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AAA – Nov 2014 – L3 – SC – Q6 – Environmental and Sustainability Audits

Evaluates the risks and considerations of tendering for the audit of Lagos Leisure Ltd, including fee estimation and tender document components.

You are the senior audit manager for a medium-sized firm of accountants. Your firm has just lost two clients which have gone into receivership and has now been invited to tender for the audit of Lagos Leisure Ltd. The audit fees have been initially estimated at ₦200,000.

Lagos Leisure Ltd is a medium-sized manufacturing organisation which has existed for 35 years and has generally made consistent profits. However, in the last two years, profits have fallen by approximately 10% in each year, although the market sector in which Lagos Leisure Ltd operates is expanding. The company has also stated that they would like some consultancy support regarding business strategy in order to try and reverse the current profit downturn and have set aside ₦1m for this.

You have ascertained the following from a brief discussion with the Managing Director:

  1. There has been no investment in non-current assets in the last 10 years. The company was intending to start a program of investment two years ago but this was cancelled due to reduced profits, and maintenance and repair costs have increased significantly over the last year.
  2. Staff remuneration has been frozen, and there has been some discussion with unions as staff morale is very low and several staff have already left. So far, industrial action has been avoided.
  3. The Financial Director was dismissed three months ago and hasn’t been replaced; he is currently suing Lagos Leisure Ltd for unfair dismissal.
  4. The Managing Director is due to retire next year; a replacement has not yet been considered.
  5. There is an outstanding litigation as an employee is suing Lagos Leisure Ltd due to an accident in the workplace, and the authorities have written a detailed report about the case.

Your firm’s total fee income last year was ₦7m, including ₦500,000 from the lost clients.


(a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tendering for the audit of Lagos Leisure Ltd, highlighting any key risks to your firm. (7 Marks)

(b) Although the initial estimate of the audit fee was ₦200,000, further work needs to be done before a figure could be included in the tender document. List the factors which should be taken into account when calculating this fee. (4 Marks)

(c) Outline the matters which should be included in the tender document if the firm decides to tender. (4 Marks)

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AAA – May 2021 – L3 – Q1b – Communication with Those Charged with Governance

Evaluation of internal control weaknesses, implications for audit strategy, and governance reporting for Community Microfinance Bank.


During the audit year, on the review of the audit work done on Community Microfinance Bank (a new significant audit client), you noted the following issues:

  • At the audit strategy stage, it was agreed that the audit of loans and advances would involve reliance on the effectiveness of internal controls. However, during the test of controls, it was noted that five loans were not approved by the appropriate approving officers. Further review indicated that the loans were genuinely issued to customers but were only approved by officers whose approval limit had been exceeded.
  • During the period under review, the tax authority carried out a tax investigation and noted a significant variance between the company’s estimated tax liabilities and the tax authority’s position. From further discussion, it was noted that the previous tax computation was done by a junior staff who does not have the requisite experience and the computations were not duly reviewed by experienced senior officers of the company.
  • The company deployed a new loan disbursement software which is linked to the financial reporting software. From your review of the new software, the initiator of a transaction could approve the same transaction as long as he/she changes the designation to approving authorities after initiation. You have flagged this as a possible control risk.
  • During your review of the receivables account, a variation was noted between the amount in a customer’s receivables balance in the ledger and the client confirmation. However, the variance was considered not material and not adjusted for. During discussion with the Receivables Manager, it came to your attention that the client in focus is a family member of the Managing Director.

The team is considering the impact of the above observations on the audit.


(i) Draft a report to management evaluating the implications of the above observations on the control environment and the audit strategy/procedures. (15 Marks)
(ii) Comment on whether the issues are to be reported to those charged with governance of the entity. (10 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2013 – L3 – SB – Q2 – Audit Planning and Strategy

Outline reasons for audit planning and describe procedures for planning the audit of an existing client.

Planning an audit involves establishing the overall audit strategy for the engagement and development of an audit plan.

