- 30 Marks
AA – May 2016 – L2 – Q1 – The Role and Responsibilities of Auditors
Examines responsibilities in fraud prevention, asset ownership verification, depreciation rates, asset register contents, and revaluation effects.
You are an employee of Ben, Tai & Co., a firm of Chartered Accountants. One of the firm’s clients is Keke Limited, a car rental company whose shares are not traded on a stock exchange. The company has a large fleet of vehicles which it hires out on a contract basis.
The duration of a contract varies from one day to three months. Anybody wishing to hire a car must possess a valid driver’s license. In addition, they must take out insurance with Keke Limited.
You are involved in the audit of non-current assets for the year ended December 31, 2015.
The company’s main non-current assets are:
- Freehold land and buildings
- Office equipment (mainly computers)
- Motor vehicles
The company was formed ten years ago, and all non-current assets (except for land and buildings) are maintained in a non-current assets register. The company depreciates non-current assets at the following rates:
- Freehold land and buildings: 2% on cost
- Office equipment: 20% on cost
- Motor vehicles: 50% on cost
The company has recently revalued its buildings upwards by N200 million. The directors believe that they have fallen victim to a fraudster who has disappeared with a number of the company’s vehicles.
a. What is the difference between the responsibilities of management and the auditor for the prevention and the detection of fraud? Explain how these responsibilities are carried out. (6 marks)
b. Describe how you would verify the ownership of:
i. Freehold land and buildings
ii. Computers
iii. Motor vehicles
(6 marks)
c. Comment on the appropriateness of the depreciation rates of the non-current assets and their respective effect on the income statement. (6 marks)
d. List the contents of a non-current asset register and describe its usefulness for Keke Limited. (6 marks)
e. Explain the accounting effect of the revaluation of the buildings to the financial statements and the audit work you would perform in this matter. (6 marks)
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