% Bonds, redeemable 2024 (Nm) 20 20 20 20
Share price (N) 8.64 5.74 3.35 2.67

The par value of the shares of YJ is N1.00 per share. The general level of inflation has averaged 4% per year in the period under consideration. The bonds of YJ are currently trading at their par value of N100. The values for the business sector of YJ are as follows:

  • Average return on capital employed: 25%
  • Average return on shareholders’ fund: 20%
  • Average interest coverage: 20 times
  • Average debt/equity ratio (market value basis): 50%
  • Return predicted by the capital asset pricing model: 14%

EBIT/closing total capital employed


a. Evaluate the financial performance of YJ, analyzing and discussing the extent to which the company has achieved its stated objectives of:
i. maximizing the wealth of its shareholders; and
ii. achieving continuous growth in earnings per share. (13 Marks)

Note: Up to 8 marks are available for financial analysis.

b. Analyze and discuss the relative merits of a rights issue, a placing, and an issue of bonds as ways of raising finance for the expansion. (7 Marks)

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CR – May 2018 – L3 – SB – Q2 – Associates and Joint Ventures (IAS 28

Calculate and interpret key financial ratios for Wole-Adura Group and evaluate liquidity.

Set out below are the draft accounts of Wole-Adura Plc and subsidiaries and of Maseru Associates. Wole-Adura acquired 40% of the equity capital of Maseru Associates three years ago when the latter’s retained earnings stood at N140m.

Abridged statement of financial position

Wole-Adura Plc & Subsidiaries Maseru Associates
Property, plant, and equipment 990 Nm
Investment in Maseru Associates at cost 290 Nm
Loan to Maseru Associates 70 Nm
Current assets 450 Nm
Loan from Wole-Adura Plc.
Total Assets 1800 Nm


| Ordinary shares of 50k each | 1,125 Nm | 350 Nm | | Retained earnings | 675 Nm | 350 Nm | | Total Equity | 1800 Nm | 700 Nm |

Abridged statements of profit or loss

Wole-Adura Plc & Subsidiaries Maseru Associates
Profit before tax 427.50 Nm
Tax expense (157.50 Nm)
Profit after tax 270.00 Nm

Additional information:

(i) Wole-Adura proposed a dividend of N225m.
(ii) Total market capitalisation is N5,625m.


(a) Calculate each of these ratios for Wole-Adura Plc. and subsidiaries:

  1. Earnings per share
  2. Dividend cover
  3. Earnings yield
  4. Dividend yield

(4 Marks)


  1. Using the equity method, compute the earnings of the group incorporating the associates. (4 Marks)
  2. Compute the ratios in (a) above for the group. (4 Marks)

(c) Comment on the ratios calculated in (a) and (b) above by pairwise comparison. (3 Marks)

(d) Extracts from the financial statements of Ikoku Plc. recently published are as follows:

Statement of profit or loss for the year ended December 31, 2017

2017 2016
Revenue 360 Nm
Cost of sales (150 Nm)
Gross profit 210 Nm
Operating expenses (50 Nm)
Operating profit 160 Nm
Interest expense (10 Nm)
Tax expense (60 Nm)
Profit for the year 90 Nm

Statement of financial position as at December 31, 2017

2017 2016
Non-current assets
Property, plant & equipment 80 Nm
Current assets
Inventory 200 Nm
Trade receivables 70 Nm
Bank (50 Nm)
Total assets 300 Nm

Equity & liabilities

| Ordinary shares of N1 each | 60 Nm | 40 Nm | | Current liabilities | | | Trade payables | 190 Nm | 60 Nm | | Current tax | 50 Nm | 15 Nm | | Total liabilities and equity | 300 Nm | 115 Nm |


Discuss the liquidity challenges of Ikoku Plc. during the year ended December 31, 2017, from the extracts of the published financial statements. (5 Marks)

(Total 20 Marks)

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FM – Nov 2023 – L1 – SA – Q1 – Mergers and Acquisitions

Evaluate Finkex Plc's acquisition strategy of Toba Plc, focusing on share-for-share impact, valuation methods, and shareholder implications.

Finkex Plc (FP) is a listed company that operates in the pharmaceutical sector, manufacturing a broad range of drugs under license in a number of countries along the ECOWAS sub-region. For a number of years, the company has grown organically.

Three years ago, the company acquired 20% of the issued share capital of Toba Plc (TP) for N110 million, as a route to both expansion and diversification. The acquisition was by private negotiation in exchange for an issue of its own shares.

Toba Plc is involved in a different area of the pharmaceutical sector from FP as it is primarily a research-driven company involved in the development of new drugs.

To expedite the realization of its diversification strategy, the directors of FP have now decided to acquire the remaining 80% of Toba’s share capital.

