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TAX – May 2023 – L2 – SA – Q3 – Tax Dispute Resolution

Explain conditions for final assessment and discuss objection and appeal procedures for tax assessments.

Taxation has been defined as the imposition of compulsory levies on individuals and entities by governments in most countries in the world. The primary objective of taxation is essentially to generate revenue or raise money for government expenditure on social welfare.

You were appointed as the accountant of Specks Nigeria Limited on August 31, 2022. Based on self-assessment, the company filed the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2021, together with its tax computations on June 7, 2022, and the relevant tax liabilities were fully paid on the same date.

On August 31, 2022, the Federal Inland Revenue Service raised an assessment that was not in line with the tax returns. At the meeting of the directors held in September 2022, this issue was discussed, and you were mandated to quickly address it so that the assessment would not become final and conclusive.

a. When will an assessment become final and conclusive? (5 Marks)
b. Discuss the following in relation to objection and appeal procedures:
(i) Time limit for objection and appeal (4 Marks)
(ii) Contents of a notice of objection (4 Marks)
(iii) Amendment of assessment and notice of refusal to amend (NORA) (7 Marks)

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TAX – May 2023 – L2 – SA – Q3 – Tax Dispute Resolution

Explain conditions for final assessment and discuss objection and appeal procedures for tax assessments.

Taxation has been defined as the imposition of compulsory levies on individuals and entities by governments in most countries in the world. The primary objective of taxation is essentially to generate revenue or raise money for government expenditure on social welfare.

You were appointed as the accountant of Specks Nigeria Limited on August 31, 2022. Based on self-assessment, the company filed the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2021, together with its tax computations on June 7, 2022, and the relevant tax liabilities were fully paid on the same date.

On August 31, 2022, the Federal Inland Revenue Service raised an assessment that was not in line with the tax returns. At the meeting of the directors held in September 2022, this issue was discussed, and you were mandated to quickly address it so that the assessment would not become final and conclusive.

a. When will an assessment become final and conclusive? (5 Marks)
b. Discuss the following in relation to objection and appeal procedures:
(i) Time limit for objection and appeal (4 Marks)
(ii) Contents of a notice of objection (4 Marks)
(iii) Amendment of assessment and notice of refusal to amend (NORA) (7 Marks)

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