You are required to:

(a) Enumerate SEVEN reasons for audit planning. (7 Marks)

(b) Explain EIGHT audit procedures you would consider in planning the audit of an existing client. (8 Marks)

(Total: 15 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2013 – L3 – A – Q12 – Advanced Audit Planning and Strategy

This question assesses the primary purpose of understanding a client’s internal control system.

Which of the following is the primary purpose for obtaining an understanding of client’s internal control?
A. Provide a basis for making constructive suggestions in a management letter
B. Determine the nature, timing and extent of tests to be performed in the audit
C. Obtain sufficient and competent evidential matter to afford a reasonable basis for an opinion on the financial statements under examination
D. Provide information for communication of internal control related matters to management
E. Obtain sufficient evidence to afford a basis for an opinion on the financial statements

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AAA – Nov 2012 – L3 – AII – Q14 – Advanced Audit Planning and Strategy

Defines the schedule used to determine the timing and grade of staff required for an audit engagement.

A schedule prepared as part of the audit plan for determining the timing and grade of staff needed for an audit engagement is referred to as ……………..

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AAA – Nov 2012 – L3 – AII – Q13 – Use of Experts in Audits

Defines the use of external specialist teams or consultants to perform tasks that could otherwise be done internally.

The use of external specialist teams or consultants to perform functions which could otherwise be performed in-house is known as …………

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AAA – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q6 – Audit of IT Systems and Data Analytics

Outline application controls for computerised systems and develop an audit strategy following ISA 300 for large, computerised clients.

The firm you work for has considered the growing development in some sectors of the economy and the opportunities this development portends.

Your firm is a sole practitioner, and though the partner has the skills and professional competences necessary to undertake big jobs, applications for big jobs have always been turned down.

To get involved and secure some of these big jobs, your partner has dialogued with some other sole practitioners who share the same view. They have agreed to operate a merged firm starting in the year 2022. Appropriate registration of the new practice name with the Corporate Affairs Commission and application for a license in the new name from the Institute are being processed. To prepare for securing and executing some of these big jobs, preparations are set to commence once the registrations are approved. Some of the target jobs involve computerised entities, so your partner has assigned you some preparatory tasks, as he is the lead partner.


a. Prepare a document showing the application controls that will be focused on in the computerised systems of the entities. (7 Marks)

b. Develop an appropriate audit strategy in accordance with ISA 300, “Planning an audit of financial statements.” (8 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q1 – Overview of Advanced Audit and Assurance

Evaluate auditor's objectives under ISA 250, internal control deficiencies, and communication requirements for audit strategy.

Eat Well Bakeries is a private limited liability company. It bakes bread and other confectioneries, produced from the main bakery and a smaller bakery in another part of town. Products are sold from these two bakeries and five additional outlets in the same town. Distributors purchase products outright and bear the risk of sale.

The main administrative and management functions of the bakeries are conducted from the main bakery, while basic records are kept at the small bakery and sales outlets. These records are transmitted to the main office every morning. Detailed accounting records and performance analysis are handled in the main administrative office.

Despite being a private business, the chairman insists on maintaining proper standards to stay competitive. The chairman transferred the company’s audit to your firm after a discussion with your partner, and professional clearance was obtained. However, limited documentation from the predecessor auditor was available, and no extensive documentation was done at the beginning of the audit.

You have been assigned to continue the audit from where it was left off, ensuring the chairman’s expectations are met.


a. Evaluate the Auditor’s objective concerning ISA 250 that would be discussed with the chairman. (5 Marks)

b. Prepare an outline of matters that should be communicated. (5 Marks)

c. Your review shows internal control challenges. Based on this, prepare a brief on:

  • i. The meaning of deficiency as per ISA 265 (3 Marks)
  • ii. The components to be included in communication to the chairman regarding deficiencies (5 Marks)

d. Evaluate potential audit strategies, and recommend an appropriate model for application to Eat Well Bakeries. (12 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2023 – L3 – SC – Q7 – Audit Planning and Strategy

Outlines audit strategies, factors for strategy selection, and distinction between audit strategy and audit plan for Orlando Professional Services.