Extracts from the financial statements of Finkex Plc are given below:

Finkex Plc – Extracts from financial statements for the last two years

Year 2023 2022
N’m N’m
Non-current assets (including investment in Toba plc) 602.8 499.4
Current assets 265.0 180.4
Total Assets 867.8 679.8
Current liabilities 199.2 136.8
Total assets less current liabilities 668.6 543.0
Non-current liabilities 149.5 159.4
Net assets 519.1 383.6
Issued share capital (ordinary shares of ₦1 each) 100.0 73.6
Share premium 84.0 12.4
Profit or loss account 335.1 297.6
Total Equity 519.1 383.6
Sales revenue 1320.6 496.0
Earnings after tax 51.50 37.60
Dividend 14.0 14.0
Retained profits 37.5 23.6

All that is known about Toba Plc is that it has 114 million shares in issue; total share capital and reserves are N684 million; earnings after tax in the most recent year were ₦85.2 million on sales of N1,252.0 million, which were double those of the previous year; and that it has an investment valued at N80 million (book and market) in a type of enterprise which might not be of interest to Finkex Plc.

The current stock market prices per share are: Finkex Plc 300k; Toba plc 341k. Both companies pay tax at 50%.


a. At the above market prices, how many shares of Finkex Plc would have to be issued to buy the rest of Toba Plc on a share-for-share offer? (4 Marks)

b. With regard to earnings and also the book value of assets per share, how would the above share-for-share offer affect the position of:

i. Existing shareholders in Finkex Plc; (6 Marks)

ii. The 80% shareholders in Toba Plc whose shares were to be acquired? (4 Marks)

c. Assuming that the 80% shareholders in Toba Plc were prepared to accept ₦80 million 10% Loan Stock as part of the consideration:

i. What advantages might there be for Finkex Plc in this arrangement? (2 Marks)

ii. What total price could Finkex Plc afford to pay without diluting the earnings per share of its existing shareholders, as calculated in (b) (i) above? (6 Marks)

d. If the board of Toba Plc decided to advise its shareholders not to accept an offer from Finkex Plc, what arguments might they use – including any derived from the financial information available about Finkex Plc?

(8 Marks)

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CR – Nov 2023 – L3 – SB – Q2 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Analyze the profitability, cash flow, and investor ratios of Mama-Kitchen PLC and discuss dividend policy and EPS limitations.

Mama-Kitchen PLC owns a number of subsidiaries that operate standard fast-food eateries in all the six geopolitical zones of the country. You are the financial analyst of your Bank (Pam-Pam Bank Nigeria Limited) which owns 10% of the issued share capital of Mama-Kitchen PLC.

You are provided with the following financial and background information on Mama-Kitchen PLC.

Mama-Kitchen PLC

Consolidated statement of profit or loss for the year ended September 30

2023 2022
Revenue 188,900 145,850
Cost of sales (141,700) (110,400)
Gross profit 47,200 35,450
Admin expenses (31,200) (22,400)
Profit from operations 16,000 13,050
Finance cost (2,050) (2,100)
Profit before taxation 13,950 10,950
Income tax expense (3,050) (2,300)
Profit for the year 10,900 8,650
Earnings per share – basic 26.8k 21.3k
Earnings per share – diluted 21.2k 19.2k

Mama-Kitchen PLC

Consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended September 30

2023 2022
Cash flows from operating activities:
Profit before taxation 13,950 10,950
Finance cost 2,050 2,100
Depreciation and amortisation 15,300 11,050
Loss on disposal of PPE 150 50
(Increase)/decrease in inventories (200) 50
Increase/decrease in receivables (1,250) (100)
Increase in trade payables 2,250 650
Total 32,250 24,750
Interest paid (2,050) (2,200)
Tax paid (1,600) (1,300)
Net cash flows from operating activities 28,600 21,250
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchase of PPE (29,850) (28,950)
Proceed from sale of PPE 100 150
Net cash used in investing activities (29,750) (28,800)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from issues of shares 1,200 100
Borrowings 3,250 10,000
Net cash flow from financing activities 4,450 10,100
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 3,300 2,550
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 12,400 9,850
Cash and cash equivalents at year end 15,700 12,400

Details of revenue, fast food outlets profits, and new fast food outlets openings for the year ended September 30

2023 2022
Revenue per fast food outlets:
At September 30 1,770 1,715
Opened in the current financial year 1,290
Gross profit per outlet opened
At September 30 435 415
In the current financial year 345


  • 30 new outlets were opened during the year ended September 30, 2023, bringing the total to 115 fast food outlets.

Additional financial information

2023 2022
Gross profit margin 25% 24.3%
Debt equity ratio 35.2% 44.4%
Current ratio 0.56:1 0.48:1
Trade payables payment period 86 days 103 days
Return on capital employed 20% 19.1%
Cash return on capital employed 40.2% 36.3%
Earnings before Interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (N‟m) 31,300 24,100
Non-current assets turnover 1.68 times 1.49 times
Share price (at September 30) 302k 290k

Background information

i. Mama-Kitchen PLC has a reputation of depreciating its assets more slowly than others in the industry.

ii. The strategy of the group is to fund new fast food outlets capital expenditure from existing operating cash flows without needing to raise new borrowings.

iii. Revenue growth in the industry is estimated at 4.1% per annum.

iv. It is the company’s policy to increase promotional and advertising spending on new outlets to encourage strong initial sales.

v. The board has accused the management of concentrating on new outlet openings to the detriment of existing outlets.

vi. One of your colleagues, a financial analyst, stated that the company has not been able to pay dividends because of the debit balance on its consolidated retained earnings.


a. Draft a report addressed to the Managing Director of Pam-Pam Bank Limited analyzing the profitability, cash flows, and investor ratios of Mama-Kitchen PLC. You should also identify and justify matters that you consider will require further investigations.
(13 Marks)

b. Explain the validity or otherwise of your colleague financial analyst’s statement that Mama-Kitchen PLC was unable to pay dividends because of the debit balance on consolidated retained earnings.
(4 Marks)

c. Explain the usefulness and limitations of diluted earnings per share information to investors.
(3 Marks)

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FR – Nov 2023 – L2 – Q4a & b – Earnings Per Share (IAS 33)

Discuss diluted EPS and calculate EPS measures for Ebonyi Limited.

