- 15 Marks
CR – Nov 2016 – L3 – SC – Q5 – Ethical Issues in Corporate Reporting
Explain the concepts of creative accounting and window dressing, provide examples, reasons, and suggest preventive measures.
Manipulation of reporting entities book’s and records have been termed in many quarters as “Creative Accounting” and “Window Dressing”. The Management of Wastage Plc requires clarification of these two concepts.
Write a report to the management of Wastage Plc that includes:
a. Definitions of Creative Accounting and Window Dressing. (2 Marks)
b. Five examples of each concept. (5 Marks)
c. Three possible reasons for Creative Accounting and Window Dressing. (3 Marks)
d. Advice to management on five possible preventive measures of Creative Accounting. (5 Marks)
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- Tags: Corporate Governance, Creative Accounting, Ethics, Financial Statements, Window Dressing
- Level: Level 3
- Topic: Ethical Issues in Corporate Reporting
- Series: NOV 2016
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