The overseas technical partners of Orlando Professional Services came for a review of operations and system of internal control of the firm. A number of audit engagement files regarding financial statements on which the firm had expressed audit opinion were selected for review. It was believed that the strategic review would be necessary to determine the appropriate audit approach for a detailed audit plan in the firm to bring efficiency and enhance good client service delivery. The review exercise also covered:

i. The firm’s basis of risk assessment on audit and assurance engagements;
ii. Determination of staff recruitment, training, reward, and evaluation;
iii. Previous audit opinions on financial statements and progress on ongoing jobs;
iv. System of archival and retrieval of documents;
v. Major risks and other factors such as industry issues;
vi. Procedures for engaging and monitoring experts both internal and external; and
vii. Reports from regulators.

The team interviewed partners, staff, and directors of major clients of the firm. It was believed that the outcome of the review exercise would help to reposition the firm and upscale strategies to get a fair share of the market in the upcoming mandatory rotation of auditors.

At the end of the exercise, it was reported that the audit strategy of the firm was not robust enough, too generic, and lacked focus to meet the firm’s need in the next decade. The team recommended that proactive steps should be taken to evolve a good strategy that would stand the test of time in the light of the increasing competition in the audit and assurance marketplace.

As a staff of the firm, you have been selected as a member of the committee to develop the new audit strategies for submission in the next two weeks for the consideration and approval of the executive council of Orlando Professional Services.


a. Outline the approaches to the main audit strategies your firm is expected to adopt.
(9 Marks)

b. Explain the factors that will be considered in the selection of audit strategies.
(4 Marks)

c. Explain the difference between Audit Strategy and Audit Plan.
(2 Marks)

Total: 15 Marks

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AAA – Nov 2022 – L3 – SB – Q3 – Audit Reporting

Examines joint auditors' roles, options for audit disputes, acquisition processes, and reporting requirements.

During the audit of Kofo Plc in 2018, it was observed that there was an omission of liability to the tune of N2 billion. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the error was as a result of unrecorded liability relating to unremitted statutory taxes to the government in prior years. A compensating error was noticed in unsubstantiated investment and receivables balances schedule provided by the management.

The explanation provided by management for this error was that having noted this disparity, the internal audit team was commissioned to reconcile the ledger balances to establish the actual payment to be made to the government. The result of that exercise led to an initial adjustment of N500 million. However, upon further review by the Internal Audit and Risk Management team, the total disparity noted was N5 billion as opposed to the N2 billion initially noted. The reason being that the report with which the Internal Audit Team carried out the reconciliation was understated. Some liability balances were excluded from the report as a result of the approach used to set up the Information System (I.T) System. Therefore, the general command entered into the system to spool the report did not capture the entire transactions. To gain comfort, the audit team:

(i) Reviewed the reconciliation memo to have an understanding of management’s thought process;
(ii) Requested the updated spool of ledger balances from the I.T system;
(iii) Asked the Information Technology team to perform a walkthrough test of the transaction spool;
(iv) Requested the breakdown of the excluded balances and traced them to the supporting documents to which they relate; and
(v) Checked to see that there were no unusual remittances from the bank statements.

You are a member of the audit team which reviewed Kofo Plc’s compliance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA 250) on Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulations (NOCLAR).


a. Outline the audit procedures to be performed to help identify instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations. (5 Marks)

b. State what the auditor should do when they become aware of an issue of non-compliance with laws and regulations. (5 Marks)

c. State the types of policies and procedures the entity may implement to assist in the prevention and detection of non-compliance with laws and regulations. (4 Marks)

d. Discuss what the auditor should do under the following situations:

  • i. Reporting non-compliance to those charged with governance (2 Marks)
  • ii. Reporting non-compliance in the audit report (2 Marks)
  • iii. Reporting non-compliance to the authorities (2 Marks)

(Total 20 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2014 – L3 – SC – Q6 – Environmental and Sustainability Audits

Evaluates the risks and considerations of tendering for the audit of Lagos Leisure Ltd, including fee estimation and tender document components.