IAS 33 requires publicly-traded companies to calculate a diluted Earning Per Share (EPS) in addition to their basic EPS for the current year (with a comparative diluted EPS for the previous year), allowing for the effect of all dilutive potential ordinary shares.

Required: a. Explain the purpose of the dilutive measures and discuss THREE types of dilution. (8 Marks)

b. The statement of financial position (extracts) for Ebonyi Limited for the year ended December 31, 2022 is as follows:

Equity and Liabilities N’000
Ordinary shares (N1 each) 12,000
Retained earnings 36,000
Equity 48,000
Non-current liabilities:
5% convertible loan notes 4,000

Additional information: i. As at December 31, 2022, there has been no new issue of shares or loan notes for several years.
ii. The loan notes are convertible into ordinary shares in year 2023 or year 2024 at the following rates.
iii. At 30 shares for every N100 of loan notes if converted at December 31, 2023.
iv. At 25 shares for every N100 of loan notes if converted at December 31, 2024.
v. Company income tax rate is 30% on profit.

Required: Calculate the basic EPS and diluted EPS for year 2022. (8 Marks)

c. IAS 33 allows an entity to disclose an alternative measure of EPS in addition to the EPS calculated.

Required: Identify and explain TWO conditions that are required in accordance with IAS 33 to be complied with where an alternative measure of EPS is shown in the financial statements of an entity. (4 Marks)

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FR – May 2015 – L2 – SB – Q4 – Earnings Per Share

Calculate Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share for Kubua Plc, factoring in share options.

(a) The following information is extracted from the financial statements of Kubua Plc for the year ended 30 September 2014:

Item Amount (N’000)
Ordinary Share Capital (fully paid at 1.25 kobo each) 20,000
Operating Profit before Tax 4,000

Other relevant information:

  1. The company’s income tax rate is 30%.
  2. The average fair value of one ordinary share during the year was N5.00.
  3. During the year, the company issued share options for 2.5 million ordinary shares to existing shareholders at an exercise price of N4.00.

Calculate the basic and diluted Earnings Per Share for the year ended 30 September 2014. Show all workings. (5 Marks)

(b) Extract from the Statements of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income of Bajulaye Plc. for the years ended:

Date 30/09/2014 (N’000) 30/09/2013 (N’000)
Revenue 5,000 2,800
Profit Before Interest and Taxes (PBIT) 2,500 1,200

Extract from the Statements of Financial Position as at:

Date 30/9/2014 (N’000) 30/9/2013 (N’000)
Issued Share Capital (Ordinary Shares at 50k each) 3,000 3,000
12% Redeemable Preference Shares 1,500 1,500
Total Equity 4,500 4,500

Other relevant information:

  • On 1 January 2013, the entity issued convertible loan notes of N2,000,000 with an effective interest rate of 10% per annum.
  • The loan notes are convertible at nominal values of N100 each into the following number of ordinary shares:
    • 30 September 2018: 130 shares
    • 30 September 2019: 125 shares
    • 30 September 2020: 114 shares
    • 30 September 2021: 105 shares
  • Company income tax rate is 30%.


  1. Calculate the basic and diluted Earnings Per Share for the year ended 30 September 2014. (8 Marks)
  2. Write a short memo to the Board of Directors of Bajulaye Plc explaining FOUR advantages and THREE limitations of Earnings Per Share as a performance indicator to users of financial statements. (7 Marks)

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FR – Nov 2022 – L2 – Q6b – Potential Ordinary Shares

Rank the types of potential ordinary shares and calculate the diluted EPS for Jumai Nigeria Limited.

The following information relates to Jumai Nigeria Limited for the year ended December 31, 2020.
Issued ordinary shares of 50k each N3,000,000
Profit for the year N18,000,000
Average market price of shares during the year was N70 per share. The potential financial instruments in existence in the company are detailed below:
i. 800,000 options with exercise price of N52.50.
ii. 5% convertible bond of N6,000,000. Each bond is convertible in year 2025 into ordinary shares at the rate of 30 new shares for every N100 bonds.
iii. 200,000 8% convertible preference shares at N10 per share. Each preference share is convertible in year 2024 at the rate of one ordinary share for every 25 preference shares held. The Company income tax rate is 30%. Assume that all the options are exercised.
Rank the potential ordinary shares and calculate the diluted EPS for the year ended December 31, 2020. (7 Marks)

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FR – May 2024 – L2 – SA – Q1 – Statement of Cash Flows (IAS 7)