You are the senior audit manager for a medium-sized firm of accountants. Your firm has just lost two clients which have gone into receivership and has now been invited to tender for the audit of Lagos Leisure Ltd. The audit fees have been initially estimated at ₦200,000.

Lagos Leisure Ltd is a medium-sized manufacturing organisation which has existed for 35 years and has generally made consistent profits. However, in the last two years, profits have fallen by approximately 10% in each year, although the market sector in which Lagos Leisure Ltd operates is expanding. The company has also stated that they would like some consultancy support regarding business strategy in order to try and reverse the current profit downturn and have set aside ₦1m for this.

You have ascertained the following from a brief discussion with the Managing Director:

  1. There has been no investment in non-current assets in the last 10 years. The company was intending to start a program of investment two years ago but this was cancelled due to reduced profits, and maintenance and repair costs have increased significantly over the last year.
  2. Staff remuneration has been frozen, and there has been some discussion with unions as staff morale is very low and several staff have already left. So far, industrial action has been avoided.
  3. The Financial Director was dismissed three months ago and hasn’t been replaced; he is currently suing Lagos Leisure Ltd for unfair dismissal.
  4. The Managing Director is due to retire next year; a replacement has not yet been considered.
  5. There is an outstanding litigation as an employee is suing Lagos Leisure Ltd due to an accident in the workplace, and the authorities have written a detailed report about the case.

Your firm’s total fee income last year was ₦7m, including ₦500,000 from the lost clients.


(a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tendering for the audit of Lagos Leisure Ltd, highlighting any key risks to your firm. (7 Marks)

(b) Although the initial estimate of the audit fee was ₦200,000, further work needs to be done before a figure could be included in the tender document. List the factors which should be taken into account when calculating this fee. (4 Marks)

(c) Outline the matters which should be included in the tender document if the firm decides to tender. (4 Marks)

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AAA – May 2021 – L3 – Q1b – Communication with Those Charged with Governance

Evaluation of internal control weaknesses, implications for audit strategy, and governance reporting for Community Microfinance Bank.


During the audit year, on the review of the audit work done on Community Microfinance Bank (a new significant audit client), you noted the following issues:

  • At the audit strategy stage, it was agreed that the audit of loans and advances would involve reliance on the effectiveness of internal controls. However, during the test of controls, it was noted that five loans were not approved by the appropriate approving officers. Further review indicated that the loans were genuinely issued to customers but were only approved by officers whose approval limit had been exceeded.
  • During the period under review, the tax authority carried out a tax investigation and noted a significant variance between the company’s estimated tax liabilities and the tax authority’s position. From further discussion, it was noted that the previous tax computation was done by a junior staff who does not have the requisite experience and the computations were not duly reviewed by experienced senior officers of the company.
  • The company deployed a new loan disbursement software which is linked to the financial reporting software. From your review of the new software, the initiator of a transaction could approve the same transaction as long as he/she changes the designation to approving authorities after initiation. You have flagged this as a possible control risk.
  • During your review of the receivables account, a variation was noted between the amount in a customer’s receivables balance in the ledger and the client confirmation. However, the variance was considered not material and not adjusted for. During discussion with the Receivables Manager, it came to your attention that the client in focus is a family member of the Managing Director.

The team is considering the impact of the above observations on the audit.


(i) Draft a report to management evaluating the implications of the above observations on the control environment and the audit strategy/procedures. (15 Marks)
(ii) Comment on whether the issues are to be reported to those charged with governance of the entity. (10 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2013 – L3 – SB – Q2 – Audit Planning and Strategy

Outline reasons for audit planning and describe procedures for planning the audit of an existing client.

Planning an audit involves establishing the overall audit strategy for the engagement and development of an audit plan.