Preparation of financial statements for Adama PLC, including profit or loss, changes in equity, and memo on EPS and ROCE.

a. The following trial balance was extracted from the books of Adama Plc as at June 30, 2022:

Additional information:

  1. The value of the freehold land and buildings includes a land element of N266,800,000, and the estimated remaining life of the buildings at July 1, 2021, was 25 years. Depreciation on buildings is charged 65% to cost of sales and 35% to administrative expenses.
  2. The revenue includes N69,250,000 for an item of office equipment disposed of on November 30, 2021. The equipment had a carrying value of N46,060,000 at the date of sale. The equipment cost N75,000,000 when acquired three years ago.
  3. Included in the cost of sales is N82,600,000 incurred in the manufacture of new office equipment, which was put to use by Adama PLC on February 1, 2022.
  4. All office equipment is depreciated at 15% per annum using the reducing balance method, charged to cost of sales. Depreciation on all motor vehicles is at 20% per annum on a straight-line basis and charged to distribution costs. Depreciation is charged in full in the year of acquisition and no charge in the year of disposal.
  5. Following the conclusion of winding-up proceedings for one of Adama PLC’s customers, it was resolved to write off the sum of N26,450,000 due from the customer and to make an allowance for doubtful receivables of 2½% on the continuing trade receivables.
  6. The financial assets are equity instruments held at fair value through profit or loss, and they suffered an impairment loss of N12,700,000 at the year-end.
  7. The 3% redeemable loan notes were issued on October 1, 2021, under terms that provided for a large premium on redemption in 2025. These terms were interpreted by the finance director to mean an effective interest rate of 6½% per annum.
  8. The income tax expense for the year ended June 30, 2022, is estimated at N143,552,000, while the deferred tax payable for the same period is N12,520,000. There was an over-provision of N25,664,000 in respect of income tax for the previous trading year.
  9. The suspense account balance represents the corresponding credit entry for shares issued at a premium of 15 kobo per share, arising from the issue of 400,000 ordinary shares made during the year.
  10. The directors recommended a 20 kobo final dividend per ordinary share for the year and a transfer of N38,900,000 to the general reserve.

Required: Prepare for Adama PLC the following financial statements:

  1. Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended June 30, 2022. (10 Marks)
  2. Statement of changes in equity for the same period. (4 Marks)
  3. Statement of financial position as of June 30, 2022. (10 Marks)

b. Some new trainee accountants in your organization discussed Earnings Per Share (EPS) and Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) as the best ratios for analyzing an entity’s financial performance. The finance director has requested a memo explaining these ratios and highlighting their limitations.

Prepare a memo to the finance director explaining the EPS and ROCE ratios and their limitations. (6 Marks)

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FM – Nov 2024 – L2 – Q1a – Sources of Finance

Compare equity and debt financing for business expansion using rights issue and loan notes.

GoodLife Innovations is planning to expand its operations, which will boost its profit before interest and tax by 20%. The company is evaluating whether to fund the GH¢4,000,000 needed for this expansion through equity or debt financing.

If equity financing is chosen, the company will offer a 1-for-5 rights issue to existing shareholders at a 20% discount to the current ex-dividend share price of GH¢5 per share. The par value of the ordinary shares is GH¢1 per share. Alternatively, if debt financing is selected, GoodLife Innovations will issue 20,000 8% loan notes, each with a par value of GH¢200.

The following information was extracted from the financial statement prior to raising new finance:

GH¢’000 Amount
Profit before interest and tax 3,194
Finance costs (interest) (630)
Taxation (564)
Profit after tax 2,000
Equity & Liability:
Ordinary shares 5,000
Retained earnings 10,976
Long-term liabilities: 7% loan notes 9,000
Total equity & liabilities 24,976

GoodLife Innovations currently has a price/earnings ratio of 12.5 times. Corporate tax is payable at a rate of 22%.

i) Calculate the theoretical ex-rights price per share. 
ii) Calculate the revised earnings per share after the business expansion:

  • assuming equity finance is adopted.
  • assuming debt finance is adopted. 
    iii) Determine the revised share prices under both financing methods after the business expansion. 
    iv) Determine which financing method should be used for the planned business expansion using computations for interest cover and share price changes.

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FM – May 2024 – L3 – SB – Q3 – Financial Planning and Forecasting

Evaluate financing options for Tope's Cellular Stores, including impact on profit, EPS, gearing, and shareholder perspective.

Tope operates a chain of cellular telephone stores in the country. An abbreviated profit or loss account and statement of financial position of the business for the year that has just ended is as follows:

Abbreviated Profit or Loss Account for the Year Ended 31 May 2023

Item Amount (₦’000)
Sales 6,450
Operating profit for the year 800
Interest payable (160)
Net profit before taxation 640
Tax (20%) (128)
Net profit after taxation 512
Dividends proposed (256)
Retained profit for the year 256

Abbreviated Statement of Financial Position as at 31 May 2023

Item Amount (₦’000)
Non-current assets at written down values 3,500
Current assets 1,800
Less: Current liabilities (1,100)
Net Current Assets 700
Total Assets 4,200
Less: Long-term liabilities (2,000)
Net Assets 2,200
Capital and Reserves
₦0.50 ordinary shares 600
Retained profit 1,600
Total Capital and Reserves 2,200

The company is expecting a surge in sales following advances in cellular telephone technology that should translate into additional operating profits of ₦180,000 per year for the foreseeable future. However, the company will need to invest ₦1,200,000 immediately in expanding the asset base of the business if it is to achieve these additional profits.

The business has approached a large supplier that already has an equity investment in the business to see whether it would be prepared to provide further funds for the business. The supplier has indicated it would be willing to provide the necessary funds by either:

(i) An issue of ₦0.50 ordinary shares at a premium of ₦1.50 per share; or
(ii) An issue of ₦1,200,000 10% debt at par.

The Board of Directors of Tope has already announced that it will maintain the same dividend payout ratio in future years as in the past, and that this policy will be unaffected by the form of finance raised.


a. For each of the financing options: i. Prepare a forecast profit or loss account for the forthcoming year. (5 Marks)
ii. Calculate the forecast earnings per share for the forthcoming year. (2 Marks)
iii. Calculate the projected level of gearing (D/(D+E)) at the end of the forthcoming year. (2 Marks)

b. Calculate the level of operating profit at which the earnings per share will be the same under each financing option. (3 Marks)

c. Evaluate each of the financing options from the viewpoint of an existing shareholder. (2 Marks)

d. Discuss the factors that will influence a company to finance through debt or equity, and whether to opt for long-term or short-term debt. (6 Marks)

(Total: 20 Marks)

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FM – Nov 2018 – L3 – Q4 – Strategic Performance Measurement

Evaluate Yemi John Plc’s financial performance and analyze financing options for expansion in line with shareholder wealth and earnings growth.

Yemi John Plc. (YJ) is planning to raise N30 million in new finance for a major expansion of its existing business and is considering a rights issue, a placing, or an issue of bonds. The corporate objectives of YJ, as stated in its annual report, are to maximize the wealth of its shareholders and to achieve continuous growth in earnings per share. Recent financial information on YJ is as follows:

Year 2017 2016 2015 2014
Turnover (Nm) 28.0 24.0 19.1 16.8
Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) (Nm) 9.8 8.5 7.5 6.8
Profit after tax (PAT) (Nm) 5.5 4.7 4.1 3.6
Dividends (Nm) 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.6
Ordinary shares (Nm) 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Reserves (Nm) 13.7 10.4 7.6 5.1
8% Bonds, redeemable 2024 (Nm) 20 20 20 20
Share price (N) 8.64 5.74 3.35 2.67

The par value of the shares of YJ is N1.00 per share. The general level of inflation has averaged 4% per year in the period under consideration. The bonds of YJ are currently trading at their par value of N100. The values for the business sector of YJ are as follows:

  • Average return on capital employed: 25%
  • Average return on shareholders’ fund: 20%
  • Average interest coverage: 20 times
  • Average debt/equity ratio (market value basis): 50%
  • Return predicted by the capital asset pricing model: 14%

EBIT/closing total capital employed


a. Evaluate the financial performance of YJ, analyzing and discussing the extent to which the company has achieved its stated objectives of:
i. maximizing the wealth of its shareholders; and
ii. achieving continuous growth in earnings per share. (13 Marks)

Note: Up to 8 marks are available for financial analysis.

b. Analyze and discuss the relative merits of a rights issue, a placing, and an issue of bonds as ways of raising finance for the expansion. (7 Marks)

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CR – May 2018 – L3 – SB – Q2 – Associates and Joint Ventures (IAS 28

Calculate and interpret key financial ratios for Wole-Adura Group and evaluate liquidity.

Set out below are the draft accounts of Wole-Adura Plc and subsidiaries and of Maseru Associates. Wole-Adura acquired 40% of the equity capital of Maseru Associates three years ago when the latter’s retained earnings stood at N140m.

Abridged statement of financial position

Wole-Adura Plc & Subsidiaries Maseru Associates
Property, plant, and equipment 990 Nm
Investment in Maseru Associates at cost 290 Nm
Loan to Maseru Associates 70 Nm
Current assets 450 Nm
Loan from Wole-Adura Plc.
Total Assets 1800 Nm


| Ordinary shares of 50k each | 1,125 Nm | 350 Nm | | Retained earnings | 675 Nm | 350 Nm | | Total Equity | 1800 Nm | 700 Nm |

Abridged statements of profit or loss

Wole-Adura Plc & Subsidiaries Maseru Associates
Profit before tax 427.50 Nm
Tax expense (157.50 Nm)
Profit after tax 270.00 Nm

Additional information:

(i) Wole-Adura proposed a dividend of N225m.
(ii) Total market capitalisation is N5,625m.