You are required to:

(a) Enumerate SEVEN reasons for audit planning. (7 Marks)

(b) Explain EIGHT audit procedures you would consider in planning the audit of an existing client. (8 Marks)

(Total: 15 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2013 – L3 – A – Q12 – Advanced Audit Planning and Strategy

This question assesses the primary purpose of understanding a client’s internal control system.

Which of the following is the primary purpose for obtaining an understanding of client’s internal control?
A. Provide a basis for making constructive suggestions in a management letter
B. Determine the nature, timing and extent of tests to be performed in the audit
C. Obtain sufficient and competent evidential matter to afford a reasonable basis for an opinion on the financial statements under examination
D. Provide information for communication of internal control related matters to management
E. Obtain sufficient evidence to afford a basis for an opinion on the financial statements

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AAA – Nov 2012 – L3 – AII – Q14 – Advanced Audit Planning and Strategy

Defines the schedule used to determine the timing and grade of staff required for an audit engagement.

A schedule prepared as part of the audit plan for determining the timing and grade of staff needed for an audit engagement is referred to as ……………..

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AAA – Nov 2012 – L3 – AII – Q13 – Use of Experts in Audits

Defines the use of external specialist teams or consultants to perform tasks that could otherwise be done internally.

The use of external specialist teams or consultants to perform functions which could otherwise be performed in-house is known as …………

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AAA – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q6 – Audit of IT Systems and Data Analytics

Outline application controls for computerised systems and develop an audit strategy following ISA 300 for large, computerised clients.

The firm you work for has considered the growing development in some sectors of the economy and the opportunities this development portends.

Your firm is a sole practitioner, and though the partner has the skills and professional competences necessary to undertake big jobs, applications for big jobs have always been turned down.

To get involved and secure some of these big jobs, your partner has dialogued with some other sole practitioners who share the same view. They have agreed to operate a merged firm starting in the year 2022. Appropriate registration of the new practice name with the Corporate Affairs Commission and application for a license in the new name from the Institute are being processed. To prepare for securing and executing some of these big jobs, preparations are set to commence once the registrations are approved. Some of the target jobs involve computerised entities, so your partner has assigned you some preparatory tasks, as he is the lead partner.


a. Prepare a document showing the application controls that will be focused on in the computerised systems of the entities. (7 Marks)

b. Develop an appropriate audit strategy in accordance with ISA 300, “Planning an audit of financial statements.” (8 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q1 – Overview of Advanced Audit and Assurance

Evaluate auditor's objectives under ISA 250, internal control deficiencies, and communication requirements for audit strategy.

Eat Well Bakeries is a private limited liability company. It bakes bread and other confectioneries, produced from the main bakery and a smaller bakery in another part of town. Products are sold from these two bakeries and five additional outlets in the same town. Distributors purchase products outright and bear the risk of sale.

The main administrative and management functions of the bakeries are conducted from the main bakery, while basic records are kept at the small bakery and sales outlets. These records are transmitted to the main office every morning. Detailed accounting records and performance analysis are handled in the main administrative office.

Despite being a private business, the chairman insists on maintaining proper standards to stay competitive. The chairman transferred the company’s audit to your firm after a discussion with your partner, and professional clearance was obtained. However, limited documentation from the predecessor auditor was available, and no extensive documentation was done at the beginning of the audit.

You have been assigned to continue the audit from where it was left off, ensuring the chairman’s expectations are met.


a. Evaluate the Auditor’s objective concerning ISA 250 that would be discussed with the chairman. (5 Marks)

b. Prepare an outline of matters that should be communicated. (5 Marks)

c. Your review shows internal control challenges. Based on this, prepare a brief on:

  • i. The meaning of deficiency as per ISA 265 (3 Marks)
  • ii. The components to be included in communication to the chairman regarding deficiencies (5 Marks)

d. Evaluate potential audit strategies, and recommend an appropriate model for application to Eat Well Bakeries. (12 Marks)

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AAA – Nov 2023 – L3 – SC – Q7 – Audit Planning and Strategy

Outlines audit strategies, factors for strategy selection, and distinction between audit strategy and audit plan for Orlando Professional Services.