(a) Calculate each of these ratios for Wole-Adura Plc. and subsidiaries:

  1. Earnings per share
  2. Dividend cover
  3. Earnings yield
  4. Dividend yield

(4 Marks)


  1. Using the equity method, compute the earnings of the group incorporating the associates. (4 Marks)
  2. Compute the ratios in (a) above for the group. (4 Marks)

(c) Comment on the ratios calculated in (a) and (b) above by pairwise comparison. (3 Marks)

(d) Extracts from the financial statements of Ikoku Plc. recently published are as follows:

Statement of profit or loss for the year ended December 31, 2017

2017 2016
Revenue 360 Nm
Cost of sales (150 Nm)
Gross profit 210 Nm
Operating expenses (50 Nm)
Operating profit 160 Nm
Interest expense (10 Nm)
Tax expense (60 Nm)
Profit for the year 90 Nm

Statement of financial position as at December 31, 2017

2017 2016
Non-current assets
Property, plant & equipment 80 Nm
Current assets
Inventory 200 Nm
Trade receivables 70 Nm
Bank (50 Nm)
Total assets 300 Nm

Equity & liabilities

| Ordinary shares of N1 each | 60 Nm | 40 Nm | | Current liabilities | | | Trade payables | 190 Nm | 60 Nm | | Current tax | 50 Nm | 15 Nm | | Total liabilities and equity | 300 Nm | 115 Nm |


Discuss the liquidity challenges of Ikoku Plc. during the year ended December 31, 2017, from the extracts of the published financial statements. (5 Marks)

(Total 20 Marks)

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FM – Nov 2023 – L1 – SA – Q1 – Mergers and Acquisitions

Evaluate Finkex Plc's acquisition strategy of Toba Plc, focusing on share-for-share impact, valuation methods, and shareholder implications.

Finkex Plc (FP) is a listed company that operates in the pharmaceutical sector, manufacturing a broad range of drugs under license in a number of countries along the ECOWAS sub-region. For a number of years, the company has grown organically.

Three years ago, the company acquired 20% of the issued share capital of Toba Plc (TP) for N110 million, as a route to both expansion and diversification. The acquisition was by private negotiation in exchange for an issue of its own shares.

Toba Plc is involved in a different area of the pharmaceutical sector from FP as it is primarily a research-driven company involved in the development of new drugs.

To expedite the realization of its diversification strategy, the directors of FP have now decided to acquire the remaining 80% of Toba’s share capital.

Extracts from the financial statements of Finkex Plc are given below:

Finkex Plc – Extracts from financial statements for the last two years

Year 2023 2022
N’m N’m
Non-current assets (including investment in Toba plc) 602.8 499.4
Current assets 265.0 180.4
Total Assets 867.8 679.8
Current liabilities 199.2 136.8
Total assets less current liabilities 668.6 543.0
Non-current liabilities 149.5 159.4
Net assets 519.1 383.6
Issued share capital (ordinary shares of ₦1 each) 100.0 73.6
Share premium 84.0 12.4
Profit or loss account 335.1 297.6
Total Equity 519.1 383.6
Sales revenue 1320.6 496.0
Earnings after tax 51.50 37.60
Dividend 14.0 14.0
Retained profits 37.5 23.6

All that is known about Toba Plc is that it has 114 million shares in issue; total share capital and reserves are N684 million; earnings after tax in the most recent year were ₦85.2 million on sales of N1,252.0 million, which were double those of the previous year; and that it has an investment valued at N80 million (book and market) in a type of enterprise which might not be of interest to Finkex Plc.

The current stock market prices per share are: Finkex Plc 300k; Toba plc 341k. Both companies pay tax at 50%.


a. At the above market prices, how many shares of Finkex Plc would have to be issued to buy the rest of Toba Plc on a share-for-share offer? (4 Marks)

b. With regard to earnings and also the book value of assets per share, how would the above share-for-share offer affect the position of:

i. Existing shareholders in Finkex Plc; (6 Marks)

ii. The 80% shareholders in Toba Plc whose shares were to be acquired? (4 Marks)

c. Assuming that the 80% shareholders in Toba Plc were prepared to accept ₦80 million 10% Loan Stock as part of the consideration:

i. What advantages might there be for Finkex Plc in this arrangement? (2 Marks)

ii. What total price could Finkex Plc afford to pay without diluting the earnings per share of its existing shareholders, as calculated in (b) (i) above? (6 Marks)

d. If the board of Toba Plc decided to advise its shareholders not to accept an offer from Finkex Plc, what arguments might they use – including any derived from the financial information available about Finkex Plc?

(8 Marks)

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CR – Nov 2023 – L3 – SB – Q2 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Analyze the profitability, cash flow, and investor ratios of Mama-Kitchen PLC and discuss dividend policy and EPS limitations.

Mama-Kitchen PLC owns a number of subsidiaries that operate standard fast-food eateries in all the six geopolitical zones of the country. You are the financial analyst of your Bank (Pam-Pam Bank Nigeria Limited) which owns 10% of the issued share capital of Mama-Kitchen PLC.

You are provided with the following financial and background information on Mama-Kitchen PLC.

Mama-Kitchen PLC

Consolidated statement of profit or loss for the year ended September 30

2023 2022
Revenue 188,900 145,850
Cost of sales (141,700) (110,400)
Gross profit 47,200 35,450
Admin expenses (31,200) (22,400)
Profit from operations 16,000 13,050
Finance cost (2,050) (2,100)
Profit before taxation 13,950 10,950
Income tax expense (3,050) (2,300)
Profit for the year 10,900 8,650
Earnings per share – basic 26.8k 21.3k
Earnings per share – diluted 21.2k 19.2k

Mama-Kitchen PLC

Consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended September 30

2023 2022
Cash flows from operating activities:
Profit before taxation 13,950 10,950
Finance cost 2,050 2,100
Depreciation and amortisation 15,300 11,050
Loss on disposal of PPE 150 50
(Increase)/decrease in inventories (200) 50
Increase/decrease in receivables (1,250) (100)
Increase in trade payables 2,250 650
Total 32,250 24,750
Interest paid (2,050) (2,200)
Tax paid (1,600) (1,300)
Net cash flows from operating activities 28,600 21,250
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchase of PPE (29,850) (28,950)
Proceed from sale of PPE 100 150
Net cash used in investing activities (29,750) (28,800)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from issues of shares 1,200 100
Borrowings 3,250 10,000
Net cash flow from financing activities 4,450 10,100
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 3,300 2,550
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 12,400 9,850
Cash and cash equivalents at year end 15,700 12,400

Details of revenue, fast food outlets profits, and new fast food outlets openings for the year ended September 30

2023 2022
Revenue per fast food outlets:
At September 30 1,770 1,715
Opened in the current financial year 1,290
Gross profit per outlet opened
At September 30 435 415
In the current financial year 345


  • 30 new outlets were opened during the year ended September 30, 2023, bringing the total to 115 fast food outlets.

Additional financial information

2023 2022
Gross profit margin 25% 24.3%
Debt equity ratio 35.2% 44.4%
Current ratio 0.56:1 0.48:1
Trade payables payment period 86 days 103 days
Return on capital employed 20% 19.1%
Cash return on capital employed 40.2% 36.3%
Earnings before Interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (N‟m) 31,300 24,100
Non-current assets turnover 1.68 times 1.49 times
Share price (at September 30) 302k 290k

Background information

i. Mama-Kitchen PLC has a reputation of depreciating its assets more slowly than others in the industry.

ii. The strategy of the group is to fund new fast food outlets capital expenditure from existing operating cash flows without needing to raise new borrowings.

iii. Revenue growth in the industry is estimated at 4.1% per annum.

iv. It is the company’s policy to increase promotional and advertising spending on new outlets to encourage strong initial sales.

v. The board has accused the management of concentrating on new outlet openings to the detriment of existing outlets.

vi. One of your colleagues, a financial analyst, stated that the company has not been able to pay dividends because of the debit balance on its consolidated retained earnings.


a. Draft a report addressed to the Managing Director of Pam-Pam Bank Limited analyzing the profitability, cash flows, and investor ratios of Mama-Kitchen PLC. You should also identify and justify matters that you consider will require further investigations.
(13 Marks)

b. Explain the validity or otherwise of your colleague financial analyst’s statement that Mama-Kitchen PLC was unable to pay dividends because of the debit balance on consolidated retained earnings.
(4 Marks)

c. Explain the usefulness and limitations of diluted earnings per share information to investors.
(3 Marks)

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FR – Nov 2023 – L2 – Q4a & b – Earnings Per Share (IAS 33)

Discuss diluted EPS and calculate EPS measures for Ebonyi Limited.

IAS 33 requires publicly-traded companies to calculate a diluted Earning Per Share (EPS) in addition to their basic EPS for the current year (with a comparative diluted EPS for the previous year), allowing for the effect of all dilutive potential ordinary shares.

Required: a. Explain the purpose of the dilutive measures and discuss THREE types of dilution. (8 Marks)

b. The statement of financial position (extracts) for Ebonyi Limited for the year ended December 31, 2022 is as follows:

Equity and Liabilities N’000
Ordinary shares (N1 each) 12,000
Retained earnings 36,000
Equity 48,000
Non-current liabilities:
5% convertible loan notes 4,000

Additional information: i. As at December 31, 2022, there has been no new issue of shares or loan notes for several years.
ii. The loan notes are convertible into ordinary shares in year 2023 or year 2024 at the following rates.
iii. At 30 shares for every N100 of loan notes if converted at December 31, 2023.
iv. At 25 shares for every N100 of loan notes if converted at December 31, 2024.
v. Company income tax rate is 30% on profit.

Required: Calculate the basic EPS and diluted EPS for year 2022. (8 Marks)

c. IAS 33 allows an entity to disclose an alternative measure of EPS in addition to the EPS calculated.

Required: Identify and explain TWO conditions that are required in accordance with IAS 33 to be complied with where an alternative measure of EPS is shown in the financial statements of an entity. (4 Marks)

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FR – May 2015 – L2 – SB – Q4 – Earnings Per Share

Calculate Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share for Kubua Plc, factoring in share options.

(a) The following information is extracted from the financial statements of Kubua Plc for the year ended 30 September 2014:

Item Amount (N’000)
Ordinary Share Capital (fully paid at 1.25 kobo each) 20,000
Operating Profit before Tax 4,000

Other relevant information:

  1. The company’s income tax rate is 30%.
  2. The average fair value of one ordinary share during the year was N5.00.
  3. During the year, the company issued share options for 2.5 million ordinary shares to existing shareholders at an exercise price of N4.00.

Calculate the basic and diluted Earnings Per Share for the year ended 30 September 2014. Show all workings. (5 Marks)

(b) Extract from the Statements of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income of Bajulaye Plc. for the years ended:

Date 30/09/2014 (N’000) 30/09/2013 (N’000)
Revenue 5,000 2,800
Profit Before Interest and Taxes (PBIT) 2,500 1,200

Extract from the Statements of Financial Position as at:

Date 30/9/2014 (N’000) 30/9/2013 (N’000)
Issued Share Capital (Ordinary Shares at 50k each) 3,000 3,000
12% Redeemable Preference Shares 1,500 1,500
Total Equity 4,500 4,500

Other relevant information:

  • On 1 January 2013, the entity issued convertible loan notes of N2,000,000 with an effective interest rate of 10% per annum.
  • The loan notes are convertible at nominal values of N100 each into the following number of ordinary shares:
    • 30 September 2018: 130 shares
    • 30 September 2019: 125 shares
    • 30 September 2020: 114 shares
    • 30 September 2021: 105 shares
  • Company income tax rate is 30%.


  1. Calculate the basic and diluted Earnings Per Share for the year ended 30 September 2014. (8 Marks)
  2. Write a short memo to the Board of Directors of Bajulaye Plc explaining FOUR advantages and THREE limitations of Earnings Per Share as a performance indicator to users of financial statements. (7 Marks)

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FR – Nov 2022 – L2 – Q6b – Potential Ordinary Shares

Rank the types of potential ordinary shares and calculate the diluted EPS for Jumai Nigeria Limited.

The following information relates to Jumai Nigeria Limited for the year ended December 31, 2020.
Issued ordinary shares of 50k each N3,000,000
Profit for the year N18,000,000
Average market price of shares during the year was N70 per share. The potential financial instruments in existence in the company are detailed below:
i. 800,000 options with exercise price of N52.50.
ii. 5% convertible bond of N6,000,000. Each bond is convertible in year 2025 into ordinary shares at the rate of 30 new shares for every N100 bonds.
iii. 200,000 8% convertible preference shares at N10 per share. Each preference share is convertible in year 2024 at the rate of one ordinary share for every 25 preference shares held. The Company income tax rate is 30%. Assume that all the options are exercised.
Rank the potential ordinary shares and calculate the diluted EPS for the year ended December 31, 2020. (7 Marks)

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FR – May 2024 – L2 – SA – Q1 – Statement of Cash Flows (IAS 7)

Preparation of financial statements for Adama PLC, including profit or loss, changes in equity, and memo on EPS and ROCE.

a. The following trial balance was extracted from the books of Adama Plc as at June 30, 2022:

Additional information:

  1. The value of the freehold land and buildings includes a land element of N266,800,000, and the estimated remaining life of the buildings at July 1, 2021, was 25 years. Depreciation on buildings is charged 65% to cost of sales and 35% to administrative expenses.
  2. The revenue includes N69,250,000 for an item of office equipment disposed of on November 30, 2021. The equipment had a carrying value of N46,060,000 at the date of sale. The equipment cost N75,000,000 when acquired three years ago.
  3. Included in the cost of sales is N82,600,000 incurred in the manufacture of new office equipment, which was put to use by Adama PLC on February 1, 2022.
  4. All office equipment is depreciated at 15% per annum using the reducing balance method, charged to cost of sales. Depreciation on all motor vehicles is at 20% per annum on a straight-line basis and charged to distribution costs. Depreciation is charged in full in the year of acquisition and no charge in the year of disposal.
  5. Following the conclusion of winding-up proceedings for one of Adama PLC’s customers, it was resolved to write off the sum of N26,450,000 due from the customer and to make an allowance for doubtful receivables of 2½% on the continuing trade receivables.
  6. The financial assets are equity instruments held at fair value through profit or loss, and they suffered an impairment loss of N12,700,000 at the year-end.
  7. The 3% redeemable loan notes were issued on October 1, 2021, under terms that provided for a large premium on redemption in 2025. These terms were interpreted by the finance director to mean an effective interest rate of 6½% per annum.
  8. The income tax expense for the year ended June 30, 2022, is estimated at N143,552,000, while the deferred tax payable for the same period is N12,520,000. There was an over-provision of N25,664,000 in respect of income tax for the previous trading year.
  9. The suspense account balance represents the corresponding credit entry for shares issued at a premium of 15 kobo per share, arising from the issue of 400,000 ordinary shares made during the year.
  10. The directors recommended a 20 kobo final dividend per ordinary share for the year and a transfer of N38,900,000 to the general reserve.

Required: Prepare for Adama PLC the following financial statements:

  1. Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended June 30, 2022. (10 Marks)
  2. Statement of changes in equity for the same period. (4 Marks)
  3. Statement of financial position as of June 30, 2022. (10 Marks)

b. Some new trainee accountants in your organization discussed Earnings Per Share (EPS) and Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) as the best ratios for analyzing an entity’s financial performance. The finance director has requested a memo explaining these ratios and highlighting their limitations.

Prepare a memo to the finance director explaining the EPS and ROCE ratios and their limitations. (6 Marks)

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