The overseas technical partners of Orlando Professional Services came for a review of operations and system of internal control of the firm. A number of audit engagement files regarding financial statements on which the firm had expressed audit opinion were selected for review. It was believed that the strategic review would be necessary to determine the appropriate audit approach for a detailed audit plan in the firm to bring efficiency and enhance good client service delivery. The review exercise also covered:

i. The firm’s basis of risk assessment on audit and assurance engagements;
ii. Determination of staff recruitment, training, reward, and evaluation;
iii. Previous audit opinions on financial statements and progress on ongoing jobs;
iv. System of archival and retrieval of documents;
v. Major risks and other factors such as industry issues;
vi. Procedures for engaging and monitoring experts both internal and external; and
vii. Reports from regulators.

The team interviewed partners, staff, and directors of major clients of the firm. It was believed that the outcome of the review exercise would help to reposition the firm and upscale strategies to get a fair share of the market in the upcoming mandatory rotation of auditors.

At the end of the exercise, it was reported that the audit strategy of the firm was not robust enough, too generic, and lacked focus to meet the firm’s need in the next decade. The team recommended that proactive steps should be taken to evolve a good strategy that would stand the test of time in the light of the increasing competition in the audit and assurance marketplace.

As a staff of the firm, you have been selected as a member of the committee to develop the new audit strategies for submission in the next two weeks for the consideration and approval of the executive council of Orlando Professional Services.


a. Outline the approaches to the main audit strategies your firm is expected to adopt.
(9 Marks)

b. Explain the factors that will be considered in the selection of audit strategies.
(4 Marks)

c. Explain the difference between Audit Strategy and Audit Plan.
(2 Marks)

Total: 15 Marks

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AAA – Nov 2022 – L3 – SB – Q3 – Audit Reporting

Examines joint auditors' roles, options for audit disputes, acquisition processes, and reporting requirements.

During the audit of Kofo Plc in 2018, it was observed that there was an omission of liability to the tune of N2 billion. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the error was as a result of unrecorded liability relating to unremitted statutory taxes to the government in prior years. A compensating error was noticed in unsubstantiated investment and receivables balances schedule provided by the management.

The explanation provided by management for this error was that having noted this disparity, the internal audit team was commissioned to reconcile the ledger balances to establish the actual payment to be made to the government. The result of that exercise led to an initial adjustment of N500 million. However, upon further review by the Internal Audit and Risk Management team, the total disparity noted was N5 billion as opposed to the N2 billion initially noted. The reason being that the report with which the Internal Audit Team carried out the reconciliation was understated. Some liability balances were excluded from the report as a result of the approach used to set up the Information System (I.T) System. Therefore, the general command entered into the system to spool the report did not capture the entire transactions. To gain comfort, the audit team:

(i) Reviewed the reconciliation memo to have an understanding of management’s thought process;
(ii) Requested the updated spool of ledger balances from the I.T system;
(iii) Asked the Information Technology team to perform a walkthrough test of the transaction spool;
(iv) Requested the breakdown of the excluded balances and traced them to the supporting documents to which they relate; and
(v) Checked to see that there were no unusual remittances from the bank statements.

You are a member of the audit team which reviewed Kofo Plc’s compliance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA 250) on Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulations (NOCLAR).


a. Outline the audit procedures to be performed to help identify instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations. (5 Marks)

b. State what the auditor should do when they become aware of an issue of non-compliance with laws and regulations. (5 Marks)

c. State the types of policies and procedures the entity may implement to assist in the prevention and detection of non-compliance with laws and regulations. (4 Marks)

d. Discuss what the auditor should do under the following situations:

  • i. Reporting non-compliance to those charged with governance (2 Marks)
  • ii. Reporting non-compliance in the audit report (2 Marks)
  • iii. Reporting non-compliance to the authorities (2 Marks)

(Total 20 Marks